Show WANT AD RATES RA rES rESTen Ten cent per er Mno Une for tor first In In In- 5 li cents per cr lino line for tor cacti eaon subsequent insertion all nil classifications classi classi- catlon Count six elx words word to the line MONTHLY RATE 16 per line lino per pcr monte monto Telephoned ads ada will roc lve prompt attention CALL MAUl MAIN Ask Ank for tor Want Ad Department CEMETERIES WASATCH LAWN CEMETERY Perpetual Por- Por care 1016 Kearns Kearn W. W 1866 CUT FLO FLOWERS RS BEAUTIFUL JL China Chinn Asters oil all shades per delivered Hyland J. 1460 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Xo No 2 E. E G. G ODONNELL O'DONNELL Undertaker and arid Embalmer has moved to new nev location 25 S. S West Temple Realty Phone S. S D. D EVANS Undertaker Embalmer mortuary chapel 13 S. S State automo automo- bile bUo service If It desired without add addi- expense Wasatch T Pol No Xo 3 1 to ERNEST LAM LAMBOURNE BOUR E. E Salt Lakes Lake's leading floristS florist new now store Funeral do- do signs our specialty Decorations 73 S. S Main Wasatch 1516 Report made to the bank commissioner of or tho State of or Utah of ot the tho condition of or McCORNICK COMPANY Located at S Salt Lake Lae City Utah in the tho count county of ot Salt Sail Lake State to of ot Utah h at the close of r business on the 1st day of or September 1916 RESOURCES IU Loans rind and discounts IS Overdrafts unsecured Ranking flanking house Furniture and fixtures Real estate J Bonds railroad and industrial stocks and other bonds bonda Duo from front national banks Due from Crom state banks and bankers Exchanges es for clearing house 2 Creeks and arid cash Items I Gold Geld coin Sliver Silver coin cola Currency Total cash r resources I LIABILITIES v Capitol stock paid In 6 Surplus fund Undivided profits Interest exchange etc unpaid Due to national banks Duo to state banks and bankers Individual deposits Demand certificates of or deposit 1867 Certified checks Ca Cashiers Cashier's checks Savings 8 deposits Time certificates o of deposit k Total deposits Amount set aside for taxes etc State et cf Utah County of ot Salt Lake Lako 8 S. A A. A Whitney being first dul duly sworn vorn according to law deposes and says sas sa's that ho IH Is cashier of ot tho the above named b bank bk k that the above 13 and ond foregoing re report rp- rp port contains a full tull true and ond correct statement of ot tho the condition of ot the said bank at the tho close of ot business on the day cf of t September b r 1916 S. S A. A WHITNEY Correct attest C. C W. W WHITLEY 1 F. F o J. J IL GI T 1 T. T R 11 CUTLER Directors Subscribed and sworn to 10 before me this da day of ot September 1916 Seal Scat GLEED MILLER ULLER Not Public Pu I Notary lr My expires 1st day of or July 1920 State o of Utah Office of ot tho the Bank Corn Commissioner mIssioner I I. I C. C A A. A Glazier bank commissioner of or tho the State tate of ot Utah do hereby certify that the f foregoing Is II a full true truo and correct COP copy of or the tho statement of the tho above named company compan filed flied In my ray office this da day of or S September Pt 1916 C. C A. A GLAZIER Dank Bank Commissioner ATTENTION Classified Advertisers The Tho National Cash com company ny will pay you for Cor advertising In this de do- The Tho cashier cl will give you credit In the tho company's Sale lIe Record Record Rec flee ord Bock Dock when you pay for tor your advertisement and ond when your our credIts credits credits cred cred- its amount to fifty fitly dollars on money on advertising and for or merchandise mer mer- chandise with any of or the merchants In the tho system a dividend of or On One Dollar DoBar will be mailed malice to you If It you OU d deposit this money mOMY In a Savings Account with Ith one ono of or the banking Institutions In the system tho National National Na Na- Ca Cash h company will pay you One Dollar every time you ou save Ten Dollars thus earned Ask Aik for a National Cash company Sale Salo 10 Record Book It is FREE Books may be bo had by applying at tho cashiers cashier's desk of or Tho The Herald- Herald Republican or at any store storo listed In the book or at tho company's office GOt Ol Utah Savings Trust b building u I I ci I n g. g Use your National Cash sh Company Book Dook when paying for Herald Ro publican Want A Ads Ad J PUT PDT LOST AND FOUND rOUND No L i 4 STOLl Sunday morning Ford ord touring to car car 1916 model Utah license No tn engine engine- number Car has largo large dent on rear of ot body ov over O r tho loft len fonder fender Reward will bo be paid for tor Information leading leadin t to Its recovery b by the T Taylor Anderson lor Co Phone Was 54 5 LOST LOST Diamond Diamond ring ring- one OTIe largo large two small diamonds set let In black ck on onyx x set set- et- et ting Return to 1152 E. E Second Se-cond South Liberal reward Hyland W. 2337 LOST LOST Gold Gold watch with mission bell fob tob Return to G G. C. C Riser Z C. C M. M I. I L shoe factory AUCTION SALES N No C. C BARGAINS In new now out 01 of high rent district Is why we sell cheap second hand brass beds office furni ture rugs rug dining tables almost new half halt price terms Michigan Furn Fur Co State st et below bolow Fourth South WE buy and sell Bell household GoodO goods Good O. O K Furniture Co S. S 5 State Was Waa 1996 C. C E. E OSTERLOH auctioneer SelLs Sell anything Wasatch 2824 W. 2824 W. W PERSONALS n No G. G P PERSONAL Wanted J Wanted t J quick Name Namo and address of or reliable single man who would marry we wealthy lady who could assist him financially Enough said sald If It Interested write quick for Cor more particulars Address Allen Ward Yard B Valley Nc Net Neb CUT this out for Tor luckS luck send Bend birth date and lOc for wonderful horoscope of or your entire life liCe Prof Raphael Lexington avenue New Nesi- York WIDOW worth lonely would marry Write rite at once S. S A A. box 4 1 San Diego Ca Cal FAT How lIow How to reduce It I Full par par- particulars particulars mailed malle free Hall Chemical Co Dept A 20 O St. St Louis Lotus Mo do Io BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSA ASSAYERS BIRD COWAN C V O AN C CO S. S W. W Temple Salt Lako Lake City ATTORNEYS tS S Si BOOTH LEE BADGER R RIel RICH Boston bId Was 1268 1258 STEWART DOW BOWMAN AN MORRIS CALLISTER McIntyre MARIONEAUX STOTT BECK BECIC 6 Kearns Was Tn 8 6 14 BABY CARRIAGES iw iX N 4 h X N i S N S N. N t S RETIRED while you walt wait J. J W W. Guthrie Bicycle Co E. E South St St. CAPE CAFE AND LUNCH ROOM J AllA IA CAlE 61 s. s West Vest TemPle Best Bost in iii the tho city Chicken dinner 25 20 Try rry us CARPET AND RUG CLEANING bUTT jR sanitary electric beat all ruru colors restored 1 U quick service Hyland 2300 PAPER cleaning 1 I per pcr room and up oil nIl work wo-k guaranteed National House Cleaning lo Co 4 6 CHIROPRACTIC SALT AIT College of ot Chiropractic raC tic located at Gl il North State tate Phone u Wasatch CHILDRENS CHILDREN'S HOME i I to o board home best care cart by month II Hy fly J. J 70 Vil Wilson on nyc CHILDREN TO CARE FOR IC motherly woman wishes to take caro care of two children Call Was CHIROPODIST DR I. I L. L IH Diplomas plo Diplo- mas from New Now York and ani Paria 7 6 S 6 McIntyre bIdE Was Val 2309 2809 DR I. I L. L ZAMBIA foot toot specialist treats all ailments of or the feet feeL 47 H K B. First South Wasatch BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIMNEY SWEEPING sweeping furnaces and wn water tel jackets cleaned ned stoves to and furI fur fur- traces repaired rep d by expert Call J. J H. H I I Curtis Wasatch 1595 HI I CHIROPRACTIC PARLORS I r L. L E. E I. I A A. A E. E WA WATH WAL- WAL TH TIlER R. R 16 Felt Wasatch ices 1566 6 6 CLEANING AND DYEING THE THI- M 1 n CLEANING NINO DYEING CO expert clean cleaners ts and dyers wholesale whole whole- sale and retail mall mail orders ardors solicited clothes Insured work guaranteed 11 G E. E Broadway WilY SALT SATT LAKE LJ CLEANING DYEING CO Beat work prompt delivery deU I I S. S State Wasatch 36 Hyland 13 1939 I DANCING LEARN now new dances two two-two twinkle twInkle twinkle twin twIn- kle trot trot now fox tox trot Woodward Woodwards s Academy 34 Main street I DOCTORS S. S X V u STATE MEDICAL L CO specialists Blood akin and chronic diseases If It you oI n etl a doctor get the best 23 Main street DR W. W N. N N N. GRIFFITH blood poison skin troubles trouble 6 and private Main Maln street DRESSMAKERS ItS AA tj DRESS DRESSMAKING and alterations guaranteed teed One Ono p price Dress raIl suit 2051 OH 05 E. E Second South Was Var FIRST CLASS dressmaking and plain sewing Terms reasonable Hy ny M. 2391 DUCK SHOOTING FEW season privileges on one ono of ot best grounds In state terms vcr very reasonable reason reason- able Telephone Wasatch 2968 68 or Hyland Hyland Hy- Hy hiland land Mr Anderson GOOD duck shooting season opens October 1 L close in Call Murray urray 3 R I for tor full ull I I ENGLISH LESSONS ENGLISH lessons In the evening either cither In classes classo or private Mrs Mar Mary M. M f. f Ryan Ran Hyland M. L EXPERT DENTISTRY s ss r DR J. J B B. KEYSOR 40 Main s street et Phone Was Good set pot of ot teeth 18 FINANCIAL X N NN v DA BANKS bought and sold confidential ly lYe Jacob Backer Dacker Investment broker St. St Paul Mien Minn FLUFF FLUIT RUGS FLUFF rU rugs 8 and rag carpets made to order 14 W. W S Second ond North Phone Wasatch 2342 NR FIREPROOF STORAGE KIMBALL BROS MOVING O STORAGE STOR STOR- AGE CO Moving lo packing storage and shipping at reduced rates 73 13 S S. Main street Wasatch 2158 FIREPROOF storage age also expert packing and shipping M. M A. A Keyser Fireproof Storage Co 38 W W. d South Phone Wasatch 2823 FIREPROOF storage moving packing pack ing InE shipping Redman Wasatch and FOUNDRY AND STOVE REPAIRS CALL Western Foundry for all kinds made malle repaired cleaned and eold sold 68 B. B Sixth East FURNITURE REPAIRING W. W W. W WILLIAMS SON N street Wasatch tc 1 2850 2856 chairs nc now new work a Do specialty FURRIERS GENEVA GENEYA C. C HICKS CO fur g-arment g garments made repaired cleaned and sold G 61 65 E. E Sixth South HOTELS LINCOLN HOUSE 68 E. E First South rooms single lo rooms I and SOc Special rates b by week or ur month Mo Modern orn bath Was C CHESTER H E EST S T E n It HOUSE Thoroughly HOUSE Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished rooms with or without bath Special rates by y week or month l i S. S State WHERE HERE TO STOP TOP If It you want the best bost stop at nt the Clarence Clar Clar- ence New Ne management right prices 5 54 l- l E First South HOTEL BACHELOR W. W South New Newly furnished rooms hot and coldwater cold cole coldwater water all outside rooms 3 per wk up TUXEDO HOT HOTEL 44 L 4 14 t S S. S. S State Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward Raymond HAymond prop Modern hot and cold wat water Rooms 1 up with bath 2 3 CL CLARENCE CLRrNCE HOTEL now new management manage manage- ment meet close In nice clean large airy rooms 5 51 61 1 E. E First South HOTEL ANTLER R. R W W. South SAc r jOc 11 Si day dav 2 week un UD St p no heat heit b bath th MRS E. E M. M WILL Prop W. W So Temple bet bt O. O S. S L. L and Interurban depots BATTLE TIE CREEK system rhe ane and paralysis guaran guaranteed teed cured Brooks Drooks Arcade Was 1612 JUNK AND BEER BOTTLES HIGH prices paid for all kinds of ot Junk and beer bottles per dos ox IL H. Guss Cuss S. S State Wasatch W. INTERMOUNTAIN Ir JUNK C CO Junk Junk I wanted wanted- Highest prices paM paid tL s. Third West Wasatch 1634 COLU COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO Main street and films developing and printing same sime tiny LEAKS LEAKS LEAKS-LEAKS-LEAKS LEAKS LEAKS I L LthA LEAKY KY roofs roots repaired all classes classe i work guaranteed manufacturer of ot I Leak ak Stopper paint 3 10 E. E Fifth Irth I South Was as 2897 S S X I N V C. C L. L JONES expert and I have a new now process of or kalso- kalso mIning which will give better r results at less cost cot Will VIll stick sUck like Ilka paint and ud look like lIko paint It will not noL rub off oft No 20 0 E. E Seventh South Waatch Wasatch Wa- Wa batch satch LAUNDRY Work Vork k- k bl back s-a s same sae e ed day d If Ii od ds-od desired No extra charge PALACE LAUNDRY CO Office 11 W. W First South Office 70 7 W. W Second South Was Office 79 9 E. E Se Second ond South Was ns 1481 Of Office Ice 73 E. E Third South Was as Works 58 E. E Fourth S South Seuth uth Hyland 2562 G Laundry brought to office saves 25 S Sper per cent t. t LACE CURTAINS H N N X W W W LAUNDERED ic pair pall work worl guar guar- Mra I L. L 13 B. Coleman Was Ws H M M G-M- h BUSINESS DIRECTOR DIRECTO DIRECTOR LAWN MOWERS SHARP AND REP REPAIRED AlRED w w K X i N F BY Z Z C. C M M. I. I expert at your ho YI J 2030 All work Juran MESSENGER SERVICE WASATCH District Messenger S 8 vice Ked Hed Cr Crow v. v Mgr sr Was or 35 33 CENT 25 MEALS N i X S N XV U. U a. a CAI CAFE CAFE I Special lal dinner sh ah orders and t Chinese style Char Cha Hong 22 proprietor 20 S S. S State MANICURING ELITE I manicure parlor Boat Work lork done dona h by hy graduate op 01 Was MASSAGE V a COH CORA BELLE From way back 47 n E E. E 1st hIt So between S. S Main and Stat Personal original orle vital I. restful ma refreshing baths m massage bae rubbings ln vapors p 10 1030 0 a. a I m. m to 10 i 0 1 p. p u IU NOliC The Sellwood next to Western Loa quiet entrance Near hotels MASSAGE and alcohol rubs rub 1 U t up go out by appointment Miss Go 00 o don W. W North Was 2011 MANICURING baths bath electric ra sa sage magnetic treatments 15 Second South room 2 V VAPOR APOR BATHS massage IT by graduate graduato masseuse Apt 4 61 Second South SCIENTIFIC and alcohol massage ij The Tho Approval al rooms 2 and 4 Main I MASSAGE rL I Suite Sullo James hotel S. S Mali MASSAGE rubs and lea tes- Suite 3 S and 1 1 J S. S Main MEDICAL IF you ou are aro sick or ailing Call Cab Remedy C Cc 28 l 12 E. Foun South St. St Salt Sail Lake City Was Stomach troubles trouble a specialty MOTOR REPAIRING AND FITTING 45 XV BICYCLES BICYCLE lawn mowers repairing Coles Cole's Electric Co 40 Richards street Wasatch MOVING VANS HOUSEHOLD goods handled wit care by experienced men mon Auto tr trucks truck used W exclusively I will tell you ou the the con before I move you John Piano lano I j Moving Co Wasatch 1798 THE reliable Redman nedman way Wasat and Main St. St j. j MILKING SHORTHORNS HA HAVING VING d to leave c the 11 am m offering my herd of or thirty head milking milkIng- Shorthorns for or sale Herd b ba a R. pure bred Barrington Harrington Duchess 11 bulls bull 2 to 30 months balance females J All heavy GOI to ibs Write for or prices prIce H. H D. D DeKalb Do- Do Kalb Kaib Ia la ii OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT J JADE ABE ADE GORDON pa pays s 's good price for for I anything o of value Wasatch J. 3 38 3 1 0 Commercial street f OPTICAL i COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO Mala In 4 street treet Dependable work at right J M prices a OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS S OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS NS Dr Mary Gamble osteopath Gradual f t American n School of ot Osteopathy Office 5 Templeton building Phone Wa Wa- f satch 1870 Res Phone Was j DR A A. L. L VINCENT prevents opera opere- U Felt Office Was Wai 1597 lies Res Was W. V. I OSTEOPATHY DR GRA GRACE E AIREY Office 50 Scott hidE Wasatch Residence 89 M t st. st Wasatch O. G. J PALMISTS 7 I lE Will return to the tho city October I 18 when she will her home ROYAL Eg gifted clairvoyantS clairvoyant aud and palmist gives true truo on but bust ness love health and family tells tho the name inane of ot your youn future hU husband banci or wife wire tells tell if It tho the ono one you ou love o Is tru true truit or tal false e what part of ot country Is 15 luck lest Jest to you ana and what to do dl to 10 bo be tf duc-tf J ce ul in life liCe This gifted lad lady r reads readi j d you ou our lifo life like lIko an open Look ool from to old age She ho challenges an any 0 of Of any kind to c compete with her she ebe calls call names tells Ju just t is hut you ou want 19 II know and find cut ut no guesswork ot of questions asked kod what Slit sno sees and tells cemes comes true She do does |