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Show - - I'Ur. IDEAL Hr,1,.i,i.r AU8 the appointments. She ed In entertaining by ber mother. Mrs. Herbert Wilbers. The guests were seated at small tables. games were enjoyed during the evening, t he gneeta were: km Marion Cox. Jlud Irma Grantee, Mian Fannie Cohn. Mis Margaret Butcher, Miss I tee a Christensen. Miss Julia MJas Maxine Job neon. Mrs. Mathew Pymm, Mrs. Katherine Mrs. Goa Bushman, Mrs. Lindy Trie. Mkm Virginia Kimball. Mrs Win. --J. Simmons and Mrs. H. C. Kimball. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Harold W. Glade and Mis. H. H. Derrick T S compliment to Vlas Bernice were hoeteetee at-- a luncheon in Kimball at the DerGriffin and Guy C. HI1L whoee boner of Mias memnup- rick homo. 111 C street, for will an be interesting marriage bers of the club. .Luncheon tial event of early May. Mr- - and waa served Glade 29 to guests seated at Mrs. J. .Victor Hill entertained at small tablea by rases of a delightfully arranged dinner petty yellow tulips,centered daffodils, yellow Monday evening at their home on daisies' and bridal wreath. During east Fifth South street. n the afternoon musical Whits lilacs and fragrant lilies was presented by Mrs program Don E. Of the valley were arranged to Swenson and Mrs. June Mosa form the centerpiece . for the one Saturday Miss Kimball arenlng long table which was lighted by and Elwood G. Derrick were the Place pale pihk princess tapers. honored guests at a party given by cards were marked for the follow- Mias Madeiehia pollock and Mel-ri- n ing guests:' Mira Griffin, Mr. Hill, Stephens at tho Pollock home Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hill. Mr. and on Fifth East street. Tho house Mi Mrs. H. Blair Kinnersley, waa largo bouquets of Walter red lovely with Dortha Hell Harris and tulips. A buffet supper was Henock. During the evening, tables served. The table 'vein covered were arranged for games. with white linen and centered with Mrs Milton James snd Miss Hit a low bowl of white and pink ma Peterson will, entertain Wed- eweetpeas. The guests included nesday evening at ttietr borne on Mr. and Mrs Iteginald Done. Mr. Ninth East street tn honor of tho and Mrs. Edward Baker. Mias Mart. popular Thirty guests garet Burnham.- - Eldon Morgan, hare been imited. M iss Una Peterson. Louis Bowring. . T uraday evening Mr. and Mrs. The social legislation and welfare Walter Home are a dinner ommitters of the W Oman's legists, for the couple at giving their home on tiro Council of Utah will meet Jecond avenue. Jointly on the mezzanine of the Him Kimball will be extensively Newhouse hotel Thursday morning during the coming st II o'clock. Mrs. W. H. McQuil-ki- n entertained week with a supper party Wedneswill preside. A discussion of day by Mian Ruth evening unemployment Insurance will be Heaps at her glieu borne on east Fourth conducted by Mrs. W. M. Knerr and South to which 1C guests street, Mrs. H. A. Dlttman. have been invited. Thursday eveo s Mias Eada Kelson and Mrs. The Ladles' Poinsetta club will ning Albert Kelson will entertain at a hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. e of the H. B. Smith. lg south West Tciu-pl- o party for close friends and members of the Poinset-tl- a street. Wednesday at pm. club. evening Mr. and honoring the birthdaya of Mrs. Mm. HeberFriday C, Kimball are Mrs'Jotin Btirna and Mrs. lleber a dinner part, Mira K.mball for C. Kimball. Luncheon will be serv-"- and her fiance, and members of the two families. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Done will entertain for the young couFriendship Tea Whitelilacsjilies Cbrta-tenae- A nf nt - - af-fl- woo . Senior Tea Honoring the senior women of $ha University of Utah, members sf ths Associated Women Students will entertain at tea Thursday afternoon between the hours of 1:10 and 5:19 o'clock. Miss Jeanne Hall la chairman of the arrangements committee. - - The executive board of the Catholic Women's league will hold a meeting Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock In tho cathedral rectory. UsedAt Dinner bride-elec- -- bride-to-b- d. 00 Not - KO"d oo - bride of Saturday, the ruest at a prettily appointed supper party Monday evening at the Alter home. 172 east Seventecth South street Games were played idurlng the evening and a late supper waa served to the following jurats: Mira Fisher, Mrs. Thomas Fisher. Mrs. J. Cecil Alter, Mrs Charles A. Larson, Miss Phyllis Kidder, Mira Iris Parrish, Miss Ruth Keller, Miss Edna Keller, Mls Louise I arson. Mira Billie Smith. Mira Lenore Smith. Miss -- dlth Brown. Min Helen Patrick and Mr. Frank Stillman. Tulips. Ur- - a no bridat wreatb vrere tised in decorating the living rooms. 00 , I i i see The regular meeting of tho Authors' club will be held at 19:10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Mrs. C Mary Kimball will review "Mathew Arnold. A ' Modern Greek. see Mrs. H. A. Weymouth will give a talk On "The Romantic Beauty of South American Cities." Illustrated by atereoptican views at the meeting of the readers section of the Ladies Literary club Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mkn Leona Sullivan will be ths hostess for ths afternoon. Mrs. A. SOS J. Skidmore will be .... S. M. A.. .87 25c Gets It Corn 21 Remedy 85c Meads Dextri Maltose 65 55c Walgreen Malted 39 Milk, lb. 25c Eagle Brand $15 Gvslffes womanhood she casts her beat card Into the discard, go she would dress like a lady and act like a lady. My girl would be PRUDENT eithout being a prude. She would be a good sport, but she would not be a tough one. She would be chummy with men. but not familiar or permit familiarities. She would- - not- - hold men off Jat arms'-iengtbut neither would ahe svif- - 60s MIDt Epsom Salts 5 lb bag 19 27 Single Edge .Gem.. Or Ever Ready PROMISE BREACH JUDGMENT PAID 5s. 27c LOS ANGELES. April 24 (AP) court A check for 15.099 and costs brought to an end today the breach of promise suit of Marjorie Whitela. film actress, again Harry Jo Brawn, director and producer. Mira White! had sued Brown for $199,099 and had obtained a Judgment for $5,999 after claiming that he Jilted her at the end of a four-yeromance to marry Sally E11- -: era, screen player, last fall. Her a lawyer, Whitney 8mith, said cheek had been received in of the Judgment 6 Ounce J:d Si!! Condensed 43s ar 4 Olte Jmd Sail Nomilar pay-me- nt KTe so . Pfk Feds Likes Near Girl New lei hos- Sharing Cream 30: 9fthroP Rt llblutnsltid 17. 25c Anacin Tablets Listerine 14 ounce 1 ' CQn ....33C Olafsens Cod CQ Liver Oil, PL UdC Hinkle Pills 17n HC 100s Dr. ScholTs ZinoPads .... 81.00 Ironized Extra S sects I, any IS ska. sf asS tlsiivttM a at Rsyal Maten Uahter, We vales 1 Yeast 71m I 1C 60c CaldwelTs Syrup Pepsin 42C hvif enterta-- Was Worried tern of the Utah Pioneers, We Eighth East WeS eedav afternoon at 2 oclock. .Tt v'WmJteilrv ''"m Is Gresn 51.00 and Rundown rJUh' KelObbora Wedm?ft; T"pm'hw4 meeting Nome vr Mr. AllceRiestee. J it o street 1 worked in a hotel which waa I got laid off and 1 was ttrrihly worried and My mother told ma mho Lydia E. PUkhara's VegauMa Com. Rrnmd So bnOd ma np igsio sod o am I am gsamM m her. I fed Uka anawgb$iew,alwaysfol 'Mm a very hard work. Then n. be hostae. Wfleon "'eroos at ednesdky hSJlrr How'd. avenue 1 oeToe5f W. R. C. wlp !e s'.1,"' after--0 flock at the K. P. hall - -- W"d,y Beld nr stabbing a.,m tl onl Its tlGGEST-SEUIN- G PACKAGE SOAP IN AMEttCA -- .1. J fobneon. an . j efpp."-BmAWJL- Cotys Perfume wiin mmn mam iNtmYaL Cm 4 - If. wa. lypiAE. fik:(haeps Vernon V3ttiW Cotrpcund F"rd tn' bait here rhrnrrm todwr bl,7 of ' love r bo-It- f beanttfu! woman. Long was voung . -- l Coty Face Powder both fort e. In N. Y, Man Hunt Pcrds My girl would be FEMININE. She would knew that when a girt throws sway her ratjifi-actlv- - 35 ivr zZoZ:iV! out - Chicago Police Join Vsp R:b 23c 25; w- BY F. B. COLTON. de radio-activ- 351 Vicks -- People , of ,90 JNe ex. Did Fret; Man Makes Radium Rays penetrating than those of natural radium. C. C-- Lauritsen and H. R. Crane were said by Dr. Millikan to have accomplished the result with the aid of actual transmutation of the elements." which used to be a unaltalned dream of alchemists seeking to fluke gold ont of leaa valuable metals. -- - UehUlule er Radians The man-maradium rays, die sald. are not yet well enough cen- -: rolled for the trestment of cancer and other diseases, but may b A first step toward artificial manu-'artu- re e of sub lanced 'but msjr substitute for radium, now extreinelv rare and prohibi .11 cly expensive. To make The rays tbe scientist fired' atoms of hydrogen and boa Hum at tremendous speed at Tarof lithium, beryllium and get' carbon. Parts of the atoms stuck" In tbe targets and turned them into new substances that werd (Associated Press Science Writer.) - WASHINGTON, Aprit St (AP) Don't worry so much. Thats the advice of scientists to the hurried business man. V, orry is sending many American business leaders to an early grave, they advice- ' say. Since the beneficial use of Dr. Francis O. Benedict of Bosdinitrophenol was first pointton reported to the National Acaded out In medical literature emy of Sciences today that a study five months ago, be said, sevof several eld people who are eral deaths and numerous healthy and normal at the age of caaes of poisoning in America 90 or thereabouts showed that and England have been relack of worry probably had Playpo rteded as large a part in wiving them NEW TOP.K. April 24 Those suffering from poison TNS) long life as eiry physical characas the result of overdarar The two desperadoes who shot JS teristic. ' death J. James Detective Garvey develops skin Irritations and To Increase life Span Is blisters. If the He predicted that psychologists, last Saturday night In crowded ere 71tb well streets critics), their body temperaan Broadway at teaching people in Chicago, where they hayi ture rvos to a point where by uoharrassed mind, would do wv'known I ic : records, ft developed today, the brain is affected. much as physician to Increase the po The drug banishes weight . average length of human life. Chicago police have Joined In tha for the men following tb-- tr search bv raising the body The old people studied, be raid, hsd largely avoided) The cera;Mmmfcatfm from rogue's teller? They are described tension and nerve.w tacking, fe ing strain that cornea all through drug sddirU. but detectives doclln-liBANDITS DRIVEN OFT to so many of our intense ed to divulge their names at thld time. HARBIN, April ?4. (INS) A American business men." bandit tribe today attacked, capDr. Robert A. Millikan told the Garvey was killed and Detectiv tured and pillaged the town of academy two men at the Califor- Francis Gleason and Mrs. Florence Tsochlntxe. later to be driven out nia Institute of Technology bed Goldstein, a passerby, were woundtn a severe cun battle In which improved on nature tn making ed when the officers attempted td radium rays far mors powerful and halt tha two men (or questioning. three were killed. " girt If tess to tho First ward, section A. Democratic study group. Wednee- hom- i w!T.V ip'!?' at her east South street. Accomplish. I" will be related Frank Psnroee. In compli. I?' rt M. Slaughter " Wright, officer, tea hour wm follow the meeting. e The Speech Reader society, lit rT "1I1 meet at S:$9 th y Khoi a Luncheon- - trill be 'serWd af' 1 by Mm. E. H disarm.0 th Comp,nl" of Nee- - car Hedewlll that an Injudicious nee of the new "heat wave" method of exceaa poundage shedding would bring serious lllneu and ponslble death. ' Dr. Moris Fishbeln, editor of tbe Journal of tho American Medical Association, raid several serious cases of dini- -' tropbenol poisoning have occurred in Chicago, the victims having taken the weight reducing drug without medical success of it. 1 Dr. Adam 8. Bennion wilt eon- tinue hH lessons on the "New Tes-- ( lament at the meeting of the Classic club which will bs held Wednesday at p.m. (AP) .th"nb - i t April 24. perronr wreTO warned" "L and she would enter Into marriage determined to make bride-elec- nr - a-- budget, ct STORAGE CHICAGO. ::Life,SaysDix Or she might be a business so, he would make herself an expert tn her line. would She give the best that was in her to her job. and she would bo prood of being independent and earning her own of pretending vtng instead that she was a society girl who had gone trio an office because ahe wax bored with parties. Mr girl would have ENTHUSIASMS. She would be alive to ber fingertips, she would enjoy everything because life would be one prolonged thrill to her. My girl would LIKE BOT8 and their attentions, but she wouldn't be boy crazy nor run 'after them. Her attitude would be that ahe could take 'em or leave 'em and be happy either way. She weutdnt Supper Party be a cheap girt.- She would bold Mrs. J. Winston Alter wras the herself dear and make herself de- Uel-phi- INTELLIGENT Boy-Struc- k, WELL-DRESSE- ple. a. 1931 21 AND A group of girls asks me to give my opinion of what constitutes an Ideal girt. There is. of course, no such thing as an Ideal girl. But there are iota of regular girls, not too good for human nature's daily food. but good enough for anybody, and my cnnceptlou of one of them is o girl who la: Good lookiug.Not necessarily beautiful. No living picture for me, but a girl who is balm to tho eyes because she is healthy and strong and supple -and rigorous and bubbling over with life. She must have bright eyes and- - a- - clear akin that cornea of plenty of fresh air s nd bathing and exercise: and she must look as if she could shoulder her part of the burden of Ufa and carry on without breaking under It. She must be Not dolled up In Inappropriate finery. Nor loaded down with Junky cheap jewelry. Not painted up until she looks like a caricature of a human being. But ahe must have the clothes sense that will ensble her to make the moat of herself and to choose the eoMfs that flatter bet and the. lines that mak e the best of ber figure. er them to paw her as pay for She must be INTELLIGENT. She must read and study and taking her to a movie. make herself an interesting and That ie my idea of a regular A companion. girl, and thank heaven thera agreeable are plenty of her. Copyright pretty face doe not atone for an empty head. by Public Ledger. She must be A PERSON. Not a silly little butterfly to danco In the sunshine. She might be a domestic girl, who looked forward to a career as wife and mother, if so. she would fit herself for be The Junior Business clnli will en-- , e o o tertain at a friendship tea Sunday. Bride-EleFor tw from o to five p m. at Casa Ver-dsapi sen: vr tnc Mrs. Thelma Anderson Is e Mias Dorothy 8avl1le, Mira .chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ha Law. Egan and Min Irma Monson Mws Anna Mae Snyder. Miss were hoet esses recently at aw tutors Higham and Miss Mary mat party, honoring Mira Blanche Zaugg. t, Lawson, popular at the home of Min Seville on C street rooms were decorated In Parties Arranged The Tow Get What law IW rose and gold, with rose and orchid Phene Wee. 111 mrPay Weetcre l - t'eten FHeK teste ears Friday evening Mrs. George Par- sweet peas used for supper table kin entertained at the home of centerpieces and corsages for the Mrs. Hertiert Ullberg. S37 Logan guest of honor and her mother. aienue. at a supper party In hon- Other guests Included Mira Pearl or of Miss Pearl Kimball, a bride Lawson, Mira Verda Lee. Mira of the near future. The house was LaQra Mira Egan, Jeapbelte lovely with large vases of 'vridal Wheeler. Mrs. Florence Alder." Mira wreath. A color scheme of pink Fern Walters, Mira Mary Hamand white waa carried out in all mond and Mira Genevieve Miller. FUR APRIL Have Purpose In n. Party DELIGHTFUL affair of Tuea-4- a jr was the tea gtren by Mrs. B. T. Harris at ber home In TValk-aLane, Cottonwood, in compll-meto ber bouae guest, Mrs. Frank T. l'rice of Los Angeles, Calif. While lilacs in a silver bowl centered the tea table which was lighted by white tapers in silver candelabra. Deep baskets , filled with white lilacs snd snowballs were used about the living rooms and on the porch. Forty close friends wer invited to the affair. Mrs. Price, who has been a popular visitor tn the city before. wlH be honored at an Interesting aeries of social events during the coming seeks, hlrs. J. A. Kahn will preside at luncheon for twelve guests on Wednesday af her home on Ihgsbee avenue. On Friday Mrs. C. P. Gardner will en. tertain at tea for Mrs. Price at the home of her mother. Mrs. Hugh L. Thomas. 1M1 east South Tem- pla street- - Close friends f - Mrs. r. Price will be the guests atr the TUESDAY PRUDENT GIRLS Delightful47 Affair Honors Coast City LAKE Pictures Tckp 4mrMore WtuRa w rhmN far fcwlcwticg kmimImM Keep your Kodak JBusj Expert Retitley bear wrvkvt All mm eHt repen S : I r |