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Show i THE DESERET NEWS 10 DENVER, C. rG.' - L SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY 0 1334 24 WIT CHAE.GED J APRIL FROSEMTMG; - : - Excellent Records Made By Dixie, Logan and Blackfoot Junior Pentathlon Athletes Reports Q Tolman Regains Form at Aggie Camp Colorful Meet Emmett n r Will Be 3,003 Athletes McArthur, Idaho Decides To Compete tIn Checked mxnea. Tiger School Admits Lead-Field-of-- 70 lanur Titleholders B. Y. Carnival - v. f Boys at St. George 4. (Special) April Greaves and Blerkley PROVO, IHI yonng people from 9 1 re Intermountain the of atatee Excel ill District gton are expected te regtater at the Brichem Yoang University Invita.Contest tional track end field meet end ra carnival for thla year, to be held ley CORBETT. on Friday and Satarday of thla week , BT MACK 11 and A CTIOS of tho North Central April DACKFOOT, Idaho, April 24 v It la the 14th annual meet elnce Association of Colleges and the inauguration of the carnival la (Special) Blackfoots greatest Den-t- tr UU by lb T. GEORGE, April 24. (Special) LaRaine Mcthen director of alb lei Secondary Bchoota In plKlnf Junior Pentathlon meet was comcollege lea. Eugene U Roberta. Only a few university and Colorado athletic Arthur, state junior champion in 1933, romped off high ec hoots, invited from around pleted here Saturday with Jay Mountain tbe here, participated la that of Blackfoot winning the Merkley conference on firatcounty with high honors in the Dude district Pentathlon meet. Today I schools eent Junior championship with n score to compete In the win- meet here Grace probation pend- representatives of Greaves and of 1(15 Saturday with a fine score of 4217 jpoints, while carnival. ing tnvestlgs-Uo- a great ning the senior laurel. Greaves Leonard Emmett came through with 3156 counters to meet scored 22(2 points. back From s Utah county of athletie Both boys were from the Dixie there le 1(11, tbe carnival may now Merkley took tbo Junior honors clinch the senior honors. recruiting and properly Elbe called an "Intermoun-tahv- " five hundred points. nearly by nbsltiixation school. meet. .This year HUk, Idaho, was second don Clark ef Blackfoot charge la sad Wyoming, Colorado, McUoyd Sullivan of Hurricane flushed eeooad In the 1 Junior in the Junior division with 2147 a Nevada, Montana will send athietvv. la the In 788 aad Dan Worth en of Dite was third with w hole aome" girls division ef tbe meet alone, points and Wallace Larspn of Shelly elans with race. tbe Junior was third with 1117 point. , by Dr M. U three atatee are represented. 1I7T Therol McArthur placed second la the senior clues with Is Affair Other leading Junior athletes Mara hall, foe On the administration aide of the mints and Marsten Perkins of tho Overton Junior were: M artel Belnap of Grovoland. nltjr represen- mammoth with aome lino In carnival are was facts third high of Overton, Nevada tative of the of Jack Shoemaker of Grove-lan22t; 10X7; greetareInterest Twoto hundred of2818 points. A1I six of them boys war presentBasil of University of ficial Manwarlng baadle tbs required ed with aoisb following the meet by President Utah on the R-- Friday afternoon. Blackfoot. 2724; Roland Rich Of Saturday morning B. Glen Smith of tho Dixie Junior college. C. athletic and Haturday afternoon of Plngree, 2(12; Edward Bernat of programs of Interested spectator and para board. A targe crowd events. Appoxlmately ( more wilt Blackfoot. 2(02; R. Manwarlng of Dr. Mara hall be required to prepare end serve cats Was ea- - hand for the contests aad oomo very Of and Blaine 25(0 Irving; Ramey woo approach luncheon to the 1 MS Including the fine demonstrations were put on by tho young McDonsldvllle. ed concerning supplementary activities such as the athletes. Tho meet wee very smoothly ran off Greaves was in front of the sencarnival ball Saturday . ere the Bitter grand the supervision or Reed Wilson of Dixie under ior performers by more than 2M reception committees, gudles. Corbett Monday after nlng, the Junior College. Wilson made the meet the finest personnel staff administerpoints with his 2202 acorn. Andrus noon when an eact naira diapatch to ale., ever staged In this region. of Firth was second In line with ing the meet will approximate lot The Deeeret Newa rerealed paopls. la rolling np tho high total of the day. total of 2152 and four Blackfoot the two R. M. C. member schools i McArthur went over the bar In the high Dallas followed with I I were Implicated In findings of the over hare, serose the dividing line.' performers Jump at four feet eight Inches; threw the ball-p- ut Bill Paahei Meanwhile Nelson the in association 25(4; its North Central at the scoring principals 28 test one Inch, broad Jumped 14 feet sis jJ ( scandal storm which burst f Chicago meeting recently.. Hlx east athletic scoring 24(4; Donald Ludl scoring Inches, scored 28 basketbaH throws and ran the In Chicago react differently. DenDillard making era colleges and Regis college of ver 2087 and Dave j dashaln 1.8 seonda. Is In denial ef the vigorous Colorado were expelled for radons 2082. Kimball or Firth was next o e wbila C. C. admits them i f reasons at the time, and Denver charges of Anderson Shelley with 085; bet expects IoRalnea fine performance Is one at the up the situation I university and Colorado college complained of within a few weeks. cored 18(4; LeOrande Caldwell or bent season. The little Dixie ace aU reported ware placed on probation for lenl- - Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter Plngree made 1(77 and Boyd In-pe- y won tho state Jwalor honors aad went to tho enee lln academic standards to of Denver university, when Inform-"- f tenth In line Reed Wilson was Blackfoot of woekTa fair at Chicago last year. La Raise will the North Central association S qulred of athlete and for recrult- -. with 114. not bo eligible for tbe grand owned this season. Xo boy can win action, countered promptly with the big of athlete. Scores High This ettanlaatea one of the best yoang athtwice. "some assertion that jealooo Instigrand prise The North Central association Is In coping tbo Junior crown and the letes In the state from the IHIapMnt. right here In Codorado" had aeered tution f perhaps theasmoat rigorous score of the the been highest secret np setting chargee against regards athletlrs In Denverfiling Ring body day, Merkley scored 755 points In university. CHAMPIONS INELIGIBLE FOR AWARDS country," said Dr. Marshall. 1 "Our athletic situation." Chant; the high Jump; (It In the tbo own our organisation, cellor Hunter said. "Is Just the same , wish that In the broad Jump; (08 in the - ITTLE Grant Culllmore ef Garland also tr eliminated by the same 714 Pacific association, which governs ss everyone elses in ths Rocky basketball throw and 854 In the ruling. Grant won the honors In 1(22 and went to tho Olympio conference. Our books and .. schools this side of tho divide, were Mountain dash. games at Lea Angeles. Grant has made the best score of tbe year but records are open sad anyone can ran active In its athletie tnvcstlga eoma not be eligible for the state title this season. will also Greaves had one of the be nut here and see how we hanL tiOna Former champions can compete in the state meet for meaals dle athletics. highest scores in nil five of tbe - , Marshall Dorp rim 1 senior events with (51 In the high and certificates but are not eligible for (he state honors twice or the Chiapas Fsassatnaee ' T am surprised, Dr. Marshall "Our attitude Is Jest as t; ruling. il in the (74 In grand awards. This Is aa International Jump; Denver "that university continued, as at any other Institution. Sullivan and Worthen pot on n hot duel for the second place junthe broad Jump; (87 In the Colorado college should allow The association f.and ns who won't tall Worthen was second In tbe Junior meet last year and Sulhonors. ior - themselves to eome under sosple- - filed the 741 and throw in tho dash. chargee, bnt It might be Tho meet wee n huge success. livan finished third. This year Bullivan reversed the tables py tt ion. Their administration Is well embarrassing for whoever did to More than 40 athletes from all the points. te prove them." t acquainted with the requirements have The ehaneetlor thee expressed schools In this section of Idaho atOther Juniors who placed hlg h end deserve credit for their fine 1 of the North Central association. JAY, COTTON TOLMAN tended and some interesting per- showings were: David Pulsipher of Mesquite. Nevada. 1481; Terms 1 i In fact, one of Colorados faculty confidence that the Impending Inwould vindicate his refuformances were recorded. A large Ison of Hurricane, 1471; Cloyd To bier of Mesquite who finished secmore power as a bidder for slate and conmembers, R. J, Olllmore. Is an of spection Jay Cotton Tolman has returned to the tations. . of tans turned out to watch ond in tbo grand state finals last year, 2212; Lynn Adams of Hurrifi fleer of the North Central ass Te the association charge that ference track honors. Tolman was one of the crowd Utah Aggie track after a year a absence and tho youngsters strut their stuff. cane, 2254; Orley Waite of Mesquite. 2242; Max Bentley of Dixie, 2277; tion. ; Denver had beea recruituniversity The meet has gone e long way In Howard Hinton, of Hurricane, 22t 2; Jay Huntsman ef Mesquite, 2218; "I understand that the aseedetlon ing athletes. Chancellor I best quarter-mile- rs in the state two years Ranter It (bowing his heel to most of the quarter j , lias delegated Its board of review said: f building up the pentathlon B this Clark Emmett of Dixie, 2088; Billy Lava of Dixie 1(11; Ueslte Ashmiters at the Logan camp. Hi return to form back, and be baa lost none of bis speed bp region t to Inspect Denver university and end next season every school Such a charge Is preposterous, Warren Church of Hurricane 2(62. and Leon Hal ! Colorado college and expel them at ft will be In this sector is espected to vie for by of Dixie 800: the year's lay-odue to a football injury. recalled that several gives tbe already strong Fanner squad even of Hurricane 2S7d. Us discretion. The board is directed Tears age when the t many fine awards a Denver group ef I v to investigate the athletie sltnatlon "U" arranged for star Utah ! f at the two Institutions. Leonard Emuoeft, Be senior champ, high Jumped four feet This will high alumni The Deseret News awards were athletes te enroll at I ; tie dona some time before even inches: scored 20 basketball throw; 18 (ret J one Denverechoed to the victors directly et presented entrance wee university, ; ; Fending the Investigation, they re denied them. This 2 tbe close of the meet Through the Inches ami ran (ho Id Inches; threw the shot pot 4 feet consisted gronp asmain of the accredited members fine Esecu-tlvof In e dash Student i; eoeiation. of eeven football players who sought (.A Preston Price and Joan Clute. j "Te be expelled from the North entrance in 1(2. while Jefferson t ; Allen Conway and Marguerite was Cravath coach." 1 FIGHT AND DETERMINATION WINS Central raster, Dr, Marshall added Acting President C B. Herahey all scores were computed Just so ef Colorado aa soon as tho events ueallp means black-listiwers com- A FIGHTING spirit aad some rea I determination put Emmett over to told assothe college as or this athletic far any otker pleted end awards were aiede ImmeChicago that his I douht If ciation board atbad le concerned. victory. Leonard and his yon nger brother. Clark, lire alone and j; 5V conference diately, arranged te the R. M. C. weald recognise Dee dear npalready Gold medals were presented to do their own cooking during the W inter months Both urn hard workthe scandal clouds Te : t; ver or Colorado In the event they newspaperman ha said: Greaves end Merkley with Andrue ers end havu been pointing for the pentathlon meet for n long time. Brenneke-Nelsoare expelled, and needless te eay. "Another 88 some ont of town ; 151. Brennekee and Clerk receiving sUver medals It Is this diligent training that mak es real champions and Leonard Is Inspection of Colorado UNDE ! ;- the University of Utah would have S7S Nelscore. was beat Nelson tho end end Larson getting the one of tbe best and most deserving ever crowned In the games. tingles team surpasses a score of win be made In May when to sever athletie relationships with college son rolling S22 and Butte doing a Bureau Fisheries b rouse awards. Certificates the association seeds a representafor n Besides Therol McArthur, brother the Junior champ, and . ; them. The matter baa, Indeed. honors la the Individ- Marsten Colorado Springs. Yam .con- 2IS7, Western Optical! to tive 472. high scoring disappointing wo decided whale Perkins, other leading senior performers were; Bert Adam, ths very bearing were won N. Tic team events AnC. com ual Fehr. fident the of Nelson, be will not dropped posed by college con 1 conference, will Doubles competition Sending Party.Jo and for this reason, 1 drue and Greaves In the senior elaaa of Hurricane, 2748; Pm til Sullivan at Hurricane. 2888; Orien Campbell from tbe association raster." believe tbe two schools will exert Hampshire. Berm ScbetUer, Herm tinoa Tuesday evening. and Merkley.- - Rich. Clark and Larsen of Hurricane, 2274; Max Leavitt of Overton. 2271; Dwalne Stevens of Streams score. Tbe e I every effort te improve er te extra Study Monday have will Jensen C. Bockholt P. in the junior division. and Overton, 187. and Clint Hartley of Hurricane- 1(85. WBSTKRM OPTS I uate their athletie moral tone be- -l Fort Douglas Women (IT) The four loaders will take part More than 70 boys from schools all over southern Utah aa wen de1 1 successfully r fore the Impending Investigation In the grand (Inal pentathlon meet aa a few from Nevada, were entered In tbe Pentathlon meet, making 1M Hampafclre It i t takes place. If indeed It isn't al- ..............174 fended its state a Fvhr Slate Team Match which will be Salt Luke at staged it the largest and most successful meet ever held. Weather condifit 1 tit BT PAUL MAT. ready tee late. The tions were MS ,ltt Schettler City at 18 e'clock. May 8. it I! championship. K. Ideal and a targe turnout was on hand to watch the yernig The Fort Douglas women golfers Keep Alev . c., d. H. should Bockholt Blackfoot 111 April make k. Its .....m Washington, champions Optic-io- n athletes perform. AD the boys wont away from the meet highly Tho any event, it lv ait very whole- - will stage a big Red and Bine team ITS P. 1C A survey party from the a fine showing in the final test. seme. Investigations ef this kind match tomorrow at ( am. Every a rolled 2tf7 The meet here was directed by pleased and determined to train the year round for tha 1(15 event. tend to I ths departell schools on the alert feminine player at the Poet club SIS SIS ltes bureau of fisheries o Teteie Melvin A. Olsen ef the BUck-fo. .. to meet keep ment of commerce trill soon be in CoachJunior the requirements of eeered- - Is expected out for the Joust. Monday NEPHi PLASTER J 77 is night The four MW)s(h boys Is this meet wilt compete In the high. Ring institutions I am sorry that Following tbs meet, the team ' Utah the of to purpose fot; top six teams , state finals at Salt Lake City on May i, FMSistSMi-M- .i like aggressive North Central easo embers wilt elect a captain for the 11 24 tbe heavily fished waterssurveying of tbe which opened m Leaden who aided Reed WBaoa ia piling Over tbe meet elation's lurisdictloa doesn't extend season. m m national forests and surrounding ...... .its ns tnotnl were: Howard Benson, Lewis POrtol. Melvin Schmutl. Val McArthe m .....e. and formulating a sound, is 101 state tournaterritory Lorraine Irina, Elmer Graff, Relow pectoL Erl In Tobirr, thur, Bart 171 lit scientific and imment of the William Love, Han Chaunbertbs. Val McArthur and Bob Worthwaprovement those for program Utah Bowling Totals en. mi i:t IJf ters. KEMPNKR INSURANCE CI02) the Thla survey party Is one of fifBugarhouse Merchants end : i i tion. The score SKIDMORE, LARSON LOGAN WINNERS s s e e eee e see e olffl teen which ere at work or will be Firemen will tangle in two practice 144 IT RobwtMff 144 179 at work In the eastern. Intermoun-tai- n games Wednesday and Friday, comli better April 24. (8psdal) Jamas Skidmore and Golden La rods diaSllVltS e e eo e ee a ee see see el 77 l)t 17T m. 4 on than st p Municipal LOGAN,drowned and western sections of the mencing their winning J. Bara? Junior Pentathlon champions at the Logan Junior US 2!I 177 mond No. L It wss announced TuesStates this spring and sum- day e gager-bousUl 179 999 United total last rear. A. Klliot Harmon, morning by Bad high school last night. Skidmore piled up 1442 points and Larsou mer. Operations will alao Include manager, Kephi Plastmade 2174. 994 994 Jt the Plxgah, Great Smoky. Kanta-hal- a. Bob King will probably take the er was second Totals TRIBUNE TELEGRAM Other senior leaders were Waldo Mecey. with 2(21: Kedrith C439) C. K. Fehr Shenandoah. White Mountain, mound for gngarhonse In tho first 1 with 2772. fol-9 Nelley with 28(8; Don Hanson wttth (; Judd Harris with 2544. for Green Mountain, Battell. Mononga-bet- a, game, Earl Slmmtster etarilng Baksr 149 194 lowed b Barnett Weiss and Ted Hanson with 2581. The Junior leaden were: Gene Btckmore. ..... 149 199 George Washington, and oth- the Firemen. Kempner Insurance 2102. Orpheum Thfwnps KMbM Dennis Gudmundaon. Ted Willmore, 201: Clair Baugh, 2780; 2tS: er national forests of tho eastern 14 Alles 25(4 and 199 I3 2421, and Seymour Fon nee beck. 22 1 A Campbell . ..... the Glacier National section; park Bertschtefer ,,, eeee.l47 179 2(2. aad put the tall 45 feet 1 James Skidmore ran the dash and tho state of Wyoming. NeCharley Fehr wax high man of Tetals inch and high Jumped ( feet 1 inches; Kedrith Nelley scored 2t .. . Arixona. Idaho and 941 vada, Colorado, .749 the Opte quintet with a nifty (22 baskets and Don Hanson bread-j- a mped 17 feet 7 Inches. In the JunBARNETT WEISS C499) New Mexico, of tile Intertnountaln series. Schettler was next high with ior clam Ben Bingham high jumped four feet 2 inches; Dennis 9 2 and the Tosemtte National 5S2. Fehr' a games were 21S, 14, StofAeasoa 214 17 191 region; Wendell Reid broad Jumped 12 feet scored 22 Inchest and the Stanislaos. Tahoe, 4. Sanpete MANTL April day Ted Gudmundaongoals; 139 172 park 214. Schettler's high was 222. High Aadereea ....171 heaved the ball 2 2 feet ( Inches and Roy Humphries for- wltk ell Klamath Portrees and National In Trinity the schools 144 'm county 171 high single game of tho evening was 24 Oorhor In ran dash the (.1. te 149 142 ests of California. The work be- compering ia en invitational track rolled by C. J. Butte of Barnett Batts Fred Shaffer and Roy Hnmph rlea won the grade school honor. 244 92 ing carried on with PWA funds meet end posture parade is schedulWeissJ!mm Barney was second Both were from the Benson schooL Shaffer bad 2124. point and here Wednesday. ed To Benefit Sport Total997 IS 131 high with 22. Dr. H. 8. Davis of tho bureen of Activities will commence at 1'8I Humphries 2(45. ORPHEUM AlaLETS 254 4( The record for tho team' event le the parade with posture girls pm. Invesin of this S fisheries, t eharge be followed by track and field 1(47, held by Nephl Piaster. Stewart 247 tigation work, declared today that to SOUTHERN UTAH uj EPHRAIM BASEBALL events for boys Other Scores 14 132 1S2 it will of benefit the sport greatly . 149 .. Two doubles teams and three ee. 199 Iff stockareas. In GAME Fish those BASEBALL SCHEDULE DRAWN ROSTER COMPLETED lit I,, 219 fishing railed Meads- - Butte and Gttthrl. e. . 97 197 291 ing and propagation haw except in Gcmmell dub and Levtnger DisinSchettler knocked over 11X7. and 099 RICHFIELD. April 24. (ApecUl) those states with efficient conser- fectant EPHRAIM, April 21. The Ephbaseball teams will clash In vation departments been inade- a practice game.Taesday.at 8:8 raim ball team which .ha a berth tn meeting of the Bon there quate. Streams and lakes wilt be oa Municipal No, 2. Ronny Peacock the Sanpete County Baseball league Utah Baseball league held at Selina surveyed to determine their adapta- or Mel bcott - was elated to start for for the coming season, organised on Sunday, tho opening nf the hare-ba- ll bility for species and numbers. Ia Lovtnger on- the mound with Dick hrie last night. Vance Allred ikes season wa set for May 2 and As far as the batter is concerned, that tops the league in uniformthe past, he said, fish have been West or Arvln Tomer receiving. as named a and manager captain tho doting date for the loot Sunday woefully Wasted by being dumped Will consist of four to seven men; n fool tip it no bargain. It will ity, strength and real flavor. And into waters unsuttsbl to them or skilled biologist, two to four assist- will be chosen within tbe next few In Aognat. sever get bim to first base in when compared cup for cop "Cy Anderson of Gunnison via waInto numbers large undays dumped by biologists and one or two A roster of 27 men was compiled. named as a committee of one to ters where only a few could sur- ant with other brands, sue, i weQ SPANISH FORK. skilled assistants to maintain and Tbe draw np a tentative schedule for any league. And whe tout wile are KEPHT. April 22. (Special) The vive. members April 22 (Speof following tha, the league to bo tbe camps end care for hors- team which won the twitter over tbe fact that the is aa yon, will notice the superior- cie!) Provo high Bulldogs woe a annual sportsmen's frolio of the Besides the survey work. Improve- es,ovatrucks presented for apcounty pud equipment. Dr. Daaortas with proval at tbo next meeting of tbo Ciafter a play-ovis hopes that this typs st work loronl last Paysoa. East Juab Coenty Fish end Game ment work will be done, astng unlooguo te be Held saving a few cents per pound ity of Hills Bros. Coffee right off triangular traek meet-ove- r May A prob. Vsnee W. Allred. year: labor to Conservation vilian couUbuous Corps from year bs may My at Richfield, tbo place to ho Spanish Fork end Bprlngvtlle here association will be held Wednesday der tho technical supervision ef Y. Cheery, on "bargain counter coffee u the bat! Joe, Warn Stanley announced year, so that within several years Johnson, Inter by tbe preotdeoL with a total of ( 5 points. April ik at I pn, ia ths Armory Clifford JohnOlsen, Water Lyle Fisheries fished ef ths of ths experts majority thats a fool tip even though bssrily la tbo second halL Paysoa was a surprise be Improved to make them more waters of ths country may be ade- son, Clive Remand, Ivan Tonne. Several changes William Whittier Win be tho prin- will were proposed hot ht, habitable for tbe species ef fish, to quately sarveysd and Improved. Lack Moyle Hansen, Ernest Bailey. Fred of i her beat friend gave it to her. with 71. followed by Spanish Fork cipal no definite authtalks action Short was by token. speaker. Dick Peterson. t So as n loyal husband, Halbert wltk (2 of (rained men is one reason for Bailey, LaVeo Sprlngvllle trailing orities end rum wardens of tbe which they ere suited. Christen a a. Owes with IT i. Analyste yon the limitation of work this- year, fee Greaves (trees state feaboats department, boxing Destroy. Tho outstanding mark wee chalk- turing boys from tbo Juab high Sfremmt end lakes will be analys- said. Ralph Christiansen, Comer should pot your wife straight ed n by Bill Wilkin, hogs Spring-vi'.- school, and teraperatnra. pools Break trout la particular. Dr. Da- Christensen, Richard Peterses, Rew4 tho sketele harmony edndfor width character the rales of coffee-buyinman whe threw and extent et vis eld, aesd careful cultivation, ard Lund, Eagene Draper, Owen the team ofend shelter, weight McCone and Jim X i on' "Hap" -shot 47 feat 1 Inches, only six no- will flu set the program. Iffles. which breed fish food: their because ths character of streams has Jensen, A(loa BJerregaard. , Just tell her that you dont ds r the state record. Boorman. Pool Jwboooa. Clifford Free eete, free drink and free en- bottoms wilt be examined for mud. years, due changed la tbs pari of the item ! L drink coffee Sprlngvllla sprinter, was clocked at tertainment are In store tor at- lit. esnd. elsy detrlte. hurdpen. to fannies and deforestation, Peterson, Hilmer Fotorsoa. Erick that Peterson. by tbe pound, yon Woo. Last. Pet. ::2.1 la the 174. . : bed , rock and the at curtain periods of ths yssr they announces Dr. rruvel. rubble sportsmen, tending -- drink it by tne .198 g. Put her Tbe first league games will bo 7W Oeh L-- Jones of the eseocletiaii. cup. All .mount of vegetation end flb food e are no longer suits bis for brook I. 4 j- - .eeldep-eroa Memorial ' Wise to the fact UuT the sure esddlsflto. ployed men whe knew fish from may flies trout, and bscsuss brook trout are ack et day. May It. The .47 THREE TOCUBETg ( schedule has not been completely 51 are Invited. stnnflles ernstseee wilt bo de. us really caught. Rainbow-an- d "aoooreaoore.8 .14 drawn up ae yet rrmlned. Lakes win he surveyed brown trout, bo added, bavs a great, "way to get oatstanding good-ne- a Women's golf tonrnamente are i - . ,iu It GEB MARIA ode. character ahoralinar CLASSE8 Word ........ er ef ehanre ell as 'or for st longevity, .ltd they bs every cup is to buy Hills and planned Country dub, Nlblay Mvv cun tn water a watersheds streams . , tributary of watBonneville today. The Country club greater variety ' MRETTUO T C(IF - ? th iava'.o, dsnth.-.eh- ael ers areas are more a. Coffee. Tnata the coffee and Ward firat g. i, wary, a event, plena patting Nlbley will xiaisBia A. G-- will meet Wednes area boiiome.- color 41. Fourth Word b turbidity. Dr, A. A Hsnsrd, with feeudquae-ta- rs Tha Utah State Womens Golf held a affair aad Bonne- day Bight at the East high school an nlwas. , at ths University of Utah, tn board of control will meet Third Wreddef. Pltth Woo. ville hoe planned a Surprise meet. at T POL. while the women class wHI Tfe Balt Lake he made m. will fesvs Improvement technical Thursday et I t City, te Iron eat sev- JJn Ward at Fourth Wood. Jberge turnouts are aaeeted te will assemble at tbe T. W. C. A at on a basts of three , ef band-leeral Interwork the problems in finding; supervision and discuss the elf the wondeefet weaMMKthe samq tins Peeaod Waed. eajer l - Farits working ia JfeeM anMJBOiintdln ysglea. system t fee aacd LtaagflMfe. Charges-Denv- er in Is Riled it A ' , James Skidmore and Golden Larson Take Honors in Logan Games B -- de 1 d. S U-Rai- ns r t -- i '-t- ball-pu- f -- high-wind- ball-pu- baa-etb- , ff, Western Opts Take Federal Survey Utah Fishing Team Bowling Lead OfWaters Impends , j t brood-Jemp- ed y, n. jof five-ma- p 1 N - t H " :t lam et .... I Merchants Slate Practice Games asaoela- e I- - A 2S. Tribune-Telegra- f m Sanpete Slates Track, Field Day 1 laid 1- -2 Win-mo- re lt ......lit - 1 W 'Kj - ns - -- p-- ProvoTrackmen Juab Sportsmen Schedule Annual Win Quadrangle Meet Over Lions Frolic Wednesday ebam-lonah- lp ff Bar-em- (-- by-la- fr V I t-- l- le Walton-Cbrtstenae- r il -- - flap-jac- trr,wcd sd ene-eln- 4l ftrij af 4 F flat ri? A- dta St ff. OAfaxA tawnri FMsY jaKiWChgnuJit; - watWWKSr q 0- - (K te- j sat;, t et 1 I" .Wdat s' vSptWteFtaKisiSllrih J , 1 V, iCSf 7 |