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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 16, 978 Enter State Tourney BtfL Gals By DAVE WIGHAM Falcons Get Revenge Is Jhsj Get By West High THIS group of girl athletes to watch. They have gone strictly to a man to man defense, which is very uncommon in girls basketball. are fun due N El L - All year mi voaches have been saving mat there has been a k .! . mm uni canon in - a bn tics. Bountiful High . 1 1 i Third fit Stale To Claim this time the Cats caned By DAVE WIGHAM me nut and trie- nutted ihemsei SOL I'H SALT l.AKK Woods Cross gsrls were iust LX) proud to drop two games in a row as the young Wda-cat- e' s ires iht-- 6d it w m- - IN AN .,r r C r II sr t about to lose two ,:i a row ana went out and outscured their in the Sinai ipponents ire quarter to win third place. Murray led throughout the contest with the exception of the first and fourth quarters. At one time during the third period the Spartans held a 9 0 c Own, of:, e Cats IT bench us looked noted With everyone back from this year's club the Wildcats would nave to be considered the d' strong 'av r s 'ok next year, .md ,, ixnhiy the next two Veai's. i ; , o to.' n t that they were outscor-mthat much, but when I up they were up by 9.'' It. was at Coach g .. p,iov i SALT LAKE slate 1TY - m. L , In the I.., d not , Mun- - i SALT LAKH CITY tie Yickv Johnson. I he three alternates were Kristin Hansen, t athy vrav and Alta Dustin. These gals, along w th their coach, have put m a lot of time ard i f o rt f them game and gaining a mmi. berth is a uf ! major college conferences around I n e na on which in conferences NT AA selection is made. But on Friday afler- n he ( ou!d have nt talking about high school nali ir.aiontv I v M go! krt in Mdfdit n, taunts out of s m - This was the third een the two aim eg Jo Already me Falcons bi-t- ' ( i u1 oupie uf victories over tno Bobcats, 5tc 46 and 52-5SO JUST as Norm had in-- i 'id 'bar mt last shot is , I ''u Huru at1-- wanted and u r i d tne tables for a , f ", Staker avion was limited to i who p. jndon i n ji l ( ounters. Biggest surprise t tht- ( b ivt,:. t d (Ji h I. ht ' t uer the Falcons w ! , , tne Irencers were still feeling sorry for themselves when the V n if n Hu their points trmr of up Iron', be di tab. L Clear! e d E a cons went i to head w.th the Bobcats w it, rht consolation o. U round the Coach ng about tht- post-seasoi.rnumtnt of reveral ghf o too 'WooUw.'i1 .dd0 respect ivetv. THE inside attui k Was wen bv the Cougars as mey got the Cougars gave the Olympus team more of a game than anvone in the Special Event i enter had anticipated. 1. avion should have won Iheir opening round game with Fast. Maybe in that second game - Mb- K- ii o iht d- l. . im" mis contest , ii: b,, wh' n ot i op-id- p Remember though one year ' mi Faiioru did the same " e H u Ldv'e", won in the ; .reamem af'tr dropping a - n Itagut piav to Layton. V.ivoe turn about is fair piav. C.Tirneld doesnt think so. SKY VIEW actually looked m have 'he game sewed up with a 549 lead with only 1:3. left in the game. But then t i a t and Brian J ,nxft' no a couple of jump in the min minute to An id ' i pm' t KEARNS, (iii the ( rest of oeir very fast star?, enmved v aid o igho..' he entire .lire arid tne more tne ani ers pressed me more me WHATEVER the reason the Cougars came out rolling while the Lancers Mood .mound and waited for things to happen Things did happen, for the Kearns bum h. os urey e r a v lumped on! of toe : 'aiding blocks, tone a lead from the eu's.-.old never looked h.,i e The ( iiuii.ii s Ire! at the nu.iner 19 ii and nt the ha f ov a score of is. .gat s p j - d aw a , I n j core Was re ,y ., ,, ho. Hi .in ties got to see a lot of aeon in the final uuarter. or the Kearns people i: s n me i ha u ip'.'ni r ' ,. ha on, ( Wl ( I g ..it ; j ' u a Vt , o Av?0 f Vk : : ny ibi x' r problems out front with them quickness. Hus was the Clearfield riub that people around Region Urn had seen throughout tne v ''Following that loss I r. lo took the chib T.r.'Ugh a one hour workout Brighton, came burning the nets and eTHE FALCONS when they went to their bench they didnt break stride. Roger Vincent and Gary Dixon came on to show signs of brilliance for next year as they combined for ten points. HILL AFB - There is no charge for air rescue service provided by the helicopter rescue unit at Hdl Air Force Base. drawing the foul and hitting foul pitches. Junior Russell Florence pourea in 11 points finding hitnsed n a i c- :a, a t r, a . BIG name on the F department n wu as they t. .1 t, , , I nuir g." ft' St U t ii 1 :n! ry sk stl xtiv it-- i s tr ; W 'v if : he Kernels beidUSe see!: Mglls dt FuWdlT ' . , u.a Sure.'' .tu ' i - - i ,i t i t at gi n - r i sdthg 0 t x a weil rounded bailgame a; both ends. They controlled to tempo of the contest and held the big people of West well below their scoring average. T, ALSO, ! U oat 3 o ,0 d, me to the officials .1 Sc tilXf; df THE WIN put CleartieT i' to the consolation sem Mj's to meet Sky View while inr loss put Wrest cm nl th t ney. It was the first time - a i many years that Wesexited after onlv two guinea ! M 6 great credo t the t team ft r trie w.i bounced bai K eft r x.u c heartbreaking davs earlier. A t i J r .! 1 t t ) ' f O' to i , v in- reunam hsi kesul N: ' ) piaved ' a : fut' t i t i serVii.es puiprere :n c - e rsa-utii- an m ledger though was scot: Wallace who ended with a game high 31 points, 22 of them in the first half. Wallace will admit his best shot is the foot jump shots and time after time the Paitl;erJ w. willing to give it to him. Clearfield Cel t rereue MR f re,. , up this said Lt. Michael Wren, of Detachment Four, of the 41st Rescue and WVather Reconnaisance w rn at the northern I tab air h.,-We cun t want tu i re ! " t i iia1 ge d t a - Guard Darren Parrv got into the scoring departme',' with some great inside moves near the foui ne fot a of easy jumpers. dear We want to misconception,' J Ii : t ! Ml I 1 Fa.i on' to within T j! smns bv a Ed Icons down the mst them in this uut- - ", otJ coupie su t. n GAt- (P n - a 1 AT THE buzzer Mark Reid hit a jumper and Brian Johnson was fouled. The bucket counted and Johnson hit his two foul pitches with no time showing to bring the score up io the final. Turning point of this seesaw battle was when Bobcat coach Gary Swan inserted Bruce Quayle into the lineup. Known as a streak shooter Quale came in and poured in 14 points in the second half. A k p-- t m A- - ' Ak. i, ' i!f E&M earn r:.. 'x I 1573 forth Lisin j i iu tjyyy C AAAAAAAVVVWWVVV'. iwmr i .ii S' 4 l I : I J m $ Isi 5 r V, . !Q ! IAHILE Quavle found the hot hand the Clearfield scoring machine of Scott Wallace suddenly found himself cold from the floor. Scott led the Falcons the enure tour- nament in scoring but just couldnt find the range down the stretch in this contest. Difference in scoring came from the charity stripe as both clubs hit 20 field goals apiece but the Sky View team foul pitches while the hit Falcons could onlv manage 20-2- 19-3- 0 Skv'ine High for cham-urn i game started while the Kearns people were just 1 the guards were causing mg while the Bobcats' Reese Petersen was hitting a cruc ial pitch at the other end. Norm Flienberger of New Mexico said it best when he commented on post season tournaments, you can beat a team all year and if you give them one more shot at you ihev il probably beat you." 01 COURSE Norm was in in teams would pack utter the Bengal loss, but ; ''i-- , group of athletes. v came out and played one tneir best games of the to down a very gwd West r.e ut me four-name- n s "hi Bravre have rht t p. . f c ub that could poll of! 'i rt i opM iv, and at ire1 muse Mi j hcle miserabk t, ht By DAVE. WIGHAM ree man guard line will; Ben Bub, re and a Woodward Carl b hawk tg tht it r penpie. Snow linishea tne t to Brighton MANY tooper, susan Allred and o Rick Snowy wih u. this season. up a Hi i t!u They are Jdi Brig more, hue Dickerson, Deb Lee, Kathv -- c anvone they put on turn to t. i.d the evening with 2U Coach Moon went won a loam which thev won. round BIGGEST difference in the two games though was the defense the Falcons laid or. the Panther big people. Never did the West team get an uncontested shot, the Clearfield fc! wards were very acme, For Rescue considered .tightened ! 'a amund, over and in rough the Cougars had a playoff with Jordan, they lost. That set up the battle, last Saturday, with the Viewmont m - just reward. Although not es were out niv a' c to piav tiidi .ot on f uesday r Li ate g m- niglit it k, bucket fur tht t asv shut. For the night Chad wound up with points. Man, ,f those points i arte Ian m th. game with the l.avtim crew pressing to git 'hem hands the ball. RORY Dixon stav 1 nt i f foul trouble in tins ( ortest and his presence was fen hv the Cougars as he drove The Lancers won an automatic berth into the tournament by virtue of placing fourth in the tough Region One league. Kearns however had to go through two play (iff games m order to get into the event. Hit- Clearfield had great success in going inside to their big people as they showed some good patience on offense and simply ran the plays and went with the game plan that had been laid out for them. res also 1 D alter time underneatn different as day and night. ven be in the : v l TAKE the Kearns and I acton game as a good example. Heres a couple ot teams as t made finished s point. l the Clearfield coming off a ii dt.c loss wa- i. SEVERAI !oui;r- m tre league and Mantle, who p.avs u Cm ' s position unlv 'tan but he piayed taller than that as he found himself open tm e funny ihings can happen. Teams .that weren't supposed to win do, and teams that arent supposed to lose do. This, is especially true of the second right games involving two teams that lost their opening game. i'aj.pv to to it., too e f f , ft and Kami J.ebert. : ' ! p, svi-idav learn members at- Lisa Tayuir ana Cnsiv foies Juniors on the team include ixainv I hornlev, the leading ret, I IX j Mu it re', Viellv D1 h, J . , nr ,xi i i, t re U w i THE Thursdav ttefore their ,r' ' iurnamem ,p rimg g.c t hairpersui, L oir, Bonneville High, tailed too! informed Bourdini! that they had the n-eras r :gui play and that develop the Vr.g sfnt and the long passes foe me fast breaks. t program sophomore from Kearns bv the name o! Chad Mantle. tournament , IN THE opening i .aid piav ,v v under-:en- second round of the mounter the Clearfield m s meet with the West Panthers. Here is a i:.. i n mat is known as a state a. i, every tournament the s are counted out and eery time they somehow nto the picture. . , f - ; an r-- -, ed m o Kearns Knocks Layton Out Of BB Tournament MAIN tinn, side was th. ac-- c. i ag.-- o hr By DAVE W IGH AM her it, the fltttl in the ft1.; were . IH.iveS i didn't seem from the defensive assignments. For tne first time the girls were aisu on a weigh! lifting an and t ifi High k ! M Of is mat I . v 7 a m. until m. with, the maioriv ot the time spent working on their rernugh the " ms the a fiat napi' A S He : U , be would morning from theri Cim.cn t.: rebounds. big NOT WINNING the state title was an obvious disappointment to the Cats but both the coaches and plavers agree that there is a silver lining in the defeat. It makes us want it that much more next vear." point advantage over the t , CLEARFIELD came to prove a point in the West contest, actually if you could revenge they had a couple of points to prove, that being they had a better dub than they showed m the opening round. W'esi High got the a a ihe void. ' i forth on ger Reid has an to put teams on the j! will give more than seem possible, to say eve 100 percent on the working out every dav ;n the - s pa pi r ' xL KMs !v. Micheile Lottie bounced back !rom her off night the evening belore as did t heryl CleverSv as these two added 10 points apiece to the winning cause. ti.i agreed that thev weren t Woods-- quicker t it bing u h ,'V lore earned a t 'r.i'T.en:. ! ( arolvn Mdri meau maved a Cleat game fut Woods Cross scoring Lx points and grab- l p !, re - ; os.s tea n. at ai I, as the luntinuei! t break the press and get die raw bucket. rights. a f p.dst ONE aspect of the rat vou can count on is I - r H tht- Region DURING t hultfi pc- 1(J the Spat tails welt: tufted ti toes-- - tht t at- - and that didn t tournament without playing some tough defense, noted Coach Reid. Whatever that workout consisted of the Falcon coach should bottle it for next year. consis-- ' t t ,f-- al- - tournament. :nt- - v b'ugr. tv stop, one-poi- thi the league. They are thtrg remain - -- Treughout the season Bountiful run one of the best tne the next day. We put the bail on the floor and played some hard nosed defense. That was lacking in the Brighton game and you dont win in this In a rprt 1 ctableas high Daake'.brel its good to - a CITY s will put. resh-Dlish- RING d wiltrn as' t- ner named hr Cats (hanged tneir take detense to a V Zone aWaV the f, g n post plaV ut Murrav s Shanna lav tor ana To helped them at'enre .re weu 'The zone not omv stopped them but :i gave us our last break ana wnen we get going or: tne break we re THIRD place m the st ur a team that starts tntee sophomores and two f men is a great at cum .rent for the Wildcats The night before tht ass had dropped a heart brt a king game to bear K iver and it appeared mi d w a v through the second ha Pud r th- they Would be beaten second time m as Dl S AKE I has them placing extremely tough defense, which meant the girls had to go through a reugh londttioning On offense the girls from Coach Hiavaty I 49-4- howe.et l e, r tv ung came from behind to to claim whip Murray third place in the state LA basketball tournament. ' ET1 exam lie. DAVE SMGHAM By via BIG GUNS for Skv View, besides Quayle. were Cordell Olsen with 15 and Todd Stevens with 11. Clearfield got good points out of Wallace w ith 15, Darren Parry with 12, Brian Johnson with 10 and Russell Florence with h The lead changed hands more times than a centipede has legs in this game. Clearfield led by two at the end o both the first and re, ' nd quarters, it was tied at the end of three and the fe' b, i's led by one at the end. BOTH clubs played weil at times and pulled away to a huge four point lead, that was a big lead in this game but neither could put the other away for good. Reservists Honored Tony Lsma Boots Sea 62 00 76 00 Five Utah Air Force Sale Price including Davis Count v Keser-vist- - f s "nm w ,! be honored Marcn 11 at the annual Air Font- A xu a,,,n s Appreciation Nigh!. Ensign Bools - Water Buffalo Boots : -- THE EVENT, spans:, rod by the Utah Chapter, Force Axs3ciatmn. will at 6 30 at Work Wellingtons p.m. at the base sttfu ers Club. ALL BOOTS IN STOCK ON SALE Expert Boot and Shoe Repair We install lizard wing tips Diamond .k T Leather Shoe and Repair 58 No. Main, Layton 766-130- 1 Speaker ot the gala affair will be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Reserve Affairs, George B. Kutche. He will discuss t he Outlook for the Air Force Reserves. DAVIS County reservists being honored at the banquet are Master Sergeant Monan A. Lovell, Clinton; Master Sergeant Julian Martinez, Layton; Senior Master Sergeant Bernhard C. Hallett, Layton; and Technical Ser- geant Jerry Clearfield F. Derrick, All are reservists at Force Base, grb Free Mot Dog, For All Visitors All advertised payments based on 36 mo. lease purchase, with approved credit, 45 of capitalized cost as residual vatud alter down. Sales tax on monthly payments only. 157311. Main 825-97- Hiil Air - t ifci 21 u |