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Show -- "wj " r y r-r- rryirnnrv',iro y 4 WEEKLY REFLEX - p"r w JOURNAL MARCH 16 1978 DAVIS NEWS Pi Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma Society Meets I $ the town and many the early subdivisions of svs era of . '- ? -is jjY 'ttf '1 me I' x ' o1 f I , NUY LORD v'on Announcement is made ot the forthcoming marriage of Miss Nancy f laine Ford and James E Karpowitz MISS EORD is the daughter um L Ford, 750 Sttts t leytonandthe W il Church late Mr Eord Fie r fiance is a son of Mr ini Mrs InrkR Karpowitz of Salt use C v 1 THE COLFLE is planning an April 2s wtdding in the t MK Salt Lake LDS Temple A rectption to honor them will be htld that evening fn the McCunc M nsion in Salt Lake AM) MRS QUINTIN COLE C Wedding Vows Untied in marriage on Jan 28, 1978 were the former Miss Wanda Robbins, the daughter of Mrs Eunice Robbins and the late William J Robbins and Quintin Cole, the son of Mr and Mrs Ashlev Cole THE bride s mother resides at 506 West Paul Avenue, Lavton Parents of the groom live at 479 Spurlock Avenue Lavton The nuptial ceremonies - activitu s connection All will be held in with the senior citizens hot lutie h The meal is served daily beginning at 11 JO a m in the Eagles building for meal reser Call vations Layton High graduated Magna ( uin I acide from BTU where she was afnnated with the Intt rnatie a1 folk Dancers and Phi K tppa Phi Miss Eord also sudied modern dance at the u of U ( urrentlv 'fie is teaching English di ct and gymnas ties at Pie t mt Grove High Sc hew lutheran (hutch in Layton I he newly married couple greeted invited guests at a reception following the it remony SERVING as matron of honor was Mis Wilma Stewart, sister of the bridt red Stewart assumed the duties of the best man The couple will reside ,n Lavton dmg MR. KARPOWITZ will dudte from BYU in August w th a B S dt gree in zoology In then plans to enter BYL s Ea ge and Wildlife Resource f r gruluate piugram He served an DS mission in the On t n m Qtie bee M ssion omg 376-841- EVERY blond Monday, pressure will be taken, Know Eridav, March 17 What You re Buying Read the Label, Tuesdtv, March birthday March 24 vitamins 21 Eridav party, F and D Tuesday, March 2S gtr dening presentation, Tues day, April 4 Sarah Gi'ts pi mo music fhursduv April 1 Activities Offered To Senior Citizens special mnnthlv lumlu o and program, I ruin April 7 nods Ait ( onvenicm 6 1 c Rtullv V " f L LSD AY, Aj ii lapidary pi ridav Aprd in i hti k up 11 Sc nior ( mzens m the North I) iv is ( ounty area van t ike adv mt ige of many and vara d u t iv it les at the Heritage m ( It arfield locakd ( t 'itct it t ht- North Dav is ( ountv a ntation t we ght ci n il ui '.d tv 14 F T V 18 birthdav party Iridi. April 21 ooking w h as p iragus Tut sJav A r,' 1 c ( i am ic s prt 'em a i0 i id iv 2h m it Apr ibt ling and gr i rg A spt t itl lunc In it ft r i uiih W ( bt r st nor c tm i s will bt he Id cil the rt w Sou ' c il I 1 I wt tx April (It '1 f It me i it 2 it on W nt irv 1 Sc h x m Si ni t "i(fn ill bt She hool Se 1 he 1 i i sit EVERYTHING fr m amit s to macr imt to n pit ssurc checks t Kt s u it gul irlv An g the el isses t night 1 a m ics st w inn c i t s 8 irv branch build ng i 1 1 e t dir f t"t t instruction s SPECIAL $3U Off on Permanent Waves Hair Cuts Shampoo Sets Included With all Permanent Waves La tiu (All LueM II Speaker At Kotan Mietin ti I Roto' ton i i L Ml It 41 N Main, Kaysviile t W t , i , 7 ' it unaware- t 1 es progi ams T 1 r It t,i Wl It Oil t t l s , 'll, t I The family of Jesse D Barlow had a birthday dinnt r honoring him on his 85th birthday Sunday at the home of his son Haven J Barlow son lit tg it tit- - Itt st S t II t It,! i during this period that the war effort brought a huge ncrease of population into iv is County, necessitating it w school buildings in the A grandchildren, great grandchildren and friends he usual birthdav cake, gifts and Droughts of love and appreciation were expressed to a great dad, father, grand father and true friend to a' I T HE was a charter membi r it the Clearfield Kiwanis embership since its or irization in 19)9, acting on i immittees of various kinds t uh year and served as its president in 1954 In addition to serving as secretary of the MIA and Aaromc priesthood p esidencies He served a two v ar mission to Great Britain n 1914 to 1916, in the Brisk)! and London Conference After returning home, he st rved in several capacities in the Boy Scout movement, be ng the first scout cornmis s oner of Northern Davis ( ounty, serving under S Dil w irth Young as the stout of the Ogden area t it Countv, Utah, March 12, tht eldest son of Jesse H Barlow and Sarah Luella Stoker While very young his parents moved to Syracuse into a one room log home built bv his father In 1905 the family moved to CItarfield on a 40 acre tract of land (where the Firmer Naval Supply Depot was located) into a modern brick home spacious enough for a large family He was educated in Syracuse Elementary School, attended the first Davis County High School at Boon tiful and the Lmversitv of served as first scout master of Clearfield of the I and Committee roop n ember of the Ogden area council He served for six and a half years as a counselor in the Clearfield ward bishopric, and was called from this position to serve as a member f the High Council of the stake Lie served twenty two years as chairman of the Aaromc priesthood commit te full time under three stake presidents Upon release from that position, was set apart as President of the Clearfield Stake High Priests Quorum seivmg eleven years in that capacity He also served as the High Priests group leader HE Utah WHILE his fa'her was away on an LDS Miss on in Texas he worked as a cltrk in the Clearfield Mercantile Company Store, and at age 17 became Clearfield s first meat cutter, managing this department in the local general store Upon his fathers return from his mis sion, Jesse accepted a call to of the Bristol Conference for six months in London During this time W orld W ur I broke out and he witnessed many 7tpplin raids on Lon don in his own ward HE is an officer and one of the organizers of Service Mortgige and Loan Corpora (ion, Service Mortgage Cor poratum and Service Credit Corpoiation and the Home and Garden Irrigation Com AFTER serving two years in the missmn f.eld he re turned home, soon after ur own country declared war on 'the central powers He joine J the U S Army and enlisted in the Ambulance Corps 27 this e later became Ambulance v I II I J the auxiliary motto Ann Carr e n cna in ir the pmgrart s incouu t i spec ial g u st spt an r Mt Ser citation mira Pitt and Mrs Fdith Taylor shared in the honors lb weighed in it s lbs and me will tx. named Bn in A' is a sister Slat it Ivone Exchanged 11 unmer emit Sunse at I M HE w is a me mht r f t irst Boat (1 of Tustts of t ht T tow n ( He r c v t liarfitld orgin t J n '422 jc ng as tie rk i ir ng tms w et r ssn m t mt a culinary w is lost ' It d Slip; iv f, g m drinking w itu f r th pe oplt ilso living in the n ii n the nisi ilia! It mi s, a t president of Barlow Realty and Ins Inc and State Sent tor from Davis County and e Wanda B Barton the wife of a Sunset pharmacist last but not least sixteen grand and children thiriten His great grandchildren sw to t and loving w fi is Ge ne il Bet k Bari w i will A it) W BRIDE to be giaduated from est r Clt Laton y Mr ar d Roy boy March 5, 1978 L Wilhelm o , i Mr ar d M's Mr Layton a w is Ha E Ellison 71 1935 W 3875 So March 6, 1978 is 846 LaVerde Layton boy March 7, 1978 ispph T Wells 2155 R j on N 250 W ! ' ' and Clearfield Mr B Terry 233 Mrs Pc nald N Topik an ana Vs Elvn K 1 1 W 590 N Mr and M s Eoan try F 81 E Honey 330 Layton gin Ave Ogden t ' Ms 1 i i ( vi c i e ti" h s v i w "ii a c Thompson W 1 1 50 So Liberty 1069 Capitol n ( e xi n ws ot a gi md to Mi and A t Moi tt i st n of oz a Ht wt ght d 6 lb r unt r a is the forme' n t K ivs t n ' ' t oio sh p Dh n si i i t t ard Mi md Mrs 1, A ii Ku r 1 ' it ' Min!;' 'll s h u trt ms ir-- Vr s Mi rte nse n W 4 376-024- 1 URGE SHtCTIGfi Airplanes Ships Cars Rockets OF RCS3Y FUN Trams Tools 'Supplies Bring Your Family to moot fhe EASTER MT'jy BUNNY IN PERSON FREE PICTURES Bring Your Own Camera and Pose Your Family With The Easter Bunny FREE CANDY FREE PARKING 12 til 6 9 OVER 17,000 PARKING WITHIN ONE BLOCK be March 8, 1978 Mr B I jSpJT gi ana h r s i Layton Shopping Plaza 45 E. Gentile SPACES Mar yn Sunset s a Is ' ) w Monday midd r n ne J t t m HOBBY HOQ irfitld Friday 12 till 9 Saturday 10 H V A a 1 e ( COME LOOK US OVER High Sc hool The prospective groom is a 1 aytein High gi iduate of School Ht attended Wtber SI etc ( oik ge and the inner eh t 4 their who make 2659 ' L t vy ( is a daughter rs f mo C he prospective groom is a m of Mr and Mis David II Whiitsidts who reside at In W 2tVXi North Lavton s tv of w kin A v HOURS: and andp irt ,its and Mis K ivsvil e WITH VALIDATION Mr i t THE sR f i t G he ext hanged bv M ss Sivitnnt H miner and Kelly Porter Whitesides on March 17 at lobe r i cuts Vows and it it vile residents the ( rvstal Cottage in ki net pkon will follow ' st t I i urn D iltt n 1J i win d of 'ht u riv il of t s i bui n Match 7 to Mi anJM's Ronald Stu art ft r me r K i s Wedding Marriage vows pu iridividuil thoughts and me. st nsi'ive to one anoH er cot fuit me in a ft ul Kays vi lie Birt h s MRS. Doris Bragg made the presen'ation and Mrs Al M r v i ng women tducatots of 1 che world to move ahead and t xp md tht ir eff irts bv ac tion hi '5t advent tment of (tie in o wdual wnh an opportunity 9 i sc n e of belonging usirg 25-3- vice, Not Stlf and has gamed many long lasting friendship' through her tireless efforts as president, according tu the BRIDE i i DKG nas many important irposes, among them being B Chevron Chemical Company formerly California (hcmical Haven J Barlow ( ompanv E f tiiu'i J family consists of Barlow, Redwood ( ity Calif and who is vice sec rotary presidt nt treasurer and a director of I V K Final chapter mectirg wi held Saturday Mav 10 11 a m at the Valiev Vow Res Hurant Lavton Ntwo'fters will fie instalk d te THE li ternatuma1 I am of DtvG will be h Id m Chicago f rtak the political bat ru j MRS. Taylor has served as charter president of the au xih iry since 1971 She was cited for fuhowing i oigm ration Annie Blanton filing numerous challenges i nd achievements, became H fust woman in Texas to i 8 t) an internatin.,; expand d HIS David cutiv e v n prt s dc r t direc tor anliovi hairman of the board i No educators and has it d ,jii-- d tion cashier cashitr Unt Legion Auxiliary, v the agenda president pin for her service to the Lavton American has proven to be a most priceless project for the city of Clearfield, for Davis ( ountv and the state of Utah Freeport (enter is one of the largest of its kind in the na On arriving home he was offt red a position as assistant cashier at the ( learfic Id State Bank, a young institution that had been organized while he was away He was the sm ond male employee seised as as L 1 recent dinner party when presented with a past rev ,ew Lf the life and elements of Annie Webb jpton founder of Delta A s Kapja Gamna in Austin Itx was presented This stile's tegan with 11 BUSINESS discussed included announcement o' sta'e convention, April 21 and 22 at Utah State Imvtrsiiv ogan Apha Theta State wi ce'tbrate its 4tfh birthdav ti this time A sriecia! arts and crafts exhibit will be part ef LAYTON - Mrs Gretta Bone Taylor was honored at a EMPHASIS in her talk used cn From Challenge It was on to Achievement the rre the Positive Leaoer'h.p for Purposeful A 'ic r fix. i Cahy Altx Honored For Sendee Work Salt lake City, state president a f LOR Jones treasurer rtpoit TA L) Supply Depot, whtc h had ben n taken over by the G S A T his Forces in Fiance in tht St Muhiel Meuse Argonne drive, the final action of the war t Bubak collect by Me'pha Kol i wvn roll call and minutes bv Ann During the year 19t2, he was appointed chairman of the Industrial Development Committee, to work in con junction with the city and county on the industrial development of the surround ing area, including the Naval ) I Program consisted panv Corps 34), 86th Division he was trained at Camp Grant Illinois The combat units of this division saw action m the Expedituma! a !. JESSE David Barlow was born in Bountiful, Davis American and has maintained iub e who know him The following is a short sketch of his full life to his church, country, com mumty and to his family England, serving as clerk But ik l t intv exe n lt vt delicious dinner was served by Mrs Barlow to children sistant Al HE MRS ,i s people S I " i s iv it .4nn , i bt et nter is located in b i sc n t nt of the ibi arv 8 2 S ujt h UM) f ast i1 ( lear Id It is pen from 8 1(1 a ii to 5pm dadv Mt ridav r dav and v spurs tin tugh tin I i hem ant ( a (I, t lit lien endo thit are being offered ti ( h pi n to i IKS is the gut st spe ike at the a. ton Rota v rt gul tr d n t r mt rg on W t J'tt s i (V T ht nut Mi g was htld al i ( h It tu ( t nit r with it rs in t g jt is d u CALI spt A ' g a and all the se 54 end Idt and Hit v m iv ip itt m nn of the ac s u M 1 MR pweTiv handictaft i 15 u w 376-433- 5 v cn r rs t HEN HUT Hair Styling m t pool (both oil painting Ch na) end t af a is of graduate were held at the Trinity T rule to be he I Senior Cilizen Activities Slated LAYTON itv d barlow JCSNE s welcome by Mrs MRS GRETT ted to the Sc huol Board of ivis County and served in it position for the next ten irs five of which was as an man of the board It was f SHIRLEY president, presided tee i j ' DIKING World War II he ws chairman of the commit nt of Northern Davis County whit h was responsible for the ileol Scries E Bonds In the fall of 1941, he was Plans Wedding of Mrs Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, a society f r outstanding educators, held its March meeting at the Arietta home of Mrs Williams, Centerville spun sor of Pi Chapter uty He acted as town clerk for more than 20 years Was Posmaster of Clearfield for 20 years, as the little fourth i lass office was situated m his mercantile store During his idmimstration, two rural r u'es were secured, eminat n g from Clearfield, simplify ii g the address system of the whole area which had for vt ns secured its mail from H t per Weber County and i .A? i t i - x. i - "C ZCMI CENTER Downtown ? bU |