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Show . V NEWS SALT LAKE THE DESERET -- STOCK SELLING British Fascist CODE SEEN AS Leader Forecasts HELP TO BUYER By 1936 Sir Oswald Mosley S tikes All Expenses Probed Black-Shirt- n. s, Giro as tw years seers of preparation sad If as continue to crow as we have in the past etfhteen months we will win In the British Fascist leader tells Knlck -erbocker. - k III. BULB, 224-83- TUESDAY APRIL H. D. Lands. Balt lake; Ralph R. Bristol sag H. R, Way. Ogdon: Carl Nelsan, Logon, and W. W. Clyde f EprJngvUls. STUDY WATER CLAIMS Arbitration ot Boor river water claims In started yesterday Evanston, Wyoming. Tbs attending Included State Engineer T. i. Humphsrya, State Engine' Edwin Burritt ot Wyoming, and water users of Rich county. Utah, end Lincoln and Uintah counties. Wyoming. 24 1531 trip to Washington, New York. Chicago aad Detroit. Mr. Halloran reported Harked Indication of businsoa eastern Industrial center and mid that was a among business loaders that the improvement sriU AuUtah eongreaei&nal delegates arc tomobile manufacturerscontinue ere ran confident that tha FWA vrlH pro- nine 4 darn behind In fining ordvide funds for the proposed I ,.-06- 4 er. he said. Dixie Irrigation - project In If western legislators srlll work Washington county, said W. J. Hl- - together to prepare a bill necept- to President BoososoH, li loran. president of the Helloma-'nbk- a Judge Trust company, who re- - dials sliver legMatioo may be ex tamed yesterday tram a bustaeae parted eg Congress." Mr. Halloran DIXIE PROJECT HOPE RECEIVED imguwva-throagho- at ea -- as shsnoe a messaro being accepted, let present tha silver hill ha betaar chose do pew thpo ay ether 'Wilver Hems re." - "There to jf-to--1 Dtsn-Tbom- j t OPEN BIDE FRIDAY Bid will be opened FHWqr fy the state build) mg oommlastoo jor the erection of the 124.4 wdaeas tionai building to be pat up at tho state Industrial school ad Ogden, This Is an of e last eoetracts 40 ha awarded on the stata hulldlpg program, totaling 31.401.441. ' yWnipiiijUrmewawt! H. R. Knickerbocker la the second article of bis aeries on tbs British - Gravel. Stone Code r - Committee Selected The Utah state committee et the fourteenth regional eede administration foe the crashed stens. sand sad gravel and slag Industries, has been selected U was snsouseed yesterday by R. F. Weeks, twassrch Attorney Explains Pro- has Offices at 1 Reason build Hrto W. Rrberg. Salt Laks, is visions of New Reg- chairaaaa of tho oummitesa, and axe, F. M. Mahsr and olations . Editor Note: sir Oewald Moeley, tibiity-Kvehopes to become the Fascist heed at the British fov- emmsst before he Is forty, writes aov CHT KNICKERBOCKER tlnternational News service staff Tbt new Investment banker coda which became affective yesterday repreaeata tha greatest advance that has been registered in surrounding th Investor ot capital with provision assuring the utmost possible protection to the Investor. G. A. Marr, local attorney, trid a group of buolaooa lead, era who were gueats today at tha weekly Rotary luncheon In the Ho. tel Utah. Mr, Marr reviewed many of the and pointed coda provisions of tho out that tt embodied the cooperation of thousands et security dealers, public officials, accounts!:' i and attorneys. It represents aa effort to devise provisions of far greater effectiveness than can be done by tha usual type f statute: law, he ald- Muot Give Data 'One of th highly Important features of th code, declared Mr Marr. "m Its requirement that continuing and detailed Information shall b provided for Investors ax long a aa taaaa Is outstanding In tha heads Of tha public. Exception la made, ot course. In the exs of securities such aa United State government, state and municipal bank sod railroad Issue, which are exempted for special reasons Tha price the Investment banker pays th Issuer for th securities must be disclosed to tha Investor.' except In the ease of public securities where the price received by the issuer la a matter of public record. Thus tha Investor ha the facts that show tha amount re celled bv the Issuer. Pressure Netting Hit Under-thocode, th - security dealer may, of courac. act either as principal or as an agent In dealing with Investors, but he mio-- t make It plain In which capacit) li acta In each particular case. Kt may take only a fair profit if he acts aa a principal. If hf. aa agent, burs or sells a security for an in vestor hs can take only a fair con mission, which must bs - cleari) shown. In addition, he must stand ready to advise the Investor aa to the person from whom h bought or to whom he sold the security behe hour and the dav and tween which the transaction took Maes- T cannot, unfortunately, go into many details that I should like to point .out aa of. very material benefit to the inverting public. The code represents a vigorous effort to abklish high pressure to eliminate the selling and " salesmen. Investment bankers must supervise the cor reepondenc and telling method of their salesmen and. before a sal bv a salesman hiay be completed it must b approved by a responsible executive. Buck approval remains a matter ot record 'Hi tha investment bankers files for at lesst three years. Th purpose Is to reduce tha number of poorly, advised sales by placing th re sponalbllity on tha Investment banker ax well aa on th sales . man." Corivaponijeiit) tCopyricbt, 111, By International Newa Service) In Whole or Part (Reproduction ' Forbidden.) LONDON, April 24 (INS Mtuoollnl reoeives in the moot may. rtficent room of the most magnificent palace in Rome. th Fnlaxso Vanesla. Hitler receives In the bright, modern, luxurious rooms of the Reich Chancellery In Berne. Sir Oswald iloaley, candidate to bt the MuasoLnl or th Hitter of Rrllato, receive in the moat primitive room of the cold, monastic building they call the Black House in London. Mussolini and Hitler too bad primitive quarters In their Letter from Senator W.T.Thap early days hut none hould have chairman of the public aorvfc , beta Ism pretentious than those ot of New York State Senthe man whom hie enemies esil "a committee to Css Associated ate, aad Electric film actor." but whom his follow, ere ball as the saviour of England. Co, embodying aa expense seTwenty years ago. lacking two ct nt," are latest disclosure is fedmonths of being eighteen. Mosley eral Trade Commissions inquiry flew over the Gem)nn line. Inter late alleged power bust political activities. he crashed and today his right leg is two Inches shorter than his 'financial back sufficient left leg. But he came forward to Jrkmk the new party collapsed. It greet hit visitor without a limp. ing. Despite hts injury he became run failed to get a single seat In the ner-u- p in the British fencing elections of 131. Its enemies had championship, second best fencer calledon Fascist. Mosley, reflectthe detent, analyzed his ing IP. Britain. political Ideas found they sere Ptenannt la Appears nee and decided to take the L Airmen play a great role hi pean Fasciwn. Balbo In Italy. Goer- - nk step of adopting Fa' He founded the British tng In Oertnany, and sow Mosley outright. Union of Fascists, and thertmth in Britain hnvs taken tha lead. brtdees- erf reTea. airfbebitng la Fasowt," ex- he burn4 the claimed Sir Oswald. spects ble" politics behind him. It Is hardly likely that Sir OsHe sat at a rickety deck. Two Paln chairs were In front of it. A wald comd adage another come-hac- k If he should fall at tiny fire burned in nn open hearth. Sir Oswald's besting of the Roth- profile might The tom-towell he Italian, with Its prominent emrrr pres for hfs cauao is bal- noe clear lines. His enemies have anced by an equally vigorous daily blast of criticism from tho organs derisively palled him the politician in England. He may of the old established parties. The remember that critics of Adolf Hit- Labor'press holds him up to proler derisively called him "Der letarian ridicule. Tho Conservatives crack dignified jokee at his Schooner Adolf." He is a sportsman. On the walls expense. They all declare that Britain has no stomach for blackbuna fencing folia "Mueeolinl too Is a fencer." he shirts and stiff-argreetings. Fond of Romance remarked. Tve never fen red with him but they My he ta good. I used Bnt Sir Oswald Britain to wrestle also. But' now, I'v gives, kill team to llke tkonr, - Tho Brit- up championship bouts. They are l.h croad, ha declared. 1 cap-too strenuous" ablo of displaying great temperament. 1 have heard many speerhes Of Noble Birth Of tbs Fascist landers of Eumps before Latin crowds, but I have Mosley lx the only one of noble seen greater display of feeling birth. He Is the sixth baronet, or from British crowds than from any hereditary knight, llis baronetcy lAtin crowd. was created in 1721. One of hie an"That la one element In British cestors was the Bring originator psychology thxt our opponent and tnodsl of tho John Bull who overlook. They seem to believe tepMsent England no Undo Bam that the British have no romanticism In them. represents America. have a great He was educated nt the Fashion- deal of it TheyThey like parades. and able publie school. Winchester, and. uniforma and flag and music. Construction work started yeeter- - j Intending to become a professional "That la no accident that th soldier, breams a cadet at Pond- - Fascist leaders who have succeed- day on the Modernization exposition hurst. the British West print, An nn ed have all been under direction at Raymond J.Aeh-tosfficer Of the Sixteenth Lancers bad experience of the Socialist general manager. Tha expohe entered tho war. switched to movement and with sition wilt open May t and conacquaintance tho royal air force, was Invalided the masses Fascist leaders know tinue until June 24. Th location out In 1914 after the Injury to his mans psychology. At Socialist will large building nt lag failed to heal, and in 1411. meeting I have stood and watched Iroadw ay and State street originally entered politics 164.404 workmen match past with the Knutsford hotel, which has aged twenty-twas a member of Farllam.-n- t for Gaga and banners and all the uni- been leased from the Auerbach tha Tory party. forms they could .ecrapo together, company. Bwlfrhrs Mtlcl or anything that would pas for A Three model 'homes, showing The youngest aristocrat, stead nniform Thev Jfke that, a every- three distinct types in th modern ily winning rseosmltion by his gifts body dohx. and it la a mistake to wilt be constructed. Other manner, ef oratory. gradually wont Left believe that the romance of work will include th const rurtlen Ho became Independent Hi 111!. will not appeal to the British of booths for Individual and group His rise was meteoric. By 1424, mind. exhibits a special array of modaged It. he had become n member at Cromwell," he exclaim- em storeandfrontsor tha cabinet lit the Labor gov ed "Look could have been more "What ernment A brilliant marriage with alien to the Britleh point preparation and If we continue to lady Cynthia, daughter of the late of View than hie Ironsides. Fascism grow as w have grown In t Marquis Carson of Kedleston and combines tb romantic quality of eighteen month and the fihla wire, tha daughter of Leri 'ho Ironsides wfth their determinanances of th party am guaranmillionaire latter. Chicagoan, tion ta win."' teed as I hope they mill be. we added to the talk that Mosley was To Car Legal Means should b able to go out to win Ir a coming prims minister. They bed when do you expect to 142. taro sons and a daughter. Lady win.Bnt How Sir Oswald?" I naked. Sets Gains Record Mosley died In 1932.. soon wilt it he before you intend "I have mhde th elalm thal In the midst of his first cabi- to an election?" fight the British union of Fuclst has net job Mosley brake with Labor, It must be retnembered that tbe groan faster than any other Fassuddenly, spectacularly resigning avowed In all his cist movement In from tha government bees use it Mosley plan, history because speeches, is to capture control of you only have to look would not Sccept his plana for tb at Hitlers of gavernment England by movement and Mussolini' movedealing With tha unemployed. rethis mean, legal in Strictly on ment hla personal prestige In their first eighteen months Banking new par- spect b has taken a leaf from Hit- of existence to realise hnw much ha founded the ters experience. Early tn Mosley's more we have gone ahead ty., Fascist party council the ques- Hitler speedily . Without proper prepare tioa. tion ninety to 144 was debated whether tt would follower hadhi perhaps the first year of hie not be better to put tha headquarnr movement after agitation. ter tha black hense. of tb moto-meis nationwide In a city In northern Eng- eighteen montha 'To fight nn election ever all land. or the mldisaW, In the heart England w would require 444 to of th sector of greatest Industrial 44 candidate. 1 think w have unemployment. If this had been a higher type of young speakers the than any other party. don. It was argued, after masa-capable blackshirts had accumalatad mob orator, effective with crop-dof Jobless follower they eould We ehall - It not cam when paisa tag a mrq(i on London, a In suit ettr eppneivti hut when - tt Mussolini's march on Rome. w suit will ouit'ue when tt. it Mosley decided against this plan. can win." Bis wholo strategy I now directed 'Hitler wan. forty-foWhan he toward building up a party organ- became master of Germany. isetioa. not to vets power by viowas thtrty-ni- n whan he lence, bnt to win t by gaining a marched on Rome. Mosley la today T sea hla thirty-seve- n f votes. majority old. He hope to movement tn proper perspective It become the year Faoolit of the la necessary to keep in mind that British government cblef before he ta despite whatever promise It may forty. , hold for tha future, at present It In th next article he.esplalns haa no neat Hi parliament and ' St why. the moment to not yet strong enough to fight an auction. Rut Sir Oswald la confident If th next election cams In two CJ-yeans at th aspiration of tho proa-aw should be able Hard corns, soft coma, us nehetwtew ta parliament, auction throughout fight that and calluses lift right oftl England. tha W do not Intend -- to ' You'D levrh tilaaodyafkWt maka a campaign until we have feurts bra Conoco Senrkt Station hop of winning a majority. Just drop FKTTZONB on any tenHitler eonld campaign for only der, touchy com. Instantlyit stocench-trg- ; a few seats, which were well worth Ji then shortly you just lift that old while at tha beginning eg hi move-- 1' Ker a ritt oe the Wew (i bothenoma corn right off with your msnt. becanse Germany had a pro-a eastern like wvrka at charm, avetjr porttnnal representation j ffngtta. It 'pevtaHar LoWHeetlea Service h made every vote ceanL Un- -j Mask two, Tire WopalsSaw tune. Seems l, mHd A bottle ot rtUUONB costs der the BriUsh system w could w Call lev as win (gar mats it any (bug store. Try it! poll million of votes and not J01.IEI prwxiat WOT A on seat In parliament.. Wa e- -i SHIMS net afford ta do that. It Is too1 a x irf E7L1 ti ' eerily. two aa But gtvo year aim of'i WAMTL:KrjW-TriHlE--EilUIl- 3 0-lll;'YIUI-H- iTraS -- - w New' and Improved Conoco GermProcessed supports claims with authority that will . . . . . convince youl e I -- -- Kura-Jfc6- l-- - Fa-cie- on m best-looki- m Modernizing Show Will Open May 8 n, -- he o. Fas-clx- ip OISY and effusive have been the statement of motor oil superiority. You are naked to believe them without supporting evi- dence, to put oils in your motor and do your own testing nt your ownexpenae. In aH fairness, you thoddhave the facta. With the announcement of New and Improved Coooeo Germ Processed Motor Oil cornea the result of n teat, tbe only one of its kind ever attempted, gupervixed by the Contest Board, American Automobile Association, at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. of the tame S. Al E. grade were in the teat cadi In an identical new, strictly stock car all tested under equal conditions. The five competing motor oils were selected for their prominence, being nationally known, widely advertised. AAA officials bought them on the open market, and together with New and Improved Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil, numbered them. No one knew, except AAA officials, which oil was in each car. After the cars were garefully broken in, they were lined up for the final gruelling run. Five quarts of oil, a complete fresh fill, were put in each and the crankcase of each Sue oil ' The order was given 500 miles average a day SO miles an hour until the motori were destroyed for lack of lubrication. Ten AAA officials checked and rechecked. In four days, three oils failed and wrecked their motors No. 4 at 1,713.2 miles No. 6 at 1,764.4 miles No. S at 1,815.9 miles. AnpnmnUtlraothaAAiCam-NIttrrf 8 nnhiarf A inmutigmtim whm mcotarmtmiy fmctm ftrauwiff - The next that cracked up its motor was Oil No. 1, at 2,266.8 miles. Then the exciting duel between No. FAa 1X1 ai lot tha mu a competitive premium oil, went on for 3,318.8 miles before it broke down an enviable but second best re- 3 and No. 2. wiM at eeA kmaad No. 3, 44.1. Z u cord. Oil No. 2, New and Improved Conoco Germ Processed OH, stayed on alone for more than 1,400 miles farther, to a total of 4,729 miles, when a connecting rod went out record of motor protecan e tion and low consumption on just five quarts Of oil! Thit is evidence these are facta that should open a new era of results and economy for your motor. Drive into a Conoco station or dealer fill with this New and Improved "Oil. There is no guess about it you will then be definitely equipped with . the best in lubrication, by miles or dollars, that your money win buy. rnmtmmm Weight al sag Meeree, State I omninUf ern(xriiet, im ' pat r :T f theearo krAAAamtiah. all-tim- : if S rMWiM mg 0f crnfr-wi- n aiimt gO mi grm quart mma pmt in. Hm aggtiian mi mtt warn patmrttwg im thia r 4 rssssa j cc ssM ULCIkHri 70tS Wenoy, MtClt-LMM.- our-flrs- f car waled. No more oil was added. LT. 9.24, LLT. - fI J - j no mq hi, r 5l ed Tbamahmrairietfyatoekemnwmrmmaadiaihm mta AAA mMoiah arnigmtg iha hrmng mi mdamch cmrrmd br grmtHmg mi tea awm AAA kmm which mil waa ta ban Otdr acf AAA SANCTION Na3001 a Vi Wohninq -- THE TO NEW CAR OWNERS ur Mua-eell- nl (SEE1S Pala Hit D types oTkeerlofi HlS!IOWII Cans Pweeeed Motor Oil - thud 11,10. toto akeMffvaly tasted oSffMaeobw The taarki do that it fhrez 4mm jpwtaf ptobatfoa tfua mmtf tkaljht akad alts aa Re add. noted year sow w by obi fra Jsssb'- i r;:jv':iLEir3 1 arlQ saltlaf freu laaaesed pewet aad n to, Ud IsriptwH akd JZtx asjailyNwltMit r:nu A;D ir.:PnOVED CO::OCO IXCLUSIVI cnnr.i processed nofon oIl NlW rlATUKIS rSOTICTID UMDIS SICIIIT U. S. SATINIJ . 14444U. tlsMelaote US-Bri- tlalRKl, 14440 m . I4a 4 tt VO |