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Show r ' "- TTTE DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TIieLlan Yith a.TlioasjndFJasks "Nothin of thto kill, ho t you safely home!' h Sssur-e- d If toa!mJitolul ate-je- d unit 1 ir fltha'ta "naa semi-darkne- ss -- - 1 anll-ftpati- s By J. MILLER WATT eF Services wers held this afternoon to a varied program of magic and tor Mrs. Mary Ana Bweet. widow talks yesterday aftarnsoa to th of Alfred E-- Sweet and mother of Union building on the campus Of the expostulated, F. A. Sweet, president Robert H. Hinckley, state direc- . Standard Fuel eompaay, who died into but, at bar residence, lit) to taka mo you too, I'm almoet there." She Saturday sort of Idea you Thirteenth East street, of a kidney Into your confidence and aak mi stopped at an opening on the right. aliment complicated by her age. to help you- - Id b awfully ld The services were held at Ut home And now won't WMt'PA back?' If sbod any aueh Intention, be "Why should of F. A. Sweet. Hi Thirteenth r ehes-toaew had ehe that certainly East street, with the Rev. Tb se Elisabeth Marlows hesitated, to n toll uTs mind to the intenral her dor hi GA4ily (.the First Preaby- part .pleasant eery tot' u eiri he wee employee u please iel'sforget about the world Just bars, she said quiet- terian church to charge. , Burial tbs located la efrieee la Lhet to It. don't lawyer I t tnut yon" tsry wee In Ut Olivet cemteiy. haul where to hlneeit M stsyins. She To pursue the matter further no ly. Even to the he Mrs. Bweet was bora to Pier- decline , curaeem blatant Ilka would ea eoseees felt, moment a tnut that of the see dismal at could the pont, Ohio, a daughter of Hr. and 'the deer. A leek af fear eeme late Ito iosity. For the remainder of tne street.' and hie heartpoverty went put to Mm. William H. Gaylord. With meal and during the intervals of sudden pity. glrl'e eye her hushand ehe later moved to to make his best did the he play Mr- Bweet "You Hr hereabouts? Kuaseli. Kan., where CHATTER 1U . her forget her depression, After"Yea" served as n Judge for many, yearn. wards on the atepa of tbs theater t . A Strange Encounter came- to Belt Lake to 1MI. He an awkward There wad pause. They f Hs noticed, that sbe carefully .he held out her hand. and. to hie reallMm B0W why ,h. had not wlah. Mr. Sweet died at Hollywood. Cal., doted the door of the little office eurpriaa began to say good night ed him to accompany her. When in 191 while in California for his - - "Aren't you coming bock to tb he behind her. It waent until after . thought of the Marquise Hotel health, if perceptible pause that ho heard hotel? ho asked: and then he real were she Mrs. Sweet are a hours her Surviving working passed the outer door opening; a few lied how little oho had told him the contrast struck him like n blow, daughter. Mrs. G. B. Payne, and Fords were exchanged; and ehe re-- about herself, for he didn't oven but it also pusxled him, three sons, W. H. Sweet, F. A. turned with a long, sealed envelope know where aha lived. Ton may "Como on." ho ould gently; "Im Sweet, and C. N. Sweet, all of Balt tne the on tool. t cased Marquis!" fktoe she Lake, and several grandchildren going to ooo you homo." She shook her head. Clearly, ahaf she had been Presently she stopped at a street and I've got a little flat near still to coma. Pallbearers at today's services was some door which open. It tQOk ... I "Book here, Boasero Town." be said, plucking time to negotiate the threw flights were the following grandsons; cheereee ho said can then." ln. "! courage "Jump gp stain, for Glimour had to use Frederick A. Sweet, Jr., Victory W. bit unhappy about something. If fully. indicating the door of a taxi- of matches to see the wey. Her hand cab which an attendant held can be of eny help rested to bis for a moment, nod he driving you home." I It s nothing, nothing at si e was conscious of tbo deUcato fragHa would take ho refusal, and Hast, nothing that you could' when a rance of her that seemed to hovto her of was but braids had away; stepping $ m sudden she spun around and fae-- . man on the theater steps called on' er In tho darkness; then the door behind her. ed him, her wide brown eyes fix- something te a friend, Glimour did Closed Aa he felt his way down the uned on his In a long, anxious senil- not catch the actual words, but he even stairs the picture that rebet noticed they were taken up end ity. What was passing through mind he couldnt tell. Tben she passed on excitedly smong little mained most sharply In bisofmind her drew In a long, uneasy breath, and groups of people around the door nas his momentary glimpse white, terrified face in the taxicab her clasped hands felt apart in a In the distance ho could hear s There excould was that nothing r newspaper-selleshouting S specie gesture of helplessness. . plain It except the news he had i Hr. OUmour, she said In a low edition. hewn of n her. tho amice, "If your Invitation tor tonight Whats opT he asked somebody passed on to arrest. e certain mans 1 still open, i n be clad ho coma on th pavement: .then got to Elisabeth Marlowe, and their Admittedly. Ixird John was no f "And I wonder, said Alan outcrimlnal:It seemed that evenj pour. as hs knotted his evening ex-tie axicsb moved off. -a mystery, and. before the mirror. "1 wonder "It'a Lord John again. h ex his real identity wasamount of space I'Ve in man the lodging from tho furl" nlatncd to her, "He's the let myself actly what was 1:11 and bs was to mss police base been given to him In that days newslit papers. public interest in him was Sir Bichard Templeton's secretary What's happened? she asked at boiling-poin- t. But why the nows la au hour's time. There was as quickly. of his arrest should have so power.. causa for him to burry, and ha lei him" got They've fully disturbed Elizabeth Marlowe Us thoughts drift. If hs wan more than Glimour could untold at luncheon that bs was to dine "Not" derstand. beautiful that night with a girl An he eooka she seemed to catch who was a complete stranger to her breath In n Uttl gasp. They Ho recalled her apprehension In him, he would have lasgbod the were passing another theater, and tho afternoon and during dinner; preposterous suggestion to seora. be lights from the vestibule shone had she been expecting this news But that did not explain all Her name was Elisabeth Marlowe. nto her corner of th cab. She whyday? It seemed to affect her so vi. shed told him, but apart from the before he had not but turned away, fact that aht was Templeton's tally. something that sent an unHe wai descending the last flight that was all hs knew gno-i- t tingle down his spine. of stairs, and was about to scratch her: and at 7:14 ha set oat tor comfortable had end white, dead was Her face another match when he heard Merciors. the little restaurant near look of terror es though Piccadilly, where bo had promised a strained somebody enter the passage from HBCeeSBEOMlMB te meet her. wondering what the she were staring at an apparition. tbo street. He stopped, and the BOUNOTOS MAiM he rent: HEADED FOR footsteps stopped also: then some Inquired. wee alpping brushed body, hurrying RKSfPCS upward, ;sg He queshis aside brushed she But In Alan match. a table the tiny foyer whan ner- past him. igniting the she arrived. At the aight of her he tion and began to talk quickly, had Glimour held it high. and. glancing Ohught hit breath. Ho had thought vously. about tb play they drew back over his shoulder, got a quick her beautiful before, but now she lust seen. When the taxicab impression of a face Id profit on WMM radiant, to clothes of 11001001 an opposite 8t. Psncrax Church, be landing above. ' for further Out in tb street Glimour releas- - ' simplicity and Impeccable taste. He and th driver naked out to sbe lightly jumped had eslected a -- able In a secluded directions, ed the gasp of surprise which be earner where the lights mere dim: th pavemept. bad managed to suppress on the way. staircase. sad while bo listened to her quiet "Ill walk th rest of the he felt certain that what. ah Insisted; "it's only n tow minlaughter, (Copyright. 1914) ' i'' - mar bed been dleturbing her to the utes farther.. Her fingers touched Continued tomorrow Im Trynfternooa it was now past and dona Giimour's In a quick gesture. Good ing to Make Amends." f kith. night and thank you thank you!" But as dinner proceeded she "Why walk." he cried, "if 'it's A cap has been Invented tor ink bottles that when touched pumps grew more and more silent. Ho am only a few minute?" But with a wave of hor band. Its contents into a small reservoir that her gaiety had been forced: or1 old gently, "theres somethin Elizabeth Marlowe was gone. At 'rom which a drafting pen still preying Ion' hermitid. for the th kerb' he Hatched her Crowing' brush can be filled. same look of apprehension Boston road. It was absurd tbatj mck In her brown ores, and everv 1' .now and then ah glanced nerv- ?nVhrtoitoVhrnh.todrS'ta: MUGGS McGINNIS Vitamin pulse, pushing some small stiver ously toward tb door of the into th hand, and "Look hero. Idas Harlows. be hurrying Jn tho direction sbe had skid gently, . "theres something taken. Gilmoor was afraid at first that ' worrying you. Isn't there anything 1 can do ho had missed hor, but presently . ... S Her glaaoto fell eaaght sight of hor ahead aa she "Please forgive me, I feet hat- - pawed a lamp-potbl. spoiling your evening " "You might at least let a man see te4 W psntcalsrlr mark nneM ever 3 Mile IwM" MM totitod Or Ika nktorlto f Iard mia, askseva to Uu mU to ends to MtotoU fortune ar-l- n ,Hy APRIL 24 1S34 v to Lee4es at bar: "But when you all you'd running up to her. rtrSeltiseos com out with tonight had It's good of you of eourao IM oo4 TUESDAY bo of Utah, attracted IU Salt Lakers win W. By Augustus Muir ilu (Jam tIM CITY Funeral Held For Bock cf Drcsra University Lecture . Near 300 Enjoyed by Mrs. Sweet, Mother To & Reviewed Tho third a series of Of Coal Magnate "Play Parade; by Nool Coward, presented by the University 4 ,4 - Eus-ton-i- n tor of relief, epoko on tho subject. Education and the New Deal." discussing governmental efforts to return n measure of prosperity to school teachers, affected severely by th depression. 'by Prof. Bidney Angiomas of tho University of Utah In tb Books of th Day aerie being presented by the U. of U. extension division on th roof garden of th Hotel Utah at oclock tonight. Tho hook In a collection of seven plays including "Cavalcade." and "Design for Living." which the author consider th "most successful experimental of my output tor rth !attyarf.;.. April 28 Date Set - For S.L Flower Show Archbishop Mitly Leaves For Chicago The annual flower show of th v'rJCwfaverov Bali Lake Flower Cardan elub will Mdst Rot. John J. Mltty, former bo hold April II at the stats cap-Uo- L bishop of th Balt Lake diocese of , . The show, usually a y event la Salt Lake,, must be held earlier this Season, said E. A Parson chairman of tb commute In charge. Plana and premiums will bo announced following a meeting tonight. ,: v. mid-Ha- th Catholic church, left yesterday for Chicago after a abort visit In ; this city. He I now -- coadjutor archbishop of Ban Francisco, r Archbishop Mltty will deliver the sermon end officiate at ceremonies at Chicago, May 1. when Bishop-eleWilliam O'Brien will be Installed. Bweet. Floyd Payne and Georgs Berlin street cleaners disinfect Payne, and the husbands of hor that city's street with chemicals Fercival granddaughters.Young sprayed from containers in which and MacTavtsh Pyk. the chemicals are carried under ct half-turn- ; be-d- ' y, . -- '' , s - DP turnt By WALLY BISHOP taxi-drive- r's ' st Today's Crossword Puzzle j By LES F0RGRAVE -- 5 i jk ACROSS It I psmwtlcata A large plant Church spire 14 Turns up or over 1 Relates it 1 Una cords (abbr.) It Refasels U A weight (abhr.) Ik Object H A terra foe tb entire universe f potash' tl to 4 itrate An Indian's shod 19 to Imitation leather t-- Yle Thoaq who engage in speculation to Largs tooth M EMer-femin- ln (abbr.) to Fields for sport to Failed to hit W Detective (abbr.) ? Any glittering srnameat to Acsmpqes point 44 Mohammedan prince 14 DOWN I- To can i ar mak to go around doctrine Aa Insect A musical note B Bring forth young f-A-roof covering if A Mrga knife to--Ts pot a ceiling ee M t - A to-- . "v to T of length (Egypt! MtahT 40 totnrf TiNi 1 Aba (Latin! A bay (Bp.) A kind or species Bring forth young A thin, A man's asm gauze-tik- e material mad of silk to Appendages of animals to A river la Franc to Form of se to Manufactured t? Delightful region 4 15 Manager, (abbr) to Nickel (symbol) |