Show EAST hUGH HIGH JUNIORS VIN WIN CLASS GLASS TITLE East High schools school's interclass football football foot foot- ball bail championship was won by the tho Juniors yesterday afternoon when the thc vanquished the sophomores 26 16 to 6 6 The second year ear men were completely outplayed during tho the critical stages of oC the game ame Thurman Oswald and Whitney were the only on tho the sophomore cloven eleven who were ablo to tomake tomake make any headway against t the formidable formidable able ablo attack of the upperclassmen Star performers for tor the tho winners Parks Ferry Worley and Child rhe These o four men played an aggressive game at all times and bid fair to be among th the selections for fur the school squad Coach Tommy FItzpatrick announced yesterday a that today he Intends to pick Jilek the squad to represent the school dl during the coming football season He lie will carry an aggregation of 36 men ono one of the largest larRest In tho the history ol of the school Two Nto teams will be organized or or- and the moment that a player on the first team becomes disinterested or loafs ho lie will viii be shifted to the tho se second so- so o. o cond squad In this way Fitzpatrick expects G. every ver man to do 10 his utmost to the tho best of at his ability Yesterdays Yesterday's line up JUNIORS SOPHOMORES S. S Ferry lo Law it Farnsworth orth Ig Ig- Harries c Elliot rg Sheets Ars rt rt IC Kelly ll Child ro re Martin Rowe TIO Gilmer Thurman Parks Michelson orlo fb b Whitney Smith r Ot Oswald ivald Summary Touchdowns Oswald Parks 2 2 Perry Ferry Worley VorIe goals bOals from placement Forry Ferry 2 Officials Referee FItzpatrick umpire um urn- pire Reddish Wilson POWERS ERS A T POLITICAL JOn JOB John T. T Powers who organized the Federal league and was Vas deposed b by the backers of the outlaw movement In favor or or of or Jim Gilmore Is a R. candidate for tor forthe forthe the Illinois tax board from a Chicago district It Is a lon long lAne lano that has no turning and Just now Powers' Powers future looka lok c than does doos Gil- Gil i L moros |