Show IDAHO INSPECTED BY UTAH UTAHN N During the tho pa past t month A. A G. G Bur Bur- Itt a 1 local 0 a l engineer has on InspectIng Inspect Inspect- Irig Ing ng several properties In eastern and southern Bouthern Idaho Somo Sonic of ot them were In n Freemont count county Routh Houth of cC the tho CUmore CU- CU Gi- Gi more moro district The Tho Metta Meta c Is located tour four our miles north of or the tho Wilbert Wibert mine and nd on n the tho same ame mineral mIneraI zone one It I is 15 shipping hipping shipping some silver lead ore via ia Du- Du boise olse Mr Burritt surveyed th the tho Scott property In Freemont c county and the tho I property of or the Idaho Mining Milling Pro Prospecting company three miles milca from rom Mink creek creek It Is shipping some I shippinG lead liver lead siver-lead ore of ot good quality |