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Show f WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS MEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 16, 1978 School District Pays Coaches By kOXi LIN KIhK hex - taxes into topsideta othtr tdttors n ti FARMISuTOn o. . Schyini D x'ru fas u mp- p sated 24 tom hex pav op $.800 in ret road u wages a, ordered bv the I S Def ar ment of Lator Supermten dent Berneli W ugk sd d, af'er consult'! g with the I tab me spent, Mr Steyensoi xu.d Sath fai tors as length of he spor's season, the nuirter f ur'n pants the number of ass.xtant cOathes suptrvised Attorney General dis'r'U i'dd on a po.nt basis it nit nt i f t fa, hes t i , m.xiits' i - ,,i Labor Department ACCORDING in Stevensui assiMapi tend nt it SUtfl ( Bit' c, jti ,s (mi f - 1 and g'rix part ,,'e i ,j. . h' . fi r H I sun . t ART on " 1 DISPLAY through the hallways and moms of the school observing representing over Jill art skills the students have work d It this e,,r ART edut ation at I me oin is b i t d on the idea that people ue not born artists but that art skills Cdn be learned by d! ( hildten h urn to recognize and create beauty develop special skills for transferring ideas, images and feelings into visual forms (art work), and explain works of art were THE displavs examples of these three benefits gamed from art The main objective education art education at Lincoln is to teach visual thinking through art skills and con c pts A single art idea or skill is taught in each art lesin son Fxhibits included sculpturclay molding, weaving and pictures using all the painting mediums STUDENT art from kindergarten through 6th grade was on display dmg ing RADIO & TV REPAIRING ALL MAKES BRANDENBURG TV Reasonable Rales Sunset 825-367-6 THOSE who attend this opening will see the dawn on Mt Etna, a distant beacon of Greek colonists to Sicily nearly 3,000 years snow-cappe- d ago They will also view f u ruling e d HI i ns the same numbt1 of h ms Mr Stevenson said lf they touch an untqaa' n r of hours they could 'h s .nje-- t t to disciplinary at ' baxtd on the lab r nent r ruling up hi Id s I N , - s. kiss , i,t i ii i' 'i i Ml- fv LEST you believe this fabulous collection is to be physically present at View- mont High School next Tuesday, you should be informed that Treasures of Italy is a magnificent travel film based on extensive research and wide traveling in the boot like peninsula Ken Richter, producer of Treasures of Italy," is one of the documentary travel films most stimulating platform - perhaps because he is one of the most interesting men in this field of highly individual people vard, is known to lecture audiences across the U S and Canada as a Hollywood-trainefilm producer who d 3 pictures gives an unusually informative and entertaining narration To other lecturers and to lecture sponsois, he is one of the most respected people in the field a founding member of and one of the first chairmen for the Film Lecturers and f t e w f t f gf ' t t S' e f ifl s o' ! i I ' , lots n r i i v i ns !hi it VT.I'XS i e E f D TUESDAY eyening viewers see the Gates of Paradise on the Giotto tower, the Palazzo Vecchio, U'ffizi Gallery featuring Leonardo da Vinci's "Annun- will KEN Richter has worked in countries, more than half the nations of the world He has been presented many prizes and awards six times 80 of Leaning Tower, Genoa home of Columbus dnd Michelan gelos Pieta " Adventure Series Popularity Poll, and recently he was awarded a Gold Medal by the u i a board room of the school ad ministration building at Fast State in Farmington 45 IX legislation Graduates From NCO Academy to Deputy ACCORDING Supt Lawrence Welling, the agenda will include a discussion about the Davis County Vocational Center during which Dr Walter Talbot, superintendent of V Buy Direct from Orchard Elementary, the Packer Custom Curing, Killing & Smoking Nothing Down 6 Months to Pay Meat Guaranteed PORK Vi Corn Fed another matter Lb. Cut & Wrapped Cut & Wrapped PAX Mark III $098 16 lbs Lawn Food All-Purp- formula! on Slow and tasl nitrogen for all reason nutrition Use on tees and shrubs too Paxl te soil conditioner added S0 636 t7QQ 20 lbs 80 lb. ti: Contains Betason and prevents Crabgrass and many other weeds for up fo 18 weeks A balanced fed ze' for your lawn with Paiite added to condition soil 570 783 $9 98 r 14 lbs ULK In Stock Now Question about your lawn or garden? Ask Us! LET US HELP YOU PLAN YOUR GARDEN - Work glove values X. Save an additional 17 off our regular low prices. 75 foot ; pneudraulic systems Garden Hose Buy 50 ft. GET 25 2. ft. ;?Free OUNTRV KITCHENS - yt CABINETS INC. SOLID OAK AND ASH DOORS On ' All Wood Cabinets at a Syracuse - 825 - 1862 sulphur 20 6 3 " Reg. 29.95 technician at Hill AF B Sergeant Clauson is a 1952 graduate of Davis High School, Kaysville His wife. Carol, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Max B Hager of 1021 N Oak, Fargo, N D of SITE HOUSE OF MEATS oea ment aps $098 Q Pax Super Very Competitive Prices FREE ESTIMATES CALL JACK 376-177- 1 ss' diameter , " SII 079 J construction with brass couplings 463611 - Canvas Strong Reg weight 2 49,3 pr $1 99 comfortable and allows you to work in tight places Nylon reinforced vinyl Full flow Lb. lawr- - Pax Super Crabgrass Control who THE sergeant, received advanced military leadership and management training, is an aircraft business, the school board will consider purchasing a new school site close to the boundary between West Point and Clinton School Board Member Sheryl Allen and Assistant Supt Gayle Steven- formuiahc n eon magnesium and zinc Prevfnts?4 weed varieties 10 6 4 Tex tiful, and act on a motion to approve a site settlement on the north line at Jennie P Stewart School, Centerville IN IQL A) the Tactical Air Command Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Bergstrom AFB, Boun- you can buy ba'anced 18 4 4 - 2 4 D Amine ana barivel kill dandelions chickweeds and 30 others 5dayresults 50 628 22 lbs ki:i Technical Sergeant Ronald J Clauson, son of Mrs Ruby N Clauson of 1217 S 2000 W , Syracuse, has graduated from school with the Davis Board School district officials will accept bids for the addition to ff lllMMi'h The most complete Pax Super Action Weed n Feed son will discuss facets of Title IX, which applies to sex discrimination in the school a Both have attended workshop dealing with Title .iM IPax Total Ful'y V$8495 Davis School Board Meets On March 21 FARMINGTON - Davis County School Board will meet March 21 at 7 30 at the 0)10) from growing 5"0 601 pleasure Call the Davis University of Utah, 581 8801, for information and tickets Austrian Government for his production "To Austria with Love n Cuts crisp n clean Pom 3n to 3 at 4 adiuMaMe he ghts Easy roll 7 wheels and rugged stepl deck give N years of cubing Botticellis "Birth Venus," Pisa and the he has won the Detroit World i? 21 P Rotary Mower ciation, Schools and Vaughn Hall, Deputy Stale Supt in charge of vocational education, will talk over the plans for the No Middleman MONO 3pr f y f Pigskin 9 T.s Strong n soft domestic pigskin Drivers Gunn cut design with contoured thumb Unlmed mm r t (fDtjls v n Your Complete Gardening Center in Kaysville world t ,, made h ane Mil s, nt i d ' o e ixi m s( j it d $ f" ir i ash i t 320 No. Main, Kaysville furthering understanding .among the peoples of the t iCiI1 1 Ml" ii c la v Id's N f ' i i t r ir 1 pitii e mg a 0 a 1 wax titry a w Old h J I U N 1 H AN ( 1 p i , v t "i LT f K c D m y it the f vV V ' i . s t S ou that both male and fern t ne x will have in co K ' A t I Vi c (ia." Station I in uxion of the I 1 i'Mi Jk J r t i , i J S L ri i Oj tu With ail his work in many fields, he regards film lecturing as his most important activity - his contribution to makes highly polished motion state All " p . r i t Rip-w- Association Etruscan jewels, pottery, portraits and tombs The magnificence of the Roman Empire will also be shown 40,000 miles of roads radiating from milestone O in the Roman Forum and the of the Costumed Roman Senate KEN Richter, educated at Thayer Academy and Har- West 1900 North, 825-622- The Treasures of Italy will be opened at Viewmont High School March 22 at 8 p m personalities Cals 5 Anytime 141 ! h va s U 5 y Treasures Of Italy To Open March 22 ill p m 4 (i iiii'k nts and paic ms btowstd art v r r t i i s a i l from ( n iHt S i 4 t dr-pla- ht id Much I ' d I i i Burtilarv At -- undei stands that otnei districts w ill alxi e iiyextigated The ultima si ' L) uiu r Aa f . i f 1 v ft j f r i r f su ' ' e h D r ; , i it--s ut iM, ft d c e I L r i c ' h K, t - I " " I r - s rZtrs ' ( s 1 S X ' - s . -- ! ' 1 - ; m he sa d tilexi ' f el - d ' ' S cl f f-e e ker stands amidst some of several hundred throughout Lincoln pictures which are on Elementarv School's halls and classrooms Some 200 concepts oj ail art d pH ted at the progressive ait display Chinna inu4r mi Mary School an art show Ihuisdav I ; r r - ! i a m ' ' r a tie Slated For March 23 s ' a pr f Cunf. A rinjc yd1 I i A lit t '1 W 'of a till sarre exit s', , n x s t sa it. 0 s ,p ACCORDING r la Sitnenxi n the ad pi 'mi i ' i coaches' salary sthtdii it take care of arv inrrp! amt problems m the fuiaie x a that agi cement sitis t t i Fair Labor Slaodtrdx Ail I t V' n otn'on a i si -- I c Oar 'll i he , s a ' i t Federal officials Supt rintendent , i SallH iy ht xaul ' vtrt j f live IS ScheKil Disti ill ti first school district in n la e in be investigated I tli si i mir.dtuin based on end sex Mr Stevenson says riin'T 'It should , ' DAV .t x e Xus ' i 1 ntf couch' s IX' alter Ta'bot pt lor ' taxing the matter to the A i iir i General x olfue for e Vi e were adv me d o in-'i ming and fa ketball Labor if' said the i u hts had ret e ted m. unequal pay lime xpi nt Mr Su t rx xaid Al no pu at d d tigalorx q u.mk n the qu , i . of tin e but only das o ' c riterid :he fo nuil i H a' ft i St s xt, m tennis, Hoik, ' Mr Mcve'isun said 'h h x! d sine with ( onsul'ed s com; nsa'i.m to the t mO-wax ordt red hast d on time x; t rit in mat hmg officio'--ip- a Mi i s ho t f e i 'he e f - i ht 1 ' h e ij,o- male ana i fen a e four sport x m wna b both b 14 t r t CIS I 5 ' fn'li men and women nehex Suih sports ax lo i ul wru re the tc were no g r x ,, oiKed weie in conipban e w h t'le t IduXt- ,i . 'at n iat n sta idurds las' a d f .'in J t al s " - i ir t t1- sports wrh ted only in I'eds" fit'vK.s to d s THE vuidti o of the equal ;iji clause according t. , as; f, rhe r point of yiew, had not teen dSked to tee w ip ft Jt r ai of'ieiaix g " r ,t .es'igdl on of 'i J ' i J ig C lulu pr, urerx o ga' iza'n reviewed ttie stale fit , , r a r 1 p, te prior to Sa'ar't - ( - rtk a, I x t U V budget restrictions, the average d. strut income from he sports d'e now corrpu'ed is w sares -- Dee- - burmrg Nm txtia'ue secretary of lav's FjJta r ssi .at n (DL Al xa d 'he i i O'f re Jr j betier u pay thr p ordered thu" t ht with uk time I - 1 e i SKrn ; I 'it stj- Me . I in beside-- . $3" iu |