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Show TTWYTTtW WEEKLY REFLEX V11 DAViS NEYvS JOURNAL, MARCH 16, 1978 Clearfield Pageant Scheduled - r ii7 si'Xii ::: - 7f - .. ' i : .ft ; ' Kv. jv &,? T v . v -- I v - ifcK3y'Q f ' x - 'H - Miss CLEARFIELD Clearfield Pageant and the isttle Miss anti Mr. Clearfield contests will be held April Kiwanis Club. r A THEY Kill rv D i at the Clearfield High School i , club Errol Nelson, cue president, and pageant K,((..-.n;x- chan man. He said app ic.co'Os for the A?' i .itoin! Hid, Miss C ImG-ebe submitted to .Run Remnon THOMAS Cl t.Vl'U IN : ? P? r? rl ItliBi Tl at Fabric Fa r, Stall' or at tot (. o s i i mi; ffOsJ f 4 ,.;:V I i , SpgrTS$ V h f V. j v k 4 b alTtid. asKtfSwaS'- A f 3, g ii Ik iI 4 1. r J in'.. i a n m.hi i ( M1H! ;V i : Utib V nr- .... ' (.! ,i !S U V vs ,t I" Let Ann Sanders, left, ickie Jessen and Julia neighlrors in Kayscille who have four children 1 year birthday anniversaries this week. Babies a1 Jaelyn and Jennifer, and Adam. When jokingK gone to the same party a year ago, the mother--; fin tiled; No, but tnavbe we should have." .o x back, their Julie, left, t ms vv ked if t hey fool aghed and eou- ot l; Ku- - KAYSVII I I Theres nothing like keeping it all in the family well, the neigh bnrhood at least. Craig, reside at 5af) North 150 West, both of Kaysviiie. lee Ann started things rolling with the birth of Julie on March 15, Adam was born THUS, between the they have six and six boys just to other company. two days later and Vickie wrapped up things in fine fashion with twin girls on "We do a lot of swapping o' baby sitting and watching out March Jeon iter 19 Her bc.sband is land seen o! m West, Kavscibi' .1 North light-colore- and ee David Sanders are pa; cits of a d g v ea J u lie, w li le Adam C'aig ! ishe; is the onlv K I ALL FOUR toddlers have hair and all have sparkling blue eyes. A on - i buy among the foursome. THE Sanders live at 12M West 575 North whtie Adams mother and father, Julia and For the Sanders, the birth lube was the sixth three bovs and three girls. Adam was the third boy in the f isher family while the twin girls born to the Jessen family makes that a total of three girls. et thie-mother- girl-- Governor s Slated Foi t a I A F , keep-eac- a mini Governor; A Conference for the Senior Qtiensof Davis, Salt uke and Tooele Counties will tie fhursday, March V if i !i II & t ! i iaS :i b , ' ' r. ; : r M S W es:;ii ' Ca r: ninh.gy S(-- Respnnsibilil -V-- ' hile the twin girls tipped the scales at 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 5 lbs. 12 oz. w L I t ( ;! f if t ' ; '! and 3. X I ; s J. In-- f i! M- $ t ( I ' I t. ( ' ( " h: r A UJiiii.:!. n i JaA &. J A : j. V,. 979- KU i a few of (he highlights DTK cl the recent budge sex Men ct the Utah I egislalure THE a 20dav budget in be held m e cn nuir heied years was approved ten (ears ago, it was believed Ih.u lie mam purpose of suc h a session would tie to pern annual consideration o the late budget. -- past dci ade. however, the number o! no luidgelui y mallei s brought helore this short budget session has multiplied. Over the f. ti nr:": and bevond is rail i i I m -. i k I oe.trlv so In ignt. IWO new bond issues o- v e e Ring $.50 his ip proved (ear ppi oxinialel, $25 million o change ti piovnle x 1 re-- WHEN Jr"r ir.'Mf 0 dis-- ; fT f I M M B K j i BI Bl--In?! t M-.- . Senator Haven Barluw J i i .Vi'j ytc.l. i'll ki!l) ; i rr i. to f. a inn ot ! r Srr.st-- In pi An. !i. emf v 2. Progiams tor the elderly and nutiea; ',,10.----- Iim ( H Ltah, i :.- 25 ta gin- to the elder ly UK ,:ml ioio discussed: of churches s WF - ,.f oiiintt-er- j! ir ! ADAM WAS the hefty one a ve.ii ago (Hi j lbs ) and still is a good sized boy. Julie weighed m at 7L pounds L $ ning at 9 JO a m. in lie N .it Palace, Salt I.aket its THE following items will be 1. ft- i W. M - for each other's kids," the mothers commented. And a year ago when we were busy with the little ones we helped each other as much as posst hie." Oi 0 loV it By GARY R, BLODGETr Three gals in the neighborhood, all close friends, are shown in the accompanying picture with their four c hildren born a year ago this all in the same hosweek pital and with rooms just ? f or !.,o. e ' iiiirti together, literally. .t ast :u !:t ;A DO THINGS TOGETHER DM! Complelci Basic i iota- i J h I .1 ' F. r. I i AslssbvJs' celebrating their first birthday anniversary - St i r T- TOLAS VAN iM IT now ti i i: (iU;. C i L5 1 A So-,- ,d o- DC A 131 INF. is Am I h 5T : 3 il h I Of. (.Ob. r 2 w Sl'CH AS the four little tykes in northwest Kaysviiie who were born during the same week a year ago and are to auditorium, according 7AV - 22, the Clearfield bv sponsored ? A. jr v '" u.-l- new Binds will be e pen, led for waler pi o,e,. , a;li $2.5 million bo Dili lit ng - i Is proas was pieasod Senator Bat h.il Davis ( ouim has boon as lire sue ho a si lie Slippoi ted a rea van I u Hi d si hool ami w ill receive .dun is $5on iKHi til appri ipi aa-mils Irom the sla.n Pis ear to s u budding and m.cn-n un e needs low INSUi CELLOlBiE SATiil Semi-Glo- T i' s' ,&s" r" V j i 5 G v' r., N, t f nn ss , I i F. C Enamel Colors Group Reg. $15.93 Interior AT m i U (i on w'.:i il .? u n ',Mputi i f j THIS year 250 bilis and s were presented to lie PITH Budget Session Duris budget session ing ihe held m 1970 onlv 49 bills and i in ton s were introduced l e. Ml lie PCs budget was able to halaine ibo slate bodge! loi 9'H 79 ' oil cm m.iiiii no rea se n i i : . hides to. mi i hough in i i ai iie in o, ik Ini' Idol) n aa Ills; no A (nuh n s Gallon Terry and all of us want to give you banking service the way we think it ought to be. Knowledgable but nice. ZJWWWAVWZW.W Interior Latex Enamel "y For savings any borrowing checking banking need, ask Terry, Ellen, Carol or Gwen anyone at Clerk-Audit- or FARMINGTON - The creation of an additional county allowing the combination of r the position into two offices will mean that the Clerk Rodney Walker will to be paid $19,000, his current salary. In addition the auditor, when elected in November, will receive the COMMISSIONER Glen Flint said that presently the Deputy Countv Auditor's salary is $12,000. Mr. Walker supervises that position. After the election the decision on whether to retain the County Deputy Auditor position will be made by the new auditor. Commissioner Flint said post will cost Davis County residents money. The split of clerk-audito- con-Gnu- e same salary. MR. Walker said the split is in administering the two positions, he must work 50 to 00 hours a week. The county passed an ordinance early this year to rescind a 1952ordinance which necessary because, ! l had combined the two posi- tions m i? the positions. 7hd! option was rescinded 25 years later. of Utah, H.A. Member FDlC Heads up people putting you ahead. When the county exceeded million evaluation figure in 1952, the state required that the positions be separated. However, the county passed the ordinance the $20 Now five people are the auditor's department. Presently chief deputy auditor I udeen Gibbons and chief deputy clerk Barbara Evans work under Mr. Walker's (Erection Mr. Walker has announced that he will run for the county clerk position. The filing date for the county auditor position will open April 15 and remain open employed until May in It), rk. ' f 7:0 9x12 is Terry Coupon Plastic Drop Cloth Reg 39 Group Colors Reg. $15.99 Post To Be Split 5 n on VA5WAVW.VAVAVAWA WA"W.VAAV ? I Pidcock puts a lot of energy into everything she does, and takes pride in doing it well. Whether it's skiing a mountain or helping at the Layton office. And she's so and friendly accomodating that she never seems to be too busy to handle your banking transaction. -- s I iiool s odeil s l'i im i Imp- - sin w Hi' i H i n i tie i roio. an i ease lo li,o ,( t.noo s! .olein s b( n (, made today Group Colors Reg. $19.59 ' so Terry Pidcock. Layton office The very best paint THE d s in oi a o a enter has um reasi d iom 14 In Jit adults son e and i WW.WAV.VAW.WW,VWAW y Coupon 34 Gallon 2 Masking Tape Roil Reg. 68 IflTOSlEII CARPETING From Salem Mills Protected by Scotchgard. 3 styles to choose from. Installation available, AH other carpeting. 10o above cost Reg. 5.25 e. flVAWyWAVA'WAWWAVZ'AW.VVA,i Coupon Paint Spray 28 Colors to Choose From r?t. Sq. Yd. Reg. 1.62 m y'A,AVi"ZZZZZW.,,VV,VVV,V.V.VZA,,V,1 IMPERIAL IM mmi other brands 10 - 409, No extra charge for shipping All fkiTTilABei,; GLE2ARFIELO PAiiJi Ci GLASS 437 fJorih Main - Phone 825-052- 2 Your Friendly Paint Store Hours 8:00 Sat. - 8:00-1:0- 5:30 Daily 0 |