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Show ' I 1 V i " ! I VOLUME r p", t, r4 i Li ( (.w V .. ts V.,-- i WW i . r " I O C1 CP "i f- i U W r $ ii I f a ii J W15; p W n Ju li s w - -a S. Is M 4 i UVCER FORTY-E.GH- T FC MTi R FC - f. . j CiVju ; -- ii i1 n f? ,sit! " Jf n. '.'MV III ' ' (I ' I PtGDf.EIl k ' ' s D I b i ir 0 , i i I i r t till) II v s t UL- uiumniouslv to authorize F't e to notify the Not i, cit, Davis nbulante which tales opt it 111 I M ( t i m I ( , A t t . 1 titer N rtoth in ' r I f i ' J ( i v n t - ' affect and is embarrassing He explained that both am- ' iint bulances often responded until one is cancelled bast-- i i to it i s because they either monitor the emergency call ui one ambulance is notified by one emergency unit and the other ambulance is m tifuol bv anotht r agent y tii t1 I 'at una the two v it es on a to f t u t i i si ss a bat k ip tr 'he p o ' se v BUI this has dused some u if isioo, Fulne (huf old 'tie cornu iI lb t ( Sui o n i s we would gt t nun h t i idbon and r tu t v s v, t ld re pro ritv b ims w Ambulant e Si rvu t tuts t .i ( out of Dav is pi .o ibu'ati t ses .t . tmiis s- - ,i W r t texdi (d !lil5U Fv GARY BIODGrrr R. Trift.c paitems etween I ay ton arid Far ' go e, wei e to be abend htt t n ' i' Iijesdiv as Inter I AY TON Hu,1 i -- 1'fT t w IS ut dei goes a i 1g sny.i for the blah u tmc nt of I ranspurta i i m il that soniFbound tratfn Will be detoured onto tht west half of the north-bosp( g A )t p i trifle. lunt s of t! ill be os er a finished highway, but rafl u i id tf.tr w wdl lie only o four foot rrudutn between ihe 'iiod northbound and sou'fibound t he said tr i(k 1 I , NORTHBOUND traffic has i using the c ast had of the prop sc d nor h! ound lane cola n unis to two lanes ) stiu e i si it lube r while south t 'hi i traffic has list d the old " iiitfitiound lanes (two lanes) 1 of S I H ghw iv 91 tf bound unt 'n k to use wo t I rt traffic wdl the eastei Is ic on the traff s of icwlv completed interstate while suu'nbound traffic will i e it westeily two Uries of the same highway lor the Tcniaindtt of the summer it ii t xplatik DOT officials said the soutpboiitid lnteistate High w ly sysfi.ni hi tween Lagoon me! las ton should be t i.ri.pleu d by the t nd of Oc allowed to settle before ovet pass construction is starttd NORTHBOUND lanes at 2'KI North are now using the overpass structure alreadj completed thus eliminating a ha?ardous, sharp curve whic h has been the scene of four rollovers of large trucks in rt ( tnl 4 r f j M f i Li L. officials emphasize benef'ts unemployment ( omprehen-ov- e F that for mplovment and Framing Act (CF LA) employees will be paid In the federal government COMMISSIONERS asked for an interpretation of unemployment regulations specifically concerning part time and federally paid employees Keith Archibald and Duane Price, employment security officers said the law re quires that the the agency when federal employees are ter minated That agency then tolls the federal government or ht costs Part time or seasonal employees employed by the county are covered by a d.ffc rent system The county leimburses the state agency when courty employees stay of Ace Am- NORTH Davis has two new, fully equipped ambulances s'ationed at the Davis North ' edical Center where opera ,rs are on standby 24 hours a unemployment day ntfits Mr Art hibald said in order to qualify for hi in to ON 'his basis and know me , that North Davis Ambulance has provided excellent service to our community, I move that we authorize our police department to dispatch North Davis as a priority ambulance service with Ace Ambulance as a backup unit," said Councilman Gerald Heaton Chief Green said Clearfield is the only agency that dis patches both ambulances on a rotating basis, but that other communities have the service of both ambulances contact collect in getting the service existence bulance have been charged with violations of the state code and are to appear before the State Board of Health, probably next month, to determine if the license to operate such a service will be renewed Pay CETA Benefits Commissioners bulances are interested Operators that motorists wdl have good pasi'ment on which to travel in the construction area, but that extreme caution is m ( t ssat y liecause of the close pioximitv of the north and suuthbound lanes of travel countv been ACE Ambulance has primarily served sou'h Weber and North Davis Counties BE3 Tck? Eeclsral Ooverninsnt Will Spokesmen for the Utah Department of Employment Security told Davis Countv rn er ..VP had both ambulances to respond emergencies which has created some confusion," the chn f said M nor Donat Towr.ey said, It is obvious that Doth am- months DOT EVE in ut an oulance si rvu e when it s 1h eti t eecDd but we a The ambulance service is subsidized by the county on a one year probation period to determine if it can become was it explained unemployment insurance, part time and seasonal workers must work for over 19 weeks and must earn more than $700 a year rk THE RAINS CAME Droplets of water ding to jure needles aftu one many March rainstoims Weather officials sav percipitation measured this month has been one ot the tint of the highest on record lobet 200 North be open to northbound traffic and 200 North which has been closed since the bt ginning of con struition on I again be reop nt d to east west tra! fie but will have approxima it i v two bcxks of gravel sur I he Kavsville Over pas-- , will lace SOUTHBOUND ramps to the overpass will remain closed until the proiect is completed, according to the DOT spokesman Also, tne HKI South crossing which was used temporarily while overpass work was be spg done will be dosed to all nnrth south traffic BURTON lane will remain closed during the southbound I construction 15 and Shepard s Lane will be dosed to all vehicle traffic with the exception of a right turn onto I 15 for eastbound traffic , it was explained Construction crews will begin work on a second bridge for southbound lanes which crosses 200 North, Kay svtlle File supports will be installed in April and BAV1S 197 NEWS JOURNAL B North Main St , Layton PHONE 376-913- 3 Published Weekly by CUPPER PUBLISHING CO. John SUMS Jr Pubksher Second Clast Postaga Paid At Layton, Utah SUBSCRIPTION J4.50 per year Out of State Subscription SS SO Overseas Subscription SIS 00 (Payable In Advance) By ROStLYN KIRK dismissed and subjected to action for mismanagement of funds their participation in the planning process Regional court Davis County Community Action Program (CAP) has submitted final plans justify mg why they should continue to be funded to the Com mumty Services Agency (CSA) in the Denver regional office BUT NEITHER CAP duet tor Carl Chappell or Commissioner C E Moss could predict whether that agenev the would approve documents "Its all in their hands now," Mr Chappell said After a show cause hearing held two weeks ago, the local agency was allowed time to submit any additional information to persuade regional officials that the agency should not lose $80,000 in federal funding THE FINAL documents were sent under a cover letter from the Davis County Commission which said, We have reviewed the document and agree with and support the work that has been done in tms regard We feel the present program is being ad ministered in an effective way and do support the overall goals and objectives of this agency The letter also states that a public supported and operat ed CAP agency is preferrable to a private non profit CAP office Davis County took over the CAP agency several years ago when CAP officials were officials have been critical of CAPS communication with the poor The additional material al so identified the responsibih ties of the CAP administering THE CAP agency has been funded through April, but regional CSA director David Vanderburgh could not predict when the local agency would know whether funding board, the governing board, or the county commissioners, and the role of the director The board will write a polity statement which will further define the duties of the d.rec tor and staff to be completed by April 15 THE county commission was first notified on Dec 22 that the local agency was in losing their funding Since that time, the local agency and the administering board has written several ad dmonal dixuments. including danger an affirmative action plan which was accepted bv the about then role so thev can Mr Chappell said the threat of losing their funding has resulted in the adminis policy dec isions regional office of tenng hoard learning more have greater input into the wav the program is run " All members of the board have been ass'gntd to subiomrmt tees where thev will make would continue The notification will come from federal officials in after both Washington regional and federal officials have reviewed revised planning documents By ROSELYN KIRK materials sent to Washington, the CAP administering board pointed out that Davis CAP is the only low incorpe advocacy agency in the county They called atIN THE final I tention planning methods which they said would bring area low income people into the CAP planning process document Outreach who contact the recruit members final The specified workers, that poor, will for the Area Advisory Council, identifying at least five new contacts each day This neighborhood based council would work with the CAP Ad ministering council to plan, fund and conduct the program activities for low income people PLANS submitted call for training programs, guest speakers and a quarterly newsletter which they said will keep the local agency in touch with the needs of e people and set up ARM1NGTON - a ns ommendation t hat pi i xom. receiving indigent legal ser ices be told that in the future they may have to repay the cost of their defense if they are financially able, has been made by 1 oren Martin, Davis County criminal defender That recommendation has been sent in a letter to Second District Court tudges Duffv Palmer and Thornley Swan MR. MARTIN, who con tracts with Davis County to provide legal criminal defense for the indigent, said that in a large percentage of cases, he is appointed by the court as legal counsel for clients who are capable of paving for an attorney Mr Martin recommends the court look seriously at the implementation of the requirement to repay cost of appointed counsel as a condi tion of probation During 1977, Mr Martin was ap pointed as legal cnunstl for Hit persons in ih countv who weie classified as indigent and unable to pav attorm v cosis IN THE letter to (he distiu Martin sa.d 01 the people have seen believe (here are onh a fi w who are, in fact incapable ot uiuit, I Mr I retaining compeleni man sel Mr Martin has a contrail with the countv to provide legal services to the ind'gtni for $24,000 a year IN A report last week to Davis County ( ommissionirs Mr Martin said last year he county got a bargain The average cos! of handling eaih criminal case in the prior three years has been $218 per i tse If the average cost wert multiplied by the 163 clients seived, Mr Martin said hi county would have paid $35,534 On this basis his figures showed the county had saved $11,528 during 19"8 bv I ratting for legal defense Pteviouslv the louniv had paid for Ihe dt fi use of eat h case tduallv. contracting with In attorney appointed by the i mil seivues i me I the mammy of cases oi 65 pet unt handled during that weie felonies, peiiod homicide, consisting of chaiges of rape, burglary, toigtiv, aggravaied assault, tin ft. attempted homicide and robbt rv Forty seven of the tht cases weie classified .is felonies TWENTY-FOU- were R pinbation violations or ex tiaction The mailers uniaindei misde win no amirs, wilh ihe most common charge resulting trom driving under the influence of alcohol and the possession of a controlled subslant e ight out of the 161 pt rsuns tin whom Mr Marlin was appointtd bv the court as I lounsel later hired private attorneys THE COUNTY contrail nh Mr Martin will expire in Dei ember 1978 it it is not renewed bv the commission Mr Martin meets at intervals with the county to report on the cases handled through the criminal dtfense contract ncome ax Help a tan receive trie iniome tax counseling and assistance in filing tax teiurns and claims for it hales of property taxes Si nmr Citizens IF YOU need help, come to one of the following locations on the days listed Heritage (enier, 562 5 loot) E , Clear7(165 every field Phone-77Monday (through April 10) from 1pm to ,3 p m , Golden Years Center 726 S 100 E ,3479 Bountiful Phone-29Thursday tverv (through April 13) from I p m to 5 3 5 p m No appointments are necessary REMEMBER that (he lebates are available to property owners, renters, mobile home owners, and nursing home residents if you are over 65 and earned less than $7,000 last year dmg |