Show NOTICE OICE OF OP II 11 I 11 lG G 1 OF THE TILE REPUBLICAN HERALD PUB PUB- lishing company of or St Salt t Lako Lake City Utah The Tho annual meeting of or tho the stockholders stockholders stock tock holders of ot The Tho Republican Herald Publishing Pub Pub- lIshin lishing company will bo hold held nt at the theoffice theoffice office of ot tho the company I 50 O S. S Main street Salt SaIt Lake Lako City Utah on Mon Mon- MonI Monday I day Oct OcL 2 1916 at ot 2 o'clock p P. m. m to elect a n board of oC directors for the Ing year and for Cor tho the transaction of or such other business as aa may properly como come before It H. H E. E BOOTH President ADOLPH ANDERSON Secretary I II I |