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Show - ?Sr-- NEWS HIE DESERET 3 BOARD SPLITS ON TWO CASES; .MS?' S Know Your World Ak -' i SALT LAKE CITY Picture travelogues of all countries on the Globe AGREES ON 2 V TUESDAY 7 APRIL Iarmy factory officers completed final arrangement More than Is awards will be given said Mian Emily Lynch. Balt Laks Girl Scoat director. ond South street has been ape pointed debate manager for this quarter and next year at Stanfordto university. California, according advices received today. organisation, Lake Monday. April II, to speak at a aeries of meetings under the of tho Exchange chib. A. A. Campbell, heading the dob committee In charge of arrangements announced that Mr. Walker will remain In Salt Lake a week, end will discuss The Depression Its Causes . aad Cure,1 before going to Denver. . Wright, charged violation of ths Dyer act, changed hie plea to guilty late yesterday afternooa as his trial was about district to open to the federal court, Wright to alleged to have kidnaped an Idaho taxi driver end to ha vs transported tho stolen cab; into Utah. Ro will be sentenced) Saturday ns will James Bowman j ho woo convicted by a federal) court jury of stealing a parcel pest HOLD AWARD COTOT package from a null track to OgThe final court of of thin den. season to tho Salt Lake Council of G.rl Scout w'll be held SatS. R. STUDENT HONORED Robert R. Ora son of Mr. sad;! urday from S to 4 p.m. at Liberty Park. It wee announced today, eMrx. 8. V; R." Gro 1171 seat Beo-- i : - non-pic- Eliminates Conference Com Fund From Supi plicsMeasure i llimbwi of tl Recovery Crusader Due Uere on April 30 - ; pensation; Award Made Eye Injury-- real Staff by william aService iUtt Industrial enmmlseloo clashed In two opinions signed yesterday St ths state eap- Hoi and agreed on two other With Chairman William M. Knsrr , registering a vote of dissent, the ' commlmion refused to grant Mrs. 'Mary Bunnell compensation, Mrs. .Bunnell, with her husband. John .Bunnell, had Urine quarters In the high gymnasium of the Tintie ' aohooL The record showed that she was enrag'd to help In the janitor , worh and alee first aid service to .jtiri student. While washing room in the BunntU living quartern Inst November, Him Bunnell ' was injured. s - Commtasienara O.- - F-- McShane and b. D Nnlelur decided' that In .ainncli an this was not part of - --Mm Bunnell's work. he was not entitled to compensation. Chairman ''Knsrr declared this to be a hairsplitting technical Intar preUtion of the law. . . , ; 1334 FOR AIRPLANES Da Lose Walker. New Terk City, director e the National Recovery Dyer Act Defendant formed to mobilise against Makes Flea of Guilty LOST IN BILL1 erased depression through community will arrive In Salt with a Jewell Nt Janitors Aid Denied t 21 (International Newa -- Correspondent) ' WASHINGTON. AJril 14- - (INS) administration plan to place flO.000.009 in President Roosevelt's hands for an army airplane factory and for other aviation purposes was discarded today as tha result of ons of tha strangest chap tan la Congressional history. Tho appropriation was eliminated from tbs fllf.000.00t army supply biU In a conference between Senate and House. The bill now goes to tho Whits Hone Presumably .the president proved the abandonment of' the plan. factory ! During the proceedings lit Congress no official explanation given. Nor was tke . lll.MMN fund challenged In either branch. Despite the secrecy. It was learned the administration requested the fund to build a factory. Construction of an army airplane would have extended thei diment-e(l factory also leal oner Knsrr Comm present set-u- p; army ' now from the decision of tho board maintains slothing factories - end tearing an award to Mr Grace manufactures ordnance. Tha navy ;W. Sanderdegger and her nine ehiU maintains aa..alrplane factory in idrea for the teeth of Rroeet E. S. Philadelphia as well aa navy yards Handerdegger, husband and father. there and elsewhere. Mr. Sanderdegger last July broke The ' 1 10. 000, 000 fund . wee 'several bones in hie tone when the hlo os foot felt of by President Roosevelt at a cage gato time when Congress was assailing! In tho Silver King Coalition mine, boss. .where ho was shift profits of airplane manufacturers, and It wa inserted in tho bill by August A Mr. Sanderdegger died. ths Senate. , doctors held fire Aa autopsy by. The amendment read: -- held that bs died of throm boots or -"For an additional amonnt for failure of tho arteries of tho heart varnish wrap booth to a furniture factory.: A corpse lower f tho aM fort at Hern nee island tho air corps, army, to be expendread that the Injury had nothing ed in the discretion and under tho . to do with tho death directly- or TODAY MICHIGAN to the. United State The lfieh lumber and timber product and direction of tha president, for Imindirectly. ' FACTS Area, 1 7. St inn region became part of the In- foundry and machine shop prod- provement. 1 Chairman Knerr la hit dlaaentlng SALIENTmiles development, augmend twenty-seconIn diana territory, and In llli, the uct qnaro Detroit is the center of the tation Or military aviation material 'opinion states that the testimony of ; population (ltlft). AMM2S: lower, peninsula and the ; eastern auto Industry, .while Grand Rapids and for of military aviatraining one E;tbo physicians and especially Wilwere of is tho noted governor. Its furniture Lansing: for pert upper peninsula factories tion Including the purof them, leads to some doubt that capital, liam A. Comstock. of Tho otpto also raako high la , the chasepersonnel. organised Into tha Territory aad construction of buildings Injury may not hsvs bcen a HISTORY The discovery of Michigan. srs state constitution of iron chief output the tnln ore, other and necessary military avia. contributing causa, and fools that Lake Michlgaa la 1114 by jean adopted in IMS and two yean lat- enL ; Other leading miners la are tion facilities and employment of tho widow and children should . be Nicollet French explorer. was fol- er it wee admitted as a state. oopper and cement Of leaser Im- civilian benefit of the doubt, tbs lowed in IMS by tho founding of INDUSTRY AND RESOURCES portance aro coal, salt gypsum, limitations .contained In girtsthe array a mission at Bault Bte. Mario by Michigan Is one of tha leading marl, limestone, sandstone. i 7 Oempcwsetlno Awarded pe- appropriation for air corps, fiscal - The BllUngs Cost company of Father Marquette. Possession of manufacturing states of tho Union, troleum, natural gaa and graphite. year. IMS." Flora was ordered to pay IMS to tho territory passed from the Tho chief Industry to the manufac- The climate and soils are adapted thousands of visitors to tho mors Bud White, truck driver, tor on French to the English In 1TM and ture of automobiles. Others In to tho cultivation of most cereals .098 small lakes in the state. eye Injury sustained In a eolliaion I yearn later it was transferred dads automobile parts and bodies aad fraltn of the tamperete 'iooej lhan Including corn, wheat os la, rye, Battle Creek and Mount Clemens last November. The Provo company Ned not complied with tho state barley, buckwheat hay and forage. are famous for their..sanltarlum Pies, peaches pears and cherries The state also baa many pie law requiring employers to , pay Of com the vegetables sugar beets and turesque scenic and historic spot Tho compensation ftwaranc On Mscklnae island, famous for Its beans are the Important product Vany also mast- pay surgical hill POINTS OF INTEREST FTh. scenic henuty, two battles of tha f IlIHL. . . . ' H tag and summer sports ; attract War of 1111 wet fought. Com poms on. amounting to SIAM far 1M weeks, was awarded by tho stats Industrial com tn salon ..to Jtoy A. McGinty. McGinty Inworking foi jured hlo. aye whilerelief commit-Irtho city and county rant areata or something perAbout three weeks nftef those Donald Stoker, Ray cldent, Mr. McGinty noticed low of taining to oar stadia ... Donald Stoker to chairman vide to his ore, Thomas, . Selected of of tho first period class and. Thomas pf tho fourth perBay Debates of Chairmen Education Board to iod. Dorothy Tbnrgood. o - Tour Southern Idaho WEST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 'In spits of other things tho faWo have nevsral now otodonta culty romances go on foreever. In The who have enrolled at West Jnlnor February, Mr. John Floyd Uttar, BOISE, April IMAT) state board of educaUoa win meet tha boys gym married teacher, to tour high, daring the last fsw waek Mies Sarah Cornell bout May S sc May Lund. Lately and coma havs from Bryant Soma Idaho educational Institusoothers Mr. Irving Altar mathematic tions, John W. Condi state i other local school white' noma teacher announced his engagement parlntendent of public- instruction, hava coma from - tho .California to Mian Norms Fisher. As romannounced yesterday. school Betty Besson cams here ances are very interacting we hope Tho hoard win begin tha tour from Berkley and registered In Miss to have more. Larons Woolley. at tho D nf and Blind school st Enid Roseogrisd's advisory group. a a Gooding and oonelnda st tho Indt Two Olsten, Vivien and Beatrice trsnl training school at st. Anthony. Ellis Joined m Tuesday from Los Taps Sound For-- Lyle Vivian to la tha seventh Angelo Banks, Outstanding grade and registered in MianIs Mabel a IB Raw's advisory. Beatrice f Rooseveltian Scholar Right now is the time to buy that new pair of student In Mias Chugg's advisory. shoes. Get a long seasons wear out of them. We give them all a hearty welcome ROOSEVELT - JUNIOR -and hope they enjoy us as much as. Enjoy their light weight that will carry you HIGH SCHOOL Tap hava those they left behind them. Mild' warm days comfortably. sounded for one of Rooeovelt's through red Taylor. - o e heat student Lyle Bonk who .Chicago away on April It. An a Tha musical assembly of the year Passed I last Friday, at student Lyle bed taken an acWest Jr. was at given tive port in school lit boring VorLTi fastest multi-vet- the West high Auditorium. Selechad a leading part In the were rendered by: the Boy's , operetta and school eenjet..JiloU..Bidit tions play. He Club, string ensemble. Girls Glee . Stewardess . lieated cabin Glee Club, Cello sol by Mr. y wao a good scholar and aetlvo in oil classe Ha wsa a Star Cllv Mixed chorus, and the 2"4 r.T. nZLV-Z- a $12123 Scout of troop 41. and oaa of entire school singing. "On Went tho 11121 Junior," most Wool-leoutstanding Scbnts la reported by Larons all branches of it's activity. Ha - 12123 U waa also a member of the Desi o a e eret News Scoat Press elute In Miss Elisabeth Deuel'S Elizabeth Hill. World History class, debates J Xq'Mfty art perries to Boteo, a o a held each Monday. srs being , ipakmmt, tortlmnd, All tha girUf gym classes have Tha pupils wishing to debate Tito-tae NT tto to Smsi toktos tmk are divided Into teem. The been divided into several squads EOTEL UTAH, WA. mu losers of the debate ere elimaa4 class contest her. been held to IXi:T,Postal inated from the contest while eoo which equal is ths winner in the sad WsW Ilaira OScse the Winners continue debating. indoor and outdoor activities The The last team to ha defeated la fifth end sixth periods IB winning the winner of the contest. Tha tonads challenged each other mrnmrnmmm i iwn; wr-basketball on Thursday, The fif-at subjects debated re either cur th period squad woa with a score ln . e-- . Call - 0 ds ' MORRISON-MERRIL- L & C& - - t . -- .. - : Wednesday! Buy them their cool new summery things : - - personnel.-notwithstandin- -- g -- --- Junior l Journalists , School News -- Reflecting Quality! so ' light Weight Vests Hats and Bonnets - for the tiny baby aro all "'Otottdy Wfdi4l raffle and frilly net. For tba older cunning liter, pokea French tailored atyiea Bonnet all tiii cooler cotton vest and ehlrte. E eeiient little shirt are 1e. Cottor vests ar only . . Sweaters and Sacques MCQuea, crocheted, Piqne and organdie makes big brimme-eailorend floppy hats that are af adorable as the aro light and cool! For girls 4 to 14. . and dainty sweaters, knit-te- d o t the softest, fleeciest wool: HI values .e band-flnith-- ed ee padded silk tobei are the right weight for these glorious day outside. Dainty Japanese silk, pete pink or blue. Only ' . d. Real Peqnot Crib Sheets various .starting at Antf dalntF Kernee doern't In eU tho colore to bo prottv aavod for llttio Irlet Here'e a aeleetlon brilliant of eoita, acme eleeveleae ,tyl' for afternoon nnd Bandera Tab silk, the aweeteet little eheer print leer vellca ai ' dimltie roaebnd end 69' 1- - 4 AA' I jA Kaynee Wash Suits Little Party Frocks wrr stocks: sise 1 29 Tbs smartest, saes lest little trirke the youngst e r s dearly love them All to be worn st rankieh angles.."' dm White and colors. . jut Even tiny babies lore ths feel of fresh no t flcm. a Get beets! Feq summer a p p 1 new from these lists Junior Gob Turbans Dainty Silk Quilts And 35' Organdie Sun little woolly all hand Snug now, and summer, 'baby lighted Right pen ....... Second Floor" Intent 198 a Very Specially Luminously Lovely jsr Rayon Undies - '0 J The most exqulelte Utile Vest Pent! Bloomers Chemises end Union Sntl some seme In pretty lacer weave ostia striped, some as richly soft to the touch esthe fiaot xlovo ellk. One little pentie, perfectly flat and fitted, has n tiny zipper aide fastening. Special tomorrow fir-men- te , er . Jos-eph- r4lahart!a y. Sllls. Priced Wednesday! lingerie , N-- Isi t::a3) m u::;s Midsummer Fashion "ilLiv in3rto school., editor, Katherine Stumm, associate editor. TrisdandTrc n li Siv , lerigMi Mw gpptiWMt. bit tbc aaat bleb fiillty, iaiablllly tai Tlafb mm way 4fpfidibtHtr mt inn Ibhif tbe aew Apnt Waabtr, ' MaM ST Apmm tmm i brtiftif ta yw m aaw aal flwrr rnM Ihat wW c plifity aay rpa mumht r at tba bum yriea mw blflchcfo tnt Fr leads thews all. Affi,dltlaMl.pvMf ymm rba awaa k th ae. af why May bmlla . Wasatch Students Take Up Study of Radio, Telegraph whw tbt vavM mw lay a WASATCH SCHOOL During tee lam ,ew weeks ta our nauue b Steu. wi!. wa 'dying elec mads a list of riec?rt-urtl,hat run by Cl ten ;WPh brought j wo could think of. toftk up the telephone, tel end rndHi. some hove sets of telegraph and W- i- Wa arranged to hava memaeea jeent.over the telegraph eels. II ck. h1 the International code on the board no wo could taka dowa tho message sent. Vor the radio tha hoys chose 'people In the room to talk over ithe microphone which they brought Janet Ashton. I ... claaaa I to Dim gl Wmk OTHER MODELS AS LOW ao on clothe MUa Eves wsshas silks ssfslpi Saves hoc we-anmlt waste f79JO. eoo riverside pupils ... avato I j FcItRadioCo. 1E0SO. . AJ? Books Mens Quality Shoes and Oxfords, including many AH new Spring styles, regular values to f? . .... . 9.00, your choice at . The famous Johnston & Murphy and other Shoes in slightly broken lines in tan and black,, regular values to 12.00, "J rnoJo your choice at ...... arrived I Vogu Exeella od Pictorial, with o host af exciting ndvence .fnahlonsl Marveleos bridal feehlons aad sheer cotton forma style They've ViwQ high-gra- de 0 Floor I . Set f&f APEX DOUBIB DASHER A PERFECTED AGITATOR washes Pattern Shoes and Oxfords for men, including Spring I styles and Sport Oxfords, values to 6.50, your choice at BIAIN WAS. 6S7S . ! STUDY GERMANY RIVERSIDE SCHOOL In our geography elaag ,we are Vfe all studying Germany, ..think It is the most interesting Part of geography. Mag Eg- ; bert, chool editor. lB ur language elaas we are having a program at r Everyone haa to do ' poem hie pert. One of them Is nam-e- d. "The Dutch LulUby by Eugene Field. LnU Mlchel-eo- n. reporter, For the Boy Practical, Cool and Awfully Pretty! New Spring styles. Shoes and Oxfords, pendable quality, values to 4.00, Csg your choice at de- A AC Shoes and Oxfords in the new Spring styles, splendid quality Shoes, regularly worth to 6.00, your choice at . A 1C 'A'iA- - Printed Cotton Travel Frocks Now conld anything be more perfect for travel, motoring and summer street - wear than g dark Printed cotton that Uoke very eroch tike ellkr Thane nnr made with short or long aleeva finished with all the detail of expensive tailoring, end trimmed wlth anowy white - plqn - horsehair organdie braid pipings and big bettone. Sizes U to ... Ootton Hop , Second Finer Second Floor |