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Show "Tr''1 VEEKL w f"ri"i ymm,rryyvyryi,,,f ' i DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 16 1978 REFLEX Kaysville ' 7 Drive ir i a- r I THE Legionnaires pick up s& ? i Si U !, and scrap aluminum the third Saturda, of each month ami morning ask the residents to bundle and tie their newspapers and have them out early and newspapers ri ' Mavor Gar Ehson is hopeful that the residents of Kaysville will support the American Legion Post 82 of Kaysville tn their monthly newspaper drive i if 4 - w' f re, d 1 h. Ms ,v,y Mis ,i ,r Ii kav-vi'- k K DEPOSIT BOOKS r h hi . s If it k lt It g h' s t rt t n st w lihrjt it ir l . t i , ! illt Strong membt rs, ndent M.iv j p tin n i' ks m t t bin k i I p t, ut I p 1 tl Sf f Ibt m ii i the ni a, 1 vs ' t bnnk ui up is r a! , r bt ii) hum s only ! ' is Ini an d b n k nf tit f ntti fmii ( t i n ii iry S r t I and t Ml In 1st North It, M AY OR sun pi (j ir L ,s for the But c nt to the fit g i it- if M Ilf. ! p Pi a p n L tah - 1- - S lv aif tj Pot Roasts mi t Lb. Blade Cut 0SC Gimck Steal: S f.i n building, and also t p lu in sponsor Boys ar.j " s each tr I u k v , State 0 m alii p m to 5 30 vturdav, 2 b p m 10 2nd North, u Lb. Bar-- S a the m out o Kavsville, d Saturday if i nSi nf ft bc Ground Beef strap aluminum an' s may be turnel i ( at s ( he ron servo o oion at the torner of Ma'n TH nt ate Monday isda 2 30 to 8 2 lmass the c it v Oi morning, March (Lev need everyones v s -v Blade Cut vm'U v IT Is a wavs and means t to raise funds for pw (pi 'at, on id the Amertcai idbon i It i ' 1 It VI til ! t t y not in iM'ii o !'S t pick up 1 i M. rsan MvtuniH is, (1 with new "ary use , ,, j j ti liih if, ai in 'I I,s il t lit library I 1 " Hi dri t y is In be u t d t nmy and a fit i at th- k jvsv ill, MURIIN MRS k t! dii G lit I1 '1 not ,tini K t ,s i)l, In ii ! i u nr 'it n n jraai ft Siiurda h " tr I iv ,1 xv l C tl , i i M i t ui ! s 1 I a Corned Beef Bris'iet np 00 O usimiso yty and coi rt sponchrg land desc l iptii ns thit would he satisfactory to all the LK)ETAGATHRIM By Mcl W ilson the dst I a ton citv attorney was in at It ndance til the ast lav ton 1 tountil meeting uesday , ht Id Marc h 7 e is issued, the BOR funds will be tt leased to 1 ast L ay ton ilson outlined t he legal procedure to follow m older to bung The Cottage into compliance with build, ng tode requirements He felt the business was not inten- Mrs 1 th- - lilt SIMMARY useful h last p mint effit ay loo 1 it -- t .n j h nit is will be put ion vt i y soon he u ur ul putt hdstr g a m pi his annual report the thief broke down the number of responses as follows dwelling, 15, dollars lost railroad property 10, dollars lost, none, truck, dollars lost $10,000, au tomobiles 4, dollars lost $1 400, grass and bush, 12 dollars lost $50, rubb'sh, 4 01 liars lost, none, tt It phone dollars lost, none pi, les 1 mu t ; ht I wait unt t ount tlie m il v (hi ith hudgt d to I SHIRT ng ct K and DEmr.i FACTORY 50 20 7 Jeans By j Cords on i 00 00 i Vests 25 a i .1. HASH Located Downstairs 11 was itttnllyto imposed by the council provide the plan rung commission wuh time to study the develipmtnt of 1 on construction he moratorium Sunset i 1 Jaguar Jeans ti tl ile I ile 20 y CORDS By rt port from the plannmg on the mora torium on multiple dwellings and il also discussed In t nse n wal for two businesses ME L Wood, Sunset plan ning commission chairman said residt n's have expressed mora support for the torium on multi unit residen J, OFF JEANS a $h ki loss in the y t hit Ic rod tn er In nthi r busint ss the coun t il has heard a progr, ss I r-'- ii -- CHIEF Sitt r let' said h.s th pat tment also handled 11 nun tire tabs during the past ir The y were polite ass, t bomb threat 1, gas spills !, vt hit le roll ovet , I , lalse annms, f, natural gas Itak murtesv visit, I I ht rt was no dollar loss in most of tN non fire responses There was commission In Kaysville North Main, Kaysville 376-431- 1 25 Gf Jackets and sizes yard MR. WOOD said the corn mission has rlrst ussed lot sie n quiremenls for mult'ple dwellings x Presently the t it v requoes Odd square feet for the first unit and tht reaper 1 500 :i I - i) 1 1 1 Fresh Crisp p-c- ? square Asparagus 7r h rL3L ki'UfjaUlLJ k" parking mtetmg that the five four plexes planned for the Com monwealth Square Develop ment not be approved until the 90 days are over The count il agreed, sayirg it did not approve the four pUxes before the mora- units uf planned residential unit ch eloprnt nt (PRUD) wne ok ytd for ommonweaiih w torium, he n 41 v C S t r iu for every unit THE commission is sug testing the it change the Lettuce uU , L is require merits Mr W(Xdsaid THE (OL NC IL h is a, so to-d down a M Id ng v c s ( iri r dt n s ah n ii for di iMun to build m up p'e dwt lungs T He Sunset c t y c ou r r eeting st hedul d Ic Vi , ih h will not be ht id e lol bw mg w k March 21 w ht 'he t xt 1 1 n n O R cj LJLZL,l Blue Bonnet Cream OWeber Lime & Vi Gal. Rainbow AfC Margarine Banquet Dinners TV Banquet Cook in Bags Ida Treat 2 Lb. Pkg French Fries 1 npLir i r - '"ig v w f'dfN I c Fritos 12 oz. Pkg V. Dougins Snow Yiorks At BUI. Center Anton Rasmussen director Art (enter, announced that a ret rt, spec-liv- e of the Bountiful exhibit of work by V fJouglas Snow w,li 1, pen at the Bountiful Art C c n!-- r on Sun- day March and 18 Bo'h paintings wi'l drawngs display LdOies Uetymt Jackets no ii feet for tht first unit, 6,000 for the second unit and 4 OoO for eat h subsequent unit Also being s'udied are front m t fiol nig L Apples IT WAS recommended to the count il at their Thursday In liter to halitl ii t edi it and hi r g I tie pn st nt rune ) fit t i in ii hoit m rh iv in down t a us ip The tonne il instrut ted th, ir attorney to write letters o Mr 11 gby, the W undid Hihs ileyelopt r, and to the Security 1 it le ( onipany adyisipg them to work up a competent sur I. L Schoolboy Red Delicious M, noi R to 8,000 req.,iretnent CHIEF Arnold Sattcrlee ilmU,i ,1 ' t IiO has told the count il no lives were lost because of fite in Sunset peratr f I - damages s The tountil agreed to call ah land dt vi lepers involved tt tht ties t mini meeting dtrig r. The Sunset fite depart iiur,x t il ment in Ps annual report to the city tountil, for the year BE? stated n had handled 47 calls, involving $17,2b0 in M iny of th, into uni i a nt 'v ni' sub- with the count By VERNA WILLDEN an a m d c MJggt Meadows , their homt of Tomatoes in tht tm flooding nil's ist !P tht sub r b w 'iJP Rif-h- y m my the Wooded Hills subdivision weie also distusstd by Mt nunc nquesimg to d.si rIk 7 ifur gt ( DISPlTI D boundary lints and surseying problems in t R making a mini base i Mrs the city Rigb ret order, reviewed a rt p u t she prepared detailing iht in fui illation she rettivt wnen she attended a t i'y retort't rs and t lerks r (invent n n m St tionally violating the law and as soon as the proprietor was aware of the problem area ht n Iht situation could ht it solyed the ETTL A 1 dey dopers of Smtdley d i s isron to met t wuh t ount il was to hi pr p W ilson and membeis division budget and adm mist ratiy t pro t dun s ( num il membt r, V or Daley, rt-- rttd that progicss Wvis being madt toward tin iimhase of a firt pmof yauli title insurant W Kin.bt c are properly recorded and i elder CI1I7LNS fmrn the tit igi ts li subdivision and the oodt d W C HF explained the progress being made towards seturirg BOR rebate money to ht ip I ast Layton pay for the land purchased for the city hall and adjoining city park At cording to Mr Wilson, as soon as the warranty deeds Mr rs m ,u pi opt Hills MR. WILSON sod he would set ore modi coy ordinances ft nm the Inn It ague ol I ow ns t it s and Ht w id also look at or d nani t s ust d by o! ht r itits to KHtr an as of 1 (ts ty ow m r 1 pt nod b, tote t rmnutt r Salad be d V. DOCCLAS S' iw piofes sor of art I him ty of I tah, man of the is a for mer Dt part men do of Art at the nnersiiy of L tah and a former fata ty number at L WatneS'dU Ln.iersity He is betn a gut st irs'rut tor at Stanford Univtrs n and the Corn Chips 11 Ktmbtes Extra Absorbent $910 Diapers Western Family 10 Lb Bag $08 Sugar Lm Betty Crocker Layer S0C Cake Ylixes Franco Amencan 1 5 oz. f- lid Art Institu e Mural commissions done by Professor fang in the Salt ake Public ibrarv, the Iron Blosam lodge at Snowbird Resort ne Pioneer Memorial Thn.'re and the Bt hav loral Science ibrary at the Lmvers.tv of I tah His Snow - Spaghettis 5 h L 5 Chicken of -- - Case mt the Sea Tuna I 1 Use deadbolt locks as recommended by your police department He,nz - Ketchup PROCESSOR Snow's work will also be (in J, splay conrea turn I" currently in tht Gallery of the Davis County South Bram h i ibrary in Bountiful fro-March 20 to May T, and in the Creation ' Il gallery of the Davis ,rth Branch County I ibrar, in ( learfit Id P in March 20 Clad 20 Count to May On Sunday April 2 from 2 th- - re w 10 5 p m be a reception lor th artist at the Bountiful Art ( enter The public is cord a 1. invted to Case 32 oz. work is also repnsented in numerous group txhibitions and private edit t lions 1 FREE DEMONSTRA TION s28 $ Trash Bags 83 Gallons CioroK ) 376-466- 4 attend Gala Towels Roll OS' |