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Show 1 VEEKL REFl. R N AL ARC H 1 r 1 ' t : S OjxjraU)rs for Interstate Excavating Company ran into a little trouble Monda when the bockhoe they were ru)tured a small culinary water ojx'ratmg accident line, shutting off water to nearby houses The Sandy-basefirm is laying about 6,500 feet of sewer pipe parallel to US Ilighwa 80 in Fruit Heights The line will serve the new Oakmont Subdivision Completion date is set foreailv April SEWER LINES LAY d Tax Special I.B.M. Copies Ke By ROSFLYN KIRK teiojx' Road Commissioner Glen flint said the countv will piv the total cos! of the pioject from the two mill propertv tax levy hen the for flood control bid is let, this w ill be the fourth storm water proiec t m the county to be bid The other three are in the south Seven bids for storm water project in Clearfield were turned over to Clearfield and Layton engineers for evaluation prior to action by the Davis ( aunty Commis a Each Good through April 15 SPRINT PRINT sion INSIDE jec4 t tOW biddt r on the project was ( iaude 11 Nix Construe t mri with a bid of $28,670 L H knudsen (onstruction Com end of the countv COMMISSIONER Fl.rt said laving of the pipe will only solve temporary flooding problems for ( learfieid, but that the total project as planned will benefit both ci submitted the second low bid The price was for the pun base and installation of 170(1 feet of pipe from 1450 South in C learfieid to An pan 379 S. State. Clearfield ties At the present time Clearfield wiP pay Layton $1,000 a year to use a of the Layton drainage portion system until the project is completed The storm drain segment now bid will run from 1450 South along Highway 89 to Antelope Drive. Additional plans project that the storm dram will eventually follow Antelope Drive to the Union Pat ific track and link up with a holding pond at the f reeport Center before it drains into the lake THE remainder of the prmect will be completed at a later date, Commissioner f lint said Hugh Wheelock, Clearfield city engineer and Bryon Mi Gregor, Layton engineer, estimated the project cost at 083 $10 They will confer on the bids prior to making a recommendation to the com- WELCOME TO SPRING SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE:: WE JUST DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR CLOTHING NEEDS ARE:: SO SHOP US THIS:::: THURS:: FRI:: SAT:: & MON:: mission Police Report f t Kaysville police report for eh ALARMS - 0, arrests - 3, and shoplifnng warrant, accidents report 1, short form injury 5, 44, assists 1, state and other departments - 6, DCSO, drug abuse, Layton police dept alarm, injury accident, East Layton police dept , alarm, Utah Highway Patrol, impound and Clearfield police dept runaway Assist public 6 assault 1. AND WE WILL GIVE YOU , OFF FROM OUR ENTIRE burglary STOCK OF REGULAR MERCHANDISE STORE WIDE:::: to 70 50 Kaysville 1, 1, medical emergency 2, accident and home, malicious mischief 1, snowballing, open doors 6, Lran Brown, Burlon Llementary, Thompson M ome Brackens Book Shop, - REMEMBER 4 GREAT DAYS OF SAVINGS:: P.S. WE STILL HAVE MANY CLEARANCE ITEMS AT K - Medical Plaza, dog complaint 3, barking, running at large and shot, domestic dispute 3 harrassment 1, loose stock Z Bus Shop 2 PAPER services 5 court, public address OFF:: recovered property 2 circumstances theft a and a wallet $135 State impound 2, suspicious 4, 5, bike, pop bottles, Davis High Sc hcxil - watch. Saver Station USE YOUR MASTER CHARGE - USE YOUR gas skip, Charlene's VISA CARD TRAFFIC - II), driving without license 2, expired registration 2, expired safety inspection 13, failure to wear corrective lenses I, following too close 1. impnper registration 1, no motorcycle helmet (under 18) 3, overnight r. parking SSioppino AT MM A 0 MMTUJ HATTON, VTAM F -- clothing tp 40, prohibited parking 13, reckless driving 1, speeding 33, traversing a closed road 3 Tiespass Z criminal 1. unattended death 1, vandalism 3 np QDB3lt!Pn3rfl)n |