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Show r i WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 16, 1978 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Reflection Contest Winners The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Davis County :hroughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in SLB&M. 50846 Mark Ray Manning, 725 W. 2075 S. Woods Cross, UT. 0.015 sec. ft. of water ts to be diverted NOT1CE TO WATER USERS ft. from a well, deep, at a point S. 2500 ft E. 1300 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec. 12. TIN, RlW 0'4 mile E. of following applications Lave been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate I INTEGRAL Sit STRUCTURES water JOYCF w i I H S't N, IANm 1 - e Di 6 r..i.t: TO ALL Tt Rv-- , : MECHANIC S AND ALL IT RSONS ! N Ci .) Lit in L.K'auons in SLB&M. 50757 ill 4492) David D. Hansen, 655 So. 1511 E., L. l b4t;25. 0.615 sec. It of water is to tie diverted trim a 2 inch well li.KV.tuU ft oeop at a point s. 410 ft. and W 6:4 ft. front N4 (or Sec -- i, l dN, KiW, ;U 5 mi S W (if i .1 rrnngum i; and used for Plaintiff, vs C. SCOTT Farmington Junction); and used for the domestic purposes of one family and stockwatering 3 horses and 1 Davis County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. I I S - and used from April to 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in SW4NWF4 Sec. 12. T3N, RlW. Lawrence E 5(i847 IV e, 769 W. ltinO S., Woods Cross, UT. 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a ft. deep, at Finch weii, a point S. 70 ft E. lot) f t from the W4 Cor. Sec. 31, miles S. of T3N, R IE (l-cow 1 , Oct. 100-30- 1 family and stockwatering 3 horses and 2 cows; and from to Oct. 31 for the April of .25 acs. in irrigation N W 4SF. T3N, 4. Sec. 31, Art INTERMEDIATE Division winners included Kathy Oberg, first place; Nancy Kirkpatrick, second; Fort Ward, third; Nancy Kirkpatrick, fourth and Jen- Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, SEC before April LT, 84114. on or , Puhiistic d I it he Weekly Re! io. line; theme East leet to the pom! jii ft. from Nw Cor. Sec. 14. 3N, K w (2 mi. W of 1 4M of beginning, containing 1.1 acres. All persons holding or claiming liens upon the above described real property pursuant to Chapter 1, lute 38 K presiding over the Law and Motions calendar of the above-entitleCourt at the courthouse in Davis County, d State of Utah on the 2Kih day of March, 1978 at the hour of a.m. or as soon 10:01) thereafter as the same may be heard, to exhibit there and then the proof of their liens. All liens not so exhibited shall be deemed waived against the property as provided in SecUtah Code Annotion of RONALD E. MADSEN ROY B. MOORE of and for PARSONS, B! HI I. & LATIMER Attorneys for Plaintiff 79 South Stale Street Salt Lake City, Utah Esrst publication ! Farmington); and used for the domestic purposes of one turmlv m NWL4SE,-- Sec. 24, 13N, RlW. Ruv 50838 23 So. 350 W., Bountiful UT. 0.015 sec. It. of water is to be diverted from a ft. deep at well, a point S. 165 ft, and W. 370 ft. from NR Cor. Sec. 25, T3N, RlW, (1 mi. SW of Farming-ton)- ; 100-30- the domestic purposes of one family; and used from Apr. 1 lo Oct. 3! for the irrigation of for used and 0.25ac. in NFRNWLJ Sec. 25, TUN, RlW. resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the Protests 442 Stale Capitol, Salt Lake C Itv, Utah 84114, on. or before April 15, Slate Engineer, in The R 12 1978 I P I ! The following application has been filed with the State Engineer to change water in Weber County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Location in Ross 3312 W. 3300 James Hyland, S., Ogden, UT proposes to change the point of diversion, and place of use of 0.5 sec. ft. of water as evidenced by UnNo. derground Water Claim 20686. The water has been diverted from a drain at a the point S. 25 ft. E. 8 ft. from N U4 Cor. Sec. 3, T5N, R2W: and used for the stockwater 3 horses mg of 30 cattle and and used from April 15 to Oct of 8.0 acs 31 for the irrigation in i st Sec. 34, T5N, R2W'. SE4 Hereafter, 0.5 sec. ft. gives public notice of a public meeting to be held March 22, 197H, at 7:30 P.M. to present and discuss a proposed comprehensive master plan. The meeting shall be held at East Layton City Hall, 1010 Drive. Emerald North Elements of plan to be dis- cussed include population density, traffic circulation systems, use and location of public land and future city development. DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder Published in the Davis News Journal Feb. 23, 1978 F irst publication East publication March 16, 1978 of SW4SE4, T6N, R2W. Protests resisting the application granting of this with reasons therefore must duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State on or Capitol, SLC, UT, 84114, before April 22, 1978. DEE C. HANSEN State Engineer tne Davis News First publication March 1978 March 2, 23, 1978 3 Consideration March, AD, HESS, VAN WAGENEN, PAGE & HESS sAlfred C. Van Wagenen Attorney for Petitioners 40 South 125 East Clearfield, Utah 84015 Published Journal in the Davis News March 16, 30, Utah on April purpose 25, 1978, of for issuing $210,000 of Water Revenue Bonds and $210,000 of General Obligation Water Bonds. DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder published in the Davis News journal on March 16, 1978 1 1 There are gxd reasons lor printing these two dogs, of one. in this week's paper The Red Irish Setter pictured with Joe Nsx of the Davis Count v Anmi.il Confemale named trol Center is a purebred m an Kennel Atm with a valuable Site's dog Tammy. Club pnjvTs. Tamm v is espeeia lly good with children has had her distenijjer shots, hut needs rallies shots, I he and she has a heartoth.-dog is named Pepper" warming human interest story. Pepper was found on Church Street in Layton with the pillowing note attached to her collar: My name is Pepper. Im 14 months old and a mixt ure of collie and golden labrador. 1 m v ery loveable, and Im a good watch dog and sheep dog. will work hard for you and love you. All 1 need is room and board. Will you take me?" Roth dogs need a good home immediatelv. For further information call the Animal on. or Control Center in Fruit Heights. 376-8Ah. F.xtension -- "A, Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United Slates. DATED this March, 8 dav of 1978. VALLEY BANK AND TRUST CO. 1 Trustee Stephen A. Laker Attorney for Trustee 2910 Washington Blvd Suite 100 Ogden, Utah 84401 21D-2-W- Seventh in Series Published in the Davis News Journal Firs! publication March 16, Last publication March 30, bLuidhl 1978 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING TIME AND PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EAST LAYTON, UTAH 1 his is (he seventh in a series articles describing the community service organizations ot I avttm NO of Perhaps the dance is invited. Published in the Davis News Journal on March 16, 1978 IN LAYTON, club meetings are held each Wednesday at NOTICE TO WATER USERS The Agenda for the is- 30, 1978. March 13, 1978. Donna L. Marchant, 2303 C. Avenue, Ogden, UT 84401, has filed with the State Engineer to Appl. No. 50873 appropriate 0.015 sec. ft of water in Davis County. The water Is to be diverted from a ft. deep, well, at a point E 1200 ft. S. 500 ft. from the Wl4 Cor. Sec. 29, T5N, R2W SLB&M (in West Point); and used Irom Jan. to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of one family and 1 By RODNEY W. WALKER County Clerk 30 stockwatering cattle, in The Weekly Reflex on March 16, 1978 0 Published in the Davis County Clipper on March 17, 1978 7 NOTICE OF SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the north door of the County Courthouse in Farmington, County of Davis, Utah, on the 17th day of April, 1978 at 10 oclock a.m. of said day. The property is located in Davis and County described as follows: horses, 10 sheep, and 2 pigs, and from April to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in NWRSWR Sec. 29, T5N, R2W, SLB&M. Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, SLC, UT 84114, on or before April 29, 1978. DEE C. HANSEN State Engineer Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 16, 1978 Last publication March m Kin in the Chateau Reception Center. Outstanding speakers representing a variety of fields are invited to address the Rotary membership. The members find these weekly meetings both stimulating and rewarding. The Rotary has a three-folpurpose: 1. To coniribute to and community civic improvement; 2. To educate and upgrade the individual members; 3. To be a fraternal organization dedicated to improved understanding among the business community leaders. 2 1 Published all IN LARGE metropolitan centers, business and professional men are often placed on a waiting list for membership in the Rotary. Members of the Rotary come from the business and professional leaders of the community. atten- DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder 1978. the of Club. Unlike many munity organizations, the Rotary has a limited membership. 1 meeting consists of the following: n international service organizations is t he Rolary com- each Tuesday evening beginning promptly at 7: 00 P.M. at the East Layton City Hall. Public interest and best-know- and most prestigious East Layton, Utah holds regular Council meetings PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Davis County Commissioners, Farmington, Utah, will hold a regular public meeting in Room 108, Courthouse Building, Farmington, Utah, commencing at p.m. on Tuesday, the 21st day of March, The childrens auditions for the Kids, Kids, Kids" per 1978 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby-givethat the City Council of NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DAVIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FARMINGTON, UTAH a the All of nt 21, GRAND OAKS, Plat "A ', according to the official nlat thereof Ail of Lot 41, GRAND Plat OAKS, A", according lo the official plat thereof Ail of Lot 64, GRAND acOAKS, Plat cording to the official plat thereof 4 Dated: resolution calling for a special bond election to be held in the City of East Lay-to- INTERMEDIATE Music Division, Davis Long, first place and Carol McCurdy, 1978. RODNEY W. WALKFR, Clerk By Afton W. U d a H Deputy Clerk November of adoption of first place. Utah, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of May, A.D., 1978, at the hour of 9: 30 o'clock A.M. DATED this 9 dav of suance of $1,900,000 in Davis County Tax Anticipation Bonds dated March 31, 1978, due The agenda shall consist in part as follows. Jana TavTor, third. Primary Music Division went to Deborah Pincock, heard before the above entitled Court at the Courtroom in Farmington, Davis County, authorizing PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of East Layton, Utah will hold a regular public meeting in the City Hall in East Layton, Utah commencing at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 21, 1978. Last publication YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE of the hearing on the Petition of Adoption of Jennifer Rae Neil C. Neil and Martha R. Neil, and said hearing will be Considering and adopting a Resolution for the Clinton); and ofused 30 cattle, 50 stockwatering and chickens, and 5 pigs: 31 used from April 15, to Oct. acs. in 8.0 of for the irrigation 34, Sec. SW4SWV4, Sec. 33; all in in interested party: 1. Sec. 33; both T6N, R2W (in Published Journal Minor Child. THE SAID ALYSON J ACQU1EYN NEIL BR1MHAEL and any other TO 1978 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EAST LAYTON, UTAH in JENNIFER RAF NEIL, A East publication water is to be diverted from a drain at the following 30 ft- E- 709 f' points: l) S. Sec. 34; 2) S. 30 Cor. SW from ft W. 1320 ft. from SE Cor. be filed of East Layton City hereby NOTICE TO WATER USERS (35-378- tion 1978 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING SLB&M. IN THE DISTRICT COURT DAVIS COUNTY, ST ATE OF UTAH In the Matter of the Adop- First publication March 17, 1978 Pi 16, In- Literature were Brenda Division Holmes, first place, Jill Hartley, second place and of OS- 2, 1978 1H the in termediate No. JSW 1978 Last publication March Division. ADOPTION Weekly-Refle- First publication March Ff notice:, DEE C. HANSEN, Slate Engineer Published Ryan Galbraith took first and Mike Barnes second in the Primary Literature second place, rip 1H. Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication March 3, March K , 2, 978 Last publication 30. FUN R. teed, 1978 last publication March last publication March lira. Weekly-Refle- March Jo Ann i 100-30- appear before the Judge in The HO So, . I Published (U stih E. ( apttol Bivd Salt Lake C itv, U1 0 015 sec. ft of water ts to be diverted ft. from a 3 mch welt. deep a a point N. 2990 ft. and E. 205 ft. from SR Cor Sec. 24. 1 3N R1W, U , mi. W of i Utah Code Annotated t i'.t, .is amended), or otherwise, shall tated (1953, as amended), DATED this 24th day February, 1978. !W. ,)v o2; Ftrst publication March 'I'M and used for the stockwatering of 8 cattle m 1 IN 14 Nw RW ), sec nifer Adams, fifth. WINNERS 29, 197.8 DTE C. HANSEN State T r.emeer as! son, second place; Janice Wilcox, third; Mike Norton, fourth and Chris Cook, fifth. RlW. F .ii; Winners m the Primary art division were Nicole Clawson, tirst place, Kimberly Pier- Farmington); and used for 1 feet along said I i PTA Reflection Chairman, Judy Holmes displayed all the entries at the recent Parent Teachers Association meet87 ing, showing the words of participants. Two entries have gone on to the regional contest. The two consisted of a picture by Nancy Kirkpatrick in the Intermediate Art Division, and the other one, an entry in the Primary Art Division by Nicole Clawson. the domestic purposes of one 1IK) . I ) I Lit IN M THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT ( UURT IN AND FOR DAMS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH 3 I The National PTA Reflection Contest has been held during the past four months and winners have been selected at the Kaysville Elementary School. (31-449- LIEN CLAIMANTS NOTICE Civil No. . 30. 1978 9 EACH year, Laytons Rolary Club completes one major community service project. In 1978, the Rotary project will be to pain! the Heritage Museum. Materials and labor valued at nearly $4,000 will be donated by Ro- tary members. Other service projects include sponsoring high schixil girls and boys at Girls Stale and Boys Stale. The Rotary also gives college and trade school scholarships to school deserving high students. Rotary officers Dr. Clyde Marks, president; Jim McGuire, vice president and Larry Burden, secretary, dmg LAYTON are forming group have been cancelled. An announcement concerning new audition dates will be made later, dmg |