Show BRITISH NAVAl BASE SHEllED BY AIRCRAFT Portsmouth and T Various arious Military Establishments Attacked Attacked At At- tacked in Last Raid Berlin Sept 27 The Tho Tho British naval na baso base of ot Portsmouth and military es establishments es- es near the mouth of the Thames and at North Shields Lincoln and Derby wore were at attacked b by tho Zeppelins Zep Zep- ep- ep which raided England Monday night the admiralty announced today The Tho official account of at these operations operations operations opera opera- follows On tho the night of oC September 2 25 26 G several German airships bombarded extensively ly and with visible success with explosive l e and Incendiary bombs the he I English h naval navai port of or Portsmouth fortified places near th the mouth of the and Industrial and railroad establishments o of military importance In n middle En England land Including North Shields Lincoln and IId Derby The rho airships airships air air- ships returned unharmed notwithstanding notwithstanding standing strong attacks attucks of oC antiaircraft guns buns The Tire story of ot the tire destruction b by German German Ger Ger- man mall aviators ou on the nl night ht of oC July 20 of or huge ammunition stores at in northern France ten ratIon south Mouth of or Calais Is published by bythe bythe bythe the semiofficial AJl Aligo e- e memo According to this newspaper Gorman German aviators kept watch for or months as the ammunition storehouses store store- houses louses were being built When tire tile aviators had hind satisfied themselves that the he storehouses storehouse mere tilled filled the they u tinder tinder- ml cr crook I took look the tIre attack In the tire night dropping bombs which are said to have caused he tire on of ever every one of or tho the storehouses and set fire to barracks and nd other military establishments over o a wide area aro |