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Show I ! WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, i MARCH, 16 1978 Falcons Wrap 77 Season Up Which Region Was Strong...0r Weak? B g'",.p bill piayers will never be DAV E VUGHAM known as losers dth tur at stme tournament time m Sa't 1 ane C ,i rumors start to fh about what reg on is strong and w' at region is wtak NEVER has the'e bi t r a le h ghly spirited club ,n these pans and t s not likely to be duplicated for some t me This was a group of who rat n wt i e i ung language around the arena is that anoiH up norm in Region One or down south in Region w It s common knowledge that the b xt basketball is kieed m Salt Lake City in the always tough Regu ' COMMON ixtrirm.lv deduated RJi has be mi, a a I .e r it h cf am !i 111 this i pout r has Wu tit d W hi i a i srt up , we nt he t 'iis sar V tley placed m the sta'e then In i e eight, the teams lift on Saturday, Region One ii I v te ,tnis plat e as did Re gum I hiee , while Region Tw o i it plditd iwo But Ri gum Two had the champam , RFGSON ONE champum Roy had the be st reuird I I f'om the ri It anis 1 heir only loss was to the s a gion chimps B'nghain Who knows what would have ni, ; cd if Je Shul'u could hdP pldye d w wcbt r went 2 2 agamst uthi r regums Ch aif and Sky V lew surpr'sed eve rym.t i II lyton was go ng 2 aga nst the other guys ALL THIS indica'es to me is that the northern s p pi ,y with anyone st itisnes speak for themsel I I p ti e he ( It st Pi i hi i at n isn j i i s r eA,u t'y the ni ft t tilth i ONI d t r m t the ga t starts ke Dapper Dan in a King 1 it look'r g thice pit it su t aid tiv Oh end of the game he is me Sim t situ ms i olit d and coat off and p it 1 mg like he w is nl i n g le tnt.re g an e Say what you want about " t n t thod tie use s bul Kimt r Ri d is a gi eat coac h and very F at h s ,1 e s - f u s ea r c lubs art fight, ng for the it iguelille and this year w is AS Ht t , ' i ' Out 1 I 0-- fe 1 shiS e I 1 r 14-- 6 The ourg but talented Woods ( ross girls basketball team enured last week s state 3A mrnament as the Region four champion and being idted as one of the top four lubs in the state Living up to those predictions the Woods (ross club took on a good American Fork team in the WOODS (ROSS I c opening round VOUNG isnt the word for the Wildcats as Coach Debbie Peel started four sophomoies and a freshman in the open mg round game with the ( avemen Junior Ann Ross was not in attendance at this game, she was in Reno, Nev with the idz ensemble of the school NERVOUSNESS was ap parent as the Cats were a little over anxious in the open ing moments, especially no t it eable was their foul shooting attempts For the night the W ildcats hit only charity shots The Cats were a lot quicker than their opponents and as soon as they got their feet wet the fast break started to fall into place as they pulled away one Timpview p mn a but un k ' run away they a'ej wanted the si 4son along with Thiir first five games didn t give any indie atmn that they wouldn t aihieve both n plan althoug' them wtic closer I rt ! un wanted 'bt It and lew 0 w t 1 B itint ' ' i in t dsy i ,si ion iht V ,e d Sr b, 'WO Jo s g vif v ib iuu ' i 1 1 k i' ( i bv R on f il by n e 'd Hi in in; R dtoppi J hi n a ( lost ,ph games, iii'in, one to ay 'on and by two to T he final y game w i i ! ... p another lose cal! as R t Jtwptil W t ht r by one on t h c W art lor home nishcd!" t J,f.C rl r ( It ai field will miss t hi kis of Damn Parry, who h is ht en their great floor gtmral for two uars Brian Is, A ' 'he scoring mac hine from 15 feet, an Kelly Parsons who was as good as sixh man as theii was in the It ague BACK for lit t v ar, yes tl f aliens will be back as gone as ever, are Mark Reid wh looks and plavs like Parry GOLD, LOlELV JOB iv " ct" extremel, quick in porng to the bucket ith players like these, an i other juniors wh performed well in the junn v ii spy ranks, tne F ikons a gomg to he back near the h p again But then what els' should vou expect from a team coachid by Roger R e u" r W a couple of BOTH schools are new high schixils this season, although the Wildcats have part lcipat ed on a varsity level in girls basketball for several years Fach team wanted to es tahlish suprematv against ' T k i i if lit i no) - i ) ( i ) th ii t u,(l i w r-- A Z-J- G Bv DAVE WIGHAM A j Usially though the first g irm g v s that coac h an mdn an, if he nt r hips a mid pi ai o i A' - SICH Was the ( ist ton Lane c r' i"d ' t a r the Fimpview people started four seniors and a junior while the Wild cats went with a starting lineup of three sophomores and a couple of freshmen The TO TOP eve ry thing off tin were playing the hottest u am in Utah coming into iht game Fast High had knot U d off a couple of Salt Laki pc wers the week bifoii and the so called cxptrts wtr talking about a ei p ir M i t rewn The game pi o r to ,ri e s MiKHI , thd'l ,st plain try t i i ml bun g too ,isi 1 is a r i rg y t height but nt too u i h must le under the ti lids IHir two guards ni 't good the t oa( h s si n bt ms 'ht better shoottr with s i uiiri ng mate btmg a ' t f i t 1 so HI Ai (ht , i i ii bul quit d k play make r toniiuvum of the firs' the I topards hi Id a ni on1 point k ad at s 9-- dubs started placing ball in the sec ond iza and the I ancers slowly t surdy pulled away frorr BOTH r i M 1 ' h hi I, t i d in An ihaiity sfipt, and although 12 t ht wasn that a uraU i7, is thi re enough turns ike 'he diffc ' i ni i ht w ONF ppi nents mainly on the piotdi m a ist i t ( ( i h Ii P, the hall! Pi I 2H 19 I I s w th oil' to a This a is thi bulge -- ( ( ad Prilh (1 mu I ast lub tnat had pound in ovir tint hunditd s Mrtmillian found the range horn the outside As the Fast unch put it, "We played the in the first half and I told the kids at half I hat ihty had embarrassed them solves guess they had too much pride to lose after that woist game thu' ond stanza lot ' r i mi rs nt t. lid si mor kr i , IS both I i 'ml tr rib t Mixon got h n' t ) w u hit n t ht -- pi t tub v i T uni afti r time this sli nder ji mor found hinisi If at the b 1 i The 1 an ( rs stai t a r i tivelv young team w 'h i n couple of juniors Brai f Lnt and Gordon Andt n m This was their fust i mounter in the big arena iii took a ' t I in in tb u nl d baske i h ' foul shoot ii), o' ( dt i son 0 FIRST quarti r went ,, vou would think two s coach, Doug Cats will be back Woods Cross broke open a one point game in the second half as theThunderbirds tried a half court press on them 1 uv lb the other in their Itrst nu et mg ever One of the main different es m the two schools though, and the teams, is that there are seniors at 7 impview IN FACT n i g i , hid nu state tournament things to come dut wtt k long all iir round the f ast tea n 11)7 points up on the ho ti so they were known fim their run and gun st le of hi r in la .ton on! ihtt ht bail ind wds known ir ir ( o' t ml odenst i SALT L AKf (UN coach can never tell who 1 hut still waited arm things up i Vi r'CHT.':' "r'-ThTo- Li i impuierj earn In SOUTH SALT LAKE the game pittmg the two new kids on the block the Woods (ross Wildcats earned a state quarterfinal win over limp view by a 61 5J dei ision x t lit tl lumping ability and Gam Dixon, who is l'ii' 1 Russell f lorent e, who shoo! a turn around lumper as wt as anyone Rodgt r Vincent who has a great touch an u By DAVE VUGHAM It wav hi r l,i-- t iiav m Mu iii i!'ii ( i rit Rhodes of .salt G (Tl biutrii i ui q i.i kiv ill it bmi g a flag gli in thi kind ''I wt 'hit iii'b iidl i'nl She', working for li UtM in xi not r t ( wnqimv doing a iroject along 11 I 'a w i, k Ik m used the road ii ,f ht s ( t IUII Girlc Doivn a a ii , s Johnson who gits the meda ot couragi for his efforts abate c points in the ir ia ,t outing THE ay ton ctub got baik and plavtd j iod on diftn-- e wtil to t iki the k ad as iht ast o am couldn t f guri iut hi w to pci ctra'c tl t zone tha1 ( oai h Mi on had thr wn a' 1 tin m hi st coiid hall tat nt d ii to disasit r (or Iht am t rs as M lnt and Rich Doug 1 CARL Woodward hit a inuple from outside and Ben Bubrik did a good job of driv mg the lane and picking up thi fouls fortuna'elv he hit ' s ft e throws as well Down the wire the Leopards wi it gixid from the line while ancers had their tiou hi im s LEADING scorers for the were Anderon with 22 then Bubak and Woodward 1 tnitrs bout with 10 Milne and (itinielhan finished the night 19 apiece to pace the win he loss dropped the L av ton with 1 club into the t C ats ht Id a lead and Timpview came out of the press Coach Peel noted that they won the game in the seernd W e and third periods, AT THE half the played tough D in those two periods and outscored them 34-1- TIMPVIEW guards put on a scoring display, even though the Cats tried everything pos We tried sible to stop them a zone and a man for man defense but Ive never seen a better shooter than that Vicki Fullmer girl Uppers of the Thunder-birds- , led all scorers with 26 Fullmer, points Only 5 4 5 Sticking or leaking caliper pisions 6 Frayed or cracked hydrauhe lines and tall Vicki got hot 7 from the outside and just wouldnt miss in the second half She was joined in the 8 9 10 scoring race by teammate12 Judy Craig, who had points, but these two just werent enough to down the 1 1 12 13 Wildcats AGAIN it was balanced scoring for the Cats that won the game Michelle Cottle ended the night with 21, Cheryl Cleverly 15 and Val njynwwy i ww iwmif wtn Loss of pedal Spongy pedal Pulsating pedal Hard pedal Vehicle pulls to one Squealing or squeaking side One or more brakes drag Brakes grab Pedal gradually goes to floor Low pedal Wilkins 13 Woods Cross continued to Bring down the cost of dressing up with a pair of Thom McAn extra value n leather uppers on long-- earing soles and dress shoes Genuine full-grai- heels LAYTON DEPT. STORE Free brake safety inspection takes 1 5 minutes have their problems at the foul line as they only hit 7 21 for the night Coach Peel could offer no reason for their trouble at the charity stripe noting they had been a good In the interest of your safety Mr Brake offers complete brake safety inspection free of charge and without any obligation All causes of brake failure are checked and inspect on takes only fifteen minutes We then tell you the condition of your brakes and advise you as to when brake service will probably become foul shooting club throughout the year THE CATS were outscored quarter but they were tired and had the lead The win put Woods Cross through to the semifinals of and a the tournament rematch with Bear River necessary If your vehicle requires brake service at the time of mspec tion we tell you what it will cost and we guarantee the price in advance You make an appointment and most (obs are finished within nine'y minutes (Saving time can actually earn you money if you depend upon your vehicle for your livelihood ) m the final Pfa5S ffi.SLc3tgci MMMMMWMMIHAVWM, VtM hoses Contaminated brake f uid Sticking or hang, ng brake shoes Scored out of round or behmouth drums Worn glazed or greasy linings Sticking or leaking wheel cylinders Sticking self adjusters Bargain brake Obs Incomplete service and low qual ty materials are a common cause of brake failure Compare prices but know what you get Why save a few bucks and lose your life"7 The danger signals wfflw 53 North Fort Lane Layton OpenSam until 5 30 pm Monday through Friday Telephone 3Z6 3468 Sam until 5 pm Saturday onsolat ton the eopards Olympus L met 15 23 16m Only Grain Leather c biuket, against Kearns w hole went on to Time after time the (ats easily broke the press and found themselves with two and three on one fast breaks for the easy baskets from Thom Me An Jt - V' st a son goals W . fl V v Sfe year with a KM league mark those four losses were by a t ital of 8 points That mean-th- e F aliens were 8 points away from both of their pre Si('tt I M . f r fl k THE FALCONS f i 2(( 'v ' x young high sihool teun is going to do wht n they enter Extra Value Full from U victory fiom American Fork After . the f alcons looked toward the league wars They weie bold in thur statements, they n it only wanted the tit'e JANICE Broadbent and Janette Buhler were the only American Fork gals to score in double figures as they end ed (he night with 16 and 10 respectively This was a great way to start the tournament for the ( ats as everyone who dressed for the game got a chance to over American Fork the Woods Cross team moved into the quarterfinals to fare xi B'nham tdy k 59-3- 7 i was outside at all Carolyn Mar tineau and Val W ilkins played good tough defense and prevented the A F team from getting the ball inside At the other end of the ourt the Cats were having things their own way as both the guards and forwards had success shooting Michelle (ottle led the scoring parade for Woods Cross with 15 points on some fine inside moves, Val Wilkins added 11 and Cheryl Clevertv poured m 9 more for the balanced at play WITH THIS Woods Cross held a o L Oil OWING a good ire si a son in which the highhgtit lead and then increased that to 31 12 at the half COACH Peel noted that thes used a zone throughout the gime noting that their op ponents couldnt hit from the By DAVE VUGHAM i , 11 1 mors dtfm telv go to the ikons in a la tdsluie vote h mist How about whe re t (ut THE L L N k pos w lit i it t m ppi siti m is at iht foui u b m h gies Hu ugh a i i H from shift rg sf jis to c r sing f l't ns or h tiding i' ithet p! i t r in the arm a thrd h ist to i h in i)i n i ball c mid it si mb t 'he 'it 't h and a Pit sgr as t hi , go ituo 'gh h nin of the ad to hi id Rt g ' w m t hi rt e and Rt e won t Thi six in gi SO AGAINST the two othe i 'he toon si e s in regions i Fiors wem loss reiords wert like this i lion One finished V7 Region Two was s'u At i i n 1 hi t wt nt S7 AS VOL t m see all the regions won h games , g st thidii R, gu n Two lost the most but th. a's ) I law d re 1 THF NEXT four wm't av c i i i e t tiusi le al a Ii nim h (into m t Moor t'V h n dt i tne a'ways powerful Reguir Three teams r 'A e won f en up norm bat nd them six iiru i ' s of t ! r h t t) J P t tv nc h is aiways up !n 'Stir oi mg tbi r tgf rt v al T s AGAINST regaitis alt r ,t mdt ooeii is usijpiay i n ' t it y won t w o W 'i n It e ( the I two afield (1 ELL THIS pas' t ir le t s take a lot k at the it e i rds 'u Sts ,s( V. Oat did happen last HeK ar dt r tht P g a gw m at me I hiversuy of I tab r ist ii a'l oar own Region One Doys how did t'ev ' 'Wllt t y wnt hea i to head w I'h Ragion Two lean s t Pi M'ii s our bo,- - won four t f those tames whi'e it ev , five Tw'i of those losses wtie to B ngnam !ht tw i D s, si ganus tie Miners had in the tournament T tie The Falcons were st ! teehng down the next gaim and they lost to a great Ron club bv two Atter round out iht Falcons sat near the h , wttn a mark pi W i to igiam run bv Rigii Rod old his fire assis mis tv THEN CAME the ba ie f u the league lead and tie Fa! cons were surprised on trer home floor by WeDer as tFt W arrmrs ended the d'earns an undt fea'ed season 1 nu u 1 tun fr I 1 View iron! Sky View, Boon! fui and Las fiom Bonneville, ( Lt- - ARFIFLD - A' rough the season ended ad t x suon the ralcoiib aid on a !os of basket ,rg note thus hi 1 those goals as they look wins By DAVE WIGhAM |