Show I I MORE STATE TROOPS ORDERED TO BORDER Washington Sept 27 37 7 National rational Su guard rd organizations from New ev Hamp Hamp- Hampshire Hampshire shire Pennsylvania New ew Jerse Jersey District DIs- DIs District of or Columbia Virginia New ew York Alabama Georgia Connecticut Florida Florida Flor Ilor ida Michigan Minnesota Colorado and Uld California e embracing about men ordered to 0 tho the Mexican border today by the war vas department Major General Funston was directed dire t to select troops troop now on the border border borer bor bor- der er patrol for return to their homo home stat states s to 1 be 0 mustered out of oC the federal fed red federal eral s ser service r Ice Today's order older will send south virtually virtually virtu virtu- ally all of oC the guardsmen now In tho mobilization camps of oC the tho states named and will win leave lea on only I about state troops in all the country that have havo not seen seon service on the border ord I Within a short time the remainder probably ably will be ordered out releasing releasing In ing more of the or organizations now under under un un- un- un der dor General Funston's Funston s command The gradual return and mustering out of or orall all time the guardsmen g then thon is expected to tob b begin beKin 1 n |