Show SOUTH ASKS TO SEE FAIRBANKS I i Candidate Will ViII Be Requested Request Request- ed to Make l Daylight Run RUll Through State ARRIVES HERE FRIDAY I Will ViII Address Crowds at Auditor Auditorium Au Au- and From Platform Plat Plat- form orni at State Fair Arran Arrangements have havo been completed for Cor the Fairbanks mooting meeting Saturday Glen Miller state Republican chairman chairman chair chair- man yesterday appointed Harry Hany S S. Joseph Joseph Josephi Jo Jo- seph to take e charge chare of oC the arran arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- e- e ments for Cor the tho meeting and to schedule Mr Ir Fairbanks nt at Green River HI at nt 4 4 P p. pm p.m. in Price ai tt p. p m. m Helper at P P. P m m. and anil Provo Pro at 9 o'clock Friday lc le lewill will arrive ii In Salt all Lake at 11 1105 05 p p. p in m. Reports received rocel from the Republican chairmen of or Grand Emer Emery and Carbon counties yesterday indicated that the cm candidate te for vico ico president would be he Jr greeted eted by Jar large c. c crowds crows at all places no Is scheduled to speak A large lare number of ot telegrams and letters Wern ero received at the headquarters yesterday ur urging that Mr I Fairbanks Fair Fair- banks change the plans that now re reQuire require to- to quire quite him to leave here on the tho Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles Limited on Saturday evening It is 18 suggested that ho wait walt until 1155 o'clock that night as the thc Republicans o of Millard Beaver Iron Juab Jual and other southern rn counties desire to hear and to tosco see seo him Meetings can be arranged for Cor MIlford Lund and Moena Modena If it Mr Ir Fairbanks Fair Fair- banks hanks will arrange so as to pass through those towns In daylight Although Althou h h by 13 chan changing ho would travel through lh tho southwestern counties counties coun coun- ties tics on Sunday Sunda the Republicans declare declare de tie- clare elate that all nil they desire to do Is to moot moet the tho candidate and that if it he cannot cannot cannot can can- not say ft a few Cew words from the rear plat pint form of or his car they will he satisfied to look him over as one letter IU puts luts ts It Mr Miller said nothing can be he done until after aCler Mr Ir Fairbanks IM is consulted Tho The main address to bo be delivered by Mr Ir Fairbanks In Utah will bo be delivered In the Auditorium on Richards street at Ot 3 1 o'clock afternoon Pre Pr ceding the thc speech 11 a luncheon Jl hc will be be tendered Mr Fairbanks by tho tim state lato committee and Republican business businessmen men will be Invited to attend Nephi 1 Morris L. L will be he toastmaster Following tho the address In the Auditorium Audi AudI- Mr Ir Fairbanks will vIll bo be taken to tho the state fair Calr grounds whore where ho he will speak again Senator Reed Heed Smoot who Is hI to pre preside at nt the tho l Fairbanks m meetIngs meet meet- tIn t- t In Ings s. s will go to Provo Prove to meet tho the candida candida can can- dida t te e. e An effort will bo made mado to have ha Mr r. r Fairbanks attend the Republican m meeting meeting meet meet- etIn et- et In ing at Bingham Saturday night should he remain romain over for the later train I |