Show SA SAYS YS FARMER FOOTS FOOlS BILL FOR ADAMSON HOUR HOUR 8 LAW James J ames Wilson Former Secretary of Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agri Agri- culture Declares M Measure Be Benefits a Few at Expense of Many CALLS IT HOLD HOLD UP UP ON NATION TEW EW YORK Sept 27 That j.-That That N the farmer toots foots the bill for Increased ed cost costor costor L or of railway operation due to tho the Adamson bill bUl forced through Congress by hy President Wilson at nt the demand of ot tho the railway brotherhoods is the contention contention con con- M of ot I. I James hin h- h Wilson 1 former 1 secretary of or agriculture Mr Wilson says gays KIL fl 10 u I III t aIu 0 a IU l n CJ C re regarding regarding regarding re- re garding garding- increased pa pay pa for railway men Four of the tho railway bi went t r to the chief executive e and demanded ten hours hours' pa pay for cl eight ht hours' hours work worl i 7 fixing a day dar in the immediate Immediato future i L t when thc they would strike and tie tic up the business of oC tho country countr if the Demands were ere not complied with nith This is the kernel of the proposition being discussed discussed discussed dis dis- cussed throughout the length and breadth of ot the land Jand We hear from some sources that the movement mo w was s to fi fix eight ht hours for Cor a days day's work Vork on tho the railways but Hut others worthy worth of or credence w assure assur us that the proposal was Vas mere mere- j J Jy one to get more pa pay for or fewer r rhou hou hours rs A The farmer pays his help generously l ly 13 and if it Is ascertained after aCtor careful care care- reful re- re ful fril and full inquiry that labor on railways railways rail rall- ways is underpaid he would consent to h I pa pay his share of In increase or if it the m measures agitating the country countr for or the W 4 purpose of equalizing equalizing- salaries and ad adding ad- ad ding ding- something for those receiving receiving- now too little to support themselves and families as Americans should live the farmers armel'S would be bo content This is not what seems to be In the mind of the movers of oC this disturbing question ques ques- tion It is the thc higher classes The best paid railway men who are threatening threatening- are not the clerks signal men track track- J men telegraphers and others who arc are fl paid vcr very wages but the op operators operators op- op craters whose pay runs up to to and andover andover over Oo a month Eight hours a da day may be bo long Jons enough for tor those in lines engaged some acme of ot e exacting work worl Should this num- num J James r anteS Wilson I i I 1 On bor ber of hours houra be In all oc- oc the tho farm Carm included the tho prices arices of food tood would rise still higher than thos those current current at t the present resent time W Where cre will the money mone come corne from irom to pay these increases The railways get et money noney from tram the shippers The large Jarge majority of or ship shippers rs are arc farmers s. s The Tho board oard having authority to raise ralso or JO lower JOer er rates gave authority not long ago agoo agoto agoto to o make in increases stating to the country countr that certain roads di did not have suf- suf incomes to pa pay nece necessary expenses It If this proposed Increase Increase- for tor a a. few e employees decreed d by Congress under n pressure of t the e President is sD sustained Wn by t thea Q courts v v Tho city of or Neu w- w York is dealing dealing- now tee tho oCt a l C Uh tout roUt consideration n. n something new for Ca Congress something new nM or or r a a. I dent to ask ISk of Congress Where will this end nd Four lour men represented a. a class elMS r J limited class a well paid pId class a a. much better paid pahl cl class s than many others other in the tho carrying carrying- business Congress did not consider and it has set a dangerous dangerous dangerous dan dan- precedent without knowl knowledge dge of all the tho fa facts ts or an any of the facts FHt Fifty millions of or dollars added to freights and taros faros for tor a fen few railway railway- employees employees em em- and those already tho the best paid without a word about facts acts the farmers to pay the bills Who Vho comes next to try this new nc up hold-up game on Congress Four men did It this tilis time What a wraith now stalks stall s In the land antl Roosevelt settled d da a coal strike by appointment of ot a. a committee to get the facts and find where justice would rest Th Then n arbitrated a committee from sen several ral walks of or life liCe but of ot minded broad-minded men whose decision satisfied thc the co country and and the in interests interests in- in affected That Is old fashioned I Tho new method Is to threaten the President with anarchy hold a watch I on Congress Con scout such things as facts and arbitration hoist frel freights lits and fares and snap your fingers at the tho people Who ho comes next and for tor how much 1 MORE PAY FOR PAID VETI FEW The hour eight day for all aJl the railway men is not what W was demanded demand demand- ed cd it was more pay for Cor the well paid few The railway divisions are already I established and can anI only be changed at great expense The trainmen have hae in I man many instances purchased homes at division points and a chan change e would entail I great g expense to thorn them The law enacted will increase the tho of ot I members of oC the brotherhoods about 25 5 per cent About 20 per cent of ot all the railway employees will come within the scope of this law w. It rt is a demand nd on I Ithe the party part b by the brotherhood chiefs for the o of tI fixing ing their own pay pay at the expense of or all an the lower Jower salaried employees the tho and tho the producers producers pro pro- of ot the country The liThe farmers are arc organized unable to restrict their labor to el eight ht hours a da day obliged to sell the product of at their labor Jabor at t prices arl affixed ed by the ordinary ordinary or or- dinar influences of ot supply and ancI demand It is entirely antagonistic to their interests to have ha a small group roup of ot men employed chy h tho railways allowed to the tho of at the country at the tho cost of at tho the fix their pay for carrying produce producers producers producers pro pro- and consumers The farmers as a a. cla class s have maintained that the owners owners own own- ers of or tho the railways must not bo be allowed to make mako a a. monopoly of or carrying but must permit their charges to be supervised by public authority They will no more submit to arbitrary action at tho the hands bands of or tho the employees employees em em- than at the hands of or tho managers This controversy is not new It has lias been bem b In tho the public mind for Cor half halt a century century- Congress after long deliberation has established the Int interstate commerce commission to Judge between tho people and the carriers This has brought ht peace on this subject until this outbreak k by a 1 few tew well-paid well employees employees employees em em- and the retreat of or the tho e executive and Congress from tram their posts of or guardians a ot or the public weal went Tho The farmers tanners will be put under the harrow later ater a few million dollars m may y bo be scraped from clerks station men and the tho like but only a beginning has been made It will not nt stop mop there the appetite of or tho taxing power gro grows grown J on what it feeds u-p u upon n. n It brought ht about the French revolution It Invited Cromwell in England It embattled the farmers In Now New England who tired sired shots heard round the world and resulted in our great republic Will Ill it destroy the republic It Has lias compelled Congress and arid the tho President President dent to enact a subterfuge Nothing so 50 menacing has occurred in tn this thia generation We Wo have had headstrong Presidents and an 1 foolish congressmen cong but never before have they bowed down before so little or started anything with such uch largo large possibilities for reaching far-reaching mischief |