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Show VvEEKLY REFLEX VAPChS DAVIS NEvNS JOURNAL ff,. W V r$ - i i H& .L-- ? t X i - , Bats . i A ; p" 4 BOUNTIFUL 'S' - Bountiful state legislator, Douglas Sonntag has been appointed to the State Tax Commission by Governor Scott Matheson in an appointment that became effective last week THIS appointment will necessitate naming another 1 He unexpectedly wants to see you " An interview followed Representative Sonntag was offered the post lion on the four member commission about three weeks before the art nouncement was rt least the press REPRESENTATIVE Son, l tag said hts experience in the legislature, where he has represented D strit t 57 for al most two terms was one of the reasons fot hts appoirt iwi uc turn at th t Ut'ur B tsirt Wattr Con-- t i v anc District in L.vton will result mtlc dtstin t doubling the t tpacity for water punluation Sttthi ig jk ds in-- ht mg onstrutti d by Weyher Con mu turn ('on p mv LOTS OF CONCRETE me nt i In a c i d to s'a'ement Mathtson said, t Governor Doug Sonn Ad- HIS NEW position will be a challenge, Representative Sonntag said The commis- I sion is charged with adminis- i tering the laws that the DOUGLAS F SONNTAG c A (instruction wheh of the waii-- i it ut ion pint at the Vn bt r biso pu Wattr Const rvaney Hnadquat terx loea'td on Highway 141 in ast avion xl onld G complth d by Mav Jl aaordirg to Hi Henslt v Wtlxr Basin Water Dtx'riit if f t ijl A81 LAtTON - ( UfdUU 1 1 ANYTHING mechanical can go wrong s he said Federal we double chick, node lints now specify that any suspend d organic matter in the water cannot tvited one part per million These stan dirds are mure strict than the five parts x r million turbidity allowed pieviously When the raw water is taken from the Wi bt r River, it goes to the settling basins whuh are now being doubled in size Iht re the flocculation process goes on Alummum sulfate is added to the water u mstriu lion is planned expand the capautv so that at the pi get oil growth ran t u m v wait i needs can ht met in tht Dav is t unity ana thtiuyl 1982 Mr Hmslev said with the expan sion, that 40 cubic ft (I of water tan be treattd evety stcond The plant tould THE to serve culinary wattr mtds purchasers from Farmington to watei to North Ogden in the event that the Opdtn p ar.t had to be shut down during an emt r genev Three plants Bonin ful Ogltn and th I ast s avion plant in addition to vs provide culinary wattr to the W tsunh ront Region from Notth Silt lake to North Ogden 1 1 to Ivan I to Kit g fi i in wells which reqjire chlorination for purification The other process which takes water directlv from the Weber River and pur. lies it through m ulmg and f ltert7dt icm is more ion pi idled and requires the equipment at th. water purification plant W'ater is tested evtiy two h. s bv trkers who man the present pit and t laboratory 24 hours a day In add t r testing for the phvxu al proper! it s sm as chlorine and odor a chemist takes ji samples a month, tests those samp'es fir chemical quality and submits wror samples to state officials who affirms tr c I nvironmental Protection (I PA) s an dards are being met produce wa'er t f a meet federal and sta!e standards " Mr Hensley said Forty full tine employee s of the water distru ! provide culinary as well as irrigation v etr in the five county area serviced by lit water district in Box Fldtr Wibtr "01 R objective quih'y which will MR. HENSCEY expla n d that m old tmnal instrumentation testirg pr cess v w is recti purchased and installed t measure tht turbiditv of the water on a 24 Hour basis The c orr putt rizitd nion mnng dev u e mtasurts the suspended organa arrival art Mr and Mrs Bruce W OH Bedford Drtv Je fix as well as Davis irrigation system saves itsidents money since only drinking water gx s through the complete purifu ation process Summit, Morgan The secondary County t kav s Mile The 7 1b 5 oz whixp o' femininity arrived (n Feb 22 - P SAK'NGS d FOR FASTER 0ft on an Permanent Waves Shampoo Hair Cuts Sets Included with all Permanent Waves HEN HUT HAIR STYLING 376-433- 5 41 N. Main, Kaysvtlle t i , home are two brothers md a xisnr to welcome her s Jeffs will be remem bered as the former Marian ,r tnwell of W ext W tber it grandparents are (Retired) and Mrs Dean P Jef's of F ruit ID ,ghts and Mr ard Mrs lewis Green well of W est W eher Ihe great grandparents art Mr and Mrs Farl Knight of avton and Mrs Rosella ot tie of Plain City Mr and Mrs lee 'A Riberts of 441 So 925 Fast Kavsvtlie are excited over the arrival of a baby daughter born to them on Feb 25 at the McKay Dee hospital She was named Jill and weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz Mrs Roberts is the former Janet Hess of Colo She is their fourth child The grandparents are Mr I S3 1 le The C and Mrs Dean L Roberts, Laton and Mr and Mrs Dean Hess of Klamath Falls, Ote 1 Syracuse Miss Debbie Failoni who will be married in early April to Don Hicken of Green River, Wyo was the honored guest at a bridal shower on NEW PROCESS fLaivom BMh s It s a girl for the David L and Joanna P.ertc Ba.lev family She arrived Ft b 24 n The great grandparents ar Mr and Mrs Leslie Roberts of Milford, and Mrs Milford Hess of Filer, Idaho It s a daughter for Mr and Mrs Austin M Chiles Jr of 903 Last 450 South, Kaysvtlle, The little new ''Miss'' arrived ,m Feb 21 at the Davis North Med.cal Cen'er in Layton and weighed 8 lbs 7oz They have t boxen Jenny as her name At home are two brothers and a sister Mrs Chiles was the former Jill Christensen of Provo The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Austin Chiles Sr of Salt Lake City and Mr and Mrs Cheryl Christensen of Pro' o The great grandparents are Mrs Della Jensen and Mr and Mrs Rulon Bov son all of Provo Also Edgar Chris'en ser of Levan Ltah np ............. v.v.v.;.sx-Xs-X-v.XX-:-X- John Zachary Ger'urd is ihe newest memter if the John A and Shcri Hicks Federal Womens Luncheon The Federal Womens Club present their welcome to spring luncheon to be held at the Red Flame Restaurant, 2837 So Main Bountiful Sa turday, March Overheard 18 at 12 30 p m THE event is sponsored by members from the A Hcs pital For reservat ms n Salt erne Burton, Karen Bryan, Ogden and North Davis Coumv Flna Hulett, Donna Brown, 1 Mr and Mrs Brad Hicks of Layton and Mr and Mrs Raymond Gerrard of River dale are the child's grand parents Mrs Maxine Blake of Roy is the great grandmother dmg Serving With Army In Turkey U S Air Force Staff Sergeant Gary A Finn, son of Mr and Mrs Ronald F Finn of 2186 Panama, Boise, Idaho, has arrived for duty at Dtyarbakir, Turkey Club Lake City call - SERGEANT Finn, a materiel control specialist with a unit nf the Air Force Communications Service, previously served at Luke home of Mrs Zene W Ben nett with her daughter, Mrs Michael M hostess Jones assisting NOTICE ALL DAVIS COUfJTY dJU YOU MUST LICENSE YOUR DOG BEFORE FRIDAY, EViARCU 31, 1978 Late fines andor citations will be issued to those people who have failed to license their dogs. You can license your dog by going to your LOCAL ANIMAL CITY OFFICES, CONTROL SHELTER, OR THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Bountiful residents must go to the Bountiful City office. Your application must be accompanied with current rabies vaccination formation. COST OF A LICENSE. EXCEPT BOUNTIFUL CITY RESIDENTS, IS: Mate or Female $10.00 Spayed Female or Neutered Mate - $5.00 (Certificate ot alteration must accompany application) AFB, Anz The sergeant is a 1968 graduate of Twin Falls, (Idaho) Senior High School and received his B S degree in 1971 from the University of Idaho at Moscow THE PENALTY FOR A LATE LICENSE AFTER MARCH 31, IS AN ADDITIONAL $5.00 Make checks payable to 486-278- The only thing he can lick is a postage stamp oniv when Us back is of Sunset Gerrard family The boy was born Feb 24 in an Ogden hospital He has three sisters afternoon at the Saturday Basin Watei Conseivancv Distuct plant will The Weienlarge the capability to filtc i watet dining the pu i if it pi ex. ess Anthiacitecoal and silua ate used as a filtet media at the plant - Grandparents are Fred ard Fav Pierce of Spanish Fork and Jerold and Snerry Bailty At til "UNFORTUNATELY, don't think it will be quite that easy, Mr Sonntag said But m looking forward to the challenge an Ogden hospital She will be named Amy Lynn Bailey and she is the couple s first hid it tht hoxpitd1 Ogtlt n and wilt be namt d f to five job at last is to KaysvSS Me Kav Representative Sonntag is married and the father of six children He and his wife Gloria live at 127 East SDO South, Bountiful He laught d about an incident when his son, 16, told some friends Im sure glad dad has a nine in the i w Re jme mg uv c I lh of a baby daughter another Republican was required to fill that position Henseley the next wattr plant is the filtration process The plant where the water is ft! ten d is also being expanded to double the pui if, cation capacity When completed in M iv the filtration plant will duplicate in size the other Weber Basin Plant which was constructed 21 years ago Any excess particles which are not settled out, are filtered out Anthracite coal and silica are used as a filter media A new concept in the remoyal of sludge is the Leopold Clartvac system which employs the use of a small cable which floats on the top of the water According to Mr Hensley this sys'em is unique to Ltah where Weber Bas.n wul use the method for the first time in the new plant The water purification process, which takes two hours from start to finish, relies n the three mehtods of purification floe t ulation, sedimentation and filtration A hen the clean water is chlorinated, it is iht n stored in four underground reser voirs before being piped to the distribu t'on points pocis of appointment also added Accord ng to Mr progress TWO water sources pri v ide dr t water to Dav is County re si it ms Ui e REPRESENTATIVE Sonn tag will replace R Milton Yorgason, whose term as a tax commissioner has ex pired Two Republicans and two Democrats are appointed to the tax commission, so tht which removes the iron and the man gancse are added to the water Chlorine is ed for a building and about $.10 (HKt for the instruments which monitor tht purifica baas lion of the water (in a Construction on the settling ponds and the building where the filtering process takes place began in August The con struction is geared to be completed the end of Mav m time for the suramt r high watc i season Mr Hensley said, although Weyher Construction (ompiriy, who suit muted the low bid was scaled down dur mg the winter that consui non h is i on tinued year The central committee, chairman and vice chairman of the voting districts in Legislative District 57 will select nominations from prosper live candidates for the legislative seat These names will be submitted to Governt r Mathtson, who will make the appointment OTHER tht nm a Is such as chemically acti ated carbon which removes the taste and odor and potassium permanganate, lint Webe t Basin Water official, the cost of tit equipment and construction is $KKG "ah In addition $70 UK) to $ho UK w ill be i xp nd ACCORDING m ltah election laws requ re that Representative Sonntag s legislative position be filled for the remainder of this Large paddles turn the water as snowflake like particles of aluminum sulfate precipitate out, taking with them tht sediment present in the water e gis a or ACCORDING TO Ref rest tative Sonntag, his role as a kg xlator has taught him how to get information and will allow him to provide infor mation that is reliable Dui mg the legislative session his dav began at 5 a m Fven when the legislature is not in session, cornmit'ee meetings were held at least every W ed nesdav and often m me fttquently i 1 1 I r i, a Business and industrial Insurance Development, Fnergy, L nemplov men! In xurance, Workman s Com perxrttion appropriations f r Hoc id Sen ups, and I u t trot ic Funds Trans'er i 1 h. e committee assignments ADJUSTMENT irom hts private business to hts ntw appointment will not be so drastic since Representa' ve Sonntag had already geared down his bus'nesx during the But be legislative sessitn admitted that the adjustment could be difficult in otntr ways '111 miss tht1 tx , will dnubit Iht the legislative of Representative Sorntag was chairman of the Rules Com rm'tee, m addition to having Ot i ten,ent 'tssuns govet nor rial present in th v i r af'tr the cation prtKt'ss !f for some reason, water dJt s not meet I PA standards an alarm si ends and the tontrol panel lights up Ihe system i riders all of the three plants in the I iv is Countv area Mr Hens, ey said that tun with this sophisticatedt monitoring c ju pmtnt, the water distru continues to 0 st the water every two hoots By ROM I YN KIRK ss- - with offices in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo He is past legislature passes The commission supervises the ad justment and equalization of the tax evaluation and as sessment among the counties According to Representa live Sonntag The commix sion does not make the reas sessment, but does see that the counties follow the law Over 700 employees are under the direction of the Utah Tax Commission, with the cha,r man being a; pointed by 'he Mathesons press secretary who said, The Governor t Representative Sonntag has been president and manager of Sonntag Mallory, Inc , an independent adjusting firm According to RepresentatSonntag, the appointment to the State Tax Commission recei.ed a call from Governor N Prior to hts appointment, president of the Utah justers Association tame l wdl bring a valuable blend to the State Tax Commission Republican to Mr Sonntag's legislative post The appointee must reside in the same legislative district to qualify to fill Mr Sonntag's unexpired term in the Ltah State House of Representatives ive S; r of combination in private experience business and the legislature tags By ROSELYN KIRK - iJLJ , 1 Appointed To Tax Commission By Governor Scott r.latheson and then turned Tribune, Chicago 968-133- 825-356- 731 2134 HIS SHFE, Nancy, is the of Mr and Mrs Raymond V Evans of 25 S Terrace Drive, Clearfield daughter DAVIS COUNTY TREASURER in- |