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Show i, ' AAAOFUCIALS enceo at which It was bopsd the administration could sail the plan to dairy Interests, and producers. Withdrawal Anticipated Shortly after these conferences started. It became apparent the Program was meeting discouragement. and Its withdrawal had bees anticipated for several days. Centers of opposition included Atlanta, Philadelphia and Syracuse. while favorable sentiment Conferences Show Salt tree recorded at Indianapolis, Des Moines. Memphis, Dallas. Denver Lake Area Divided and Portland. Divided opinion was found st Madlsop,. WJa. St, , Paul. On Program Kansas City, Balt Laks City. Berkeley, Cal., and Boston. The National Cooperative Milk Producers federation, and kindred WASHINGTON. April INS Organized opposition wu organisations were named by DaMamed today by AAA officiate for vis also as leading the opposition. nrrt major k in the production control program, the " of the administration Man for dairy production control Kcgarded aa one of the most ambitious plans yet concerned b too presidents agricultural advio-or- a the program would have Involved not strict production - control.- - but only a elimination of PAYETTE. Idaho. April 24. of head of dairy AP) A mile long parade swept cattle through slaughter, producing and Payette yesterday to Inretirement from commercial thejthrough augurate the annual apple blossom of other thousands, it was closely followed festival and ' through government purchase. by a wail of dost driven by a These government-finance- d , pur-stiff wind that chased celebrants chases would have resulted In to cover and almost broke the transfer of milk cons to many athletic events during the upaftersmall farms lacking such animals, noon. the farmers being required to reA hot sun introduced the day imburse the government through a and welcomed a delegation from lone-tim-e payment plan, and to Boise, headed by Governor Row promise not to sell the milk. and Mayor J. J. McCue and InOne Prop Gone cluding several other state and Withdrawal of the plan knocks city ofifcials aa well as automobile one prop, from the gigantic land loads of citizens. mttlement plan of the federal rewas Mies Neva Queen of the lief administration, which counted Homan. Frultlanddayhigh school girl, these cows to supplement the who was crowned by the governor equipment to be piloted email and awarded a diamond ring. the or those placed on gift of the Payette Portia dub, a subsistence homesteads as a part womens organization. of rural relief. Then began the annual pageant, Oppomtion under centralized this year based on the Indian legthe end describing wild flowers as the leadership developed before to gift of the rainbow. proposed program was taken the farmers for discussion In the The Frultland float, upon which s. rode the regional conferences." said queen of the festival, won AAA head. He referred the grand prize aa the most beau- to a series of li localised confer- - tiful. ABANDON DAIRY CONTROL PLAN - Apple Blossom "l.m Fete Interrupted By Dust Storm thou-aand- fnrm-ewnei- rr r - THE DESERET NEWS K LAKE &TY TUESDAY SALT r r ' -- "''" APRIL 21 1934 ecutrix of the estate of Lottie StiInsurance Sales Youth Dies of Special Police in High Court Orders ll nger. to qniet title to Judgment Debts Held Invalid Show Increase Boise on Guard Received Five, the Maryland.' and the boow- Injuries as mil Shoshone county BOISE. April 14. (AP) The,,h InsurThe War group Crash BOISE. April 24. (AP) abate- Rogers In Auto By Supreme Court ance court Against Tong supreme yesterday reversed iment of Judgment secured after having premium taxes and license Owyhee County . Re-insttt- ed leu I i an order of Shoshone county die- - been In default in the action mors fees collected by the stale bureau The of pe- AP) BOISE. April 2!. (AP) COUTt and ordered reinstated than a rl insurance for 1221 totaled 1254.-14- 1 24 Eldon BOISE. year bnt the supreme court , (AP. April upreme court yesterday ruled that default Judgment against J. P. disagreed with the order permitcompared with 9225.254 for elal pottos were patrolling Boise s gmith 18 yDJurel In an auto ac- when Owyhee county officials in- 1222, a report of the bnreas of in- Chinese section tonight in an zt-j1L and the Sophia Rogers, hero yesterday, died at a Roger ting curred debts In excess of what surance discloses. jMerced Mining and Milling corn- taxes, tempt to avert trouble whicn bas hospltal last night. Insurance life Ptacer premium M,n Nlm,rr reveUsing furnace oil for fuel. they knew would be the tax of threatened the local colony since' Loren Larsen. 19, also Injured In Ing company. amounting to about 'steam driven power unit the accident .waa.. repowed tu be A suit tearless nues. the debts were Invalid and th AoUl of was. last murdered Lul Gar w Lan the ah group against jrer 'resting well. Larsen suffered a not collectable. H. ad- hsa been invented to replace gasper cent of premium payment dur-in- g Walter Hanson, by brought ,cusslon of the brain and a fractur- ministrator of the estate 1222 compared with 2 per cent of C. A. oline motors In. automobiles sad The suit was brought by Earl At the same time all officers ed ankle, the preceding year. M Garrity. former prosecuting at' to and amounted hold The youths, both students at the had orders up pi Premium taxes alone torney, and other creditors, of the to 2200.254 for 1222 compared with for investigation any strange Chin- Boise Junior College, were injured when the motorcycle they were ese seen In the city. county, against tbs present board 1149,222 for 1122. "We want to safeguard against riding and an auto driven by Mrs of county commissioners. any further trouble that might lead Ruby Esperance collided at. Fifth District - Judge Charles F. Lack of Funds Closes ' ' to f a tong war tn Chinatown." Cnlef and Jefferson streets. Mrs Koelscb, who heard the case on Police Tom Crlbblns said. There! prance pas released pending an; Schools in Idaho has been a general unrest In investigation which Coronor J. T. trial, ruled that when the previous board of commissioners set up Chinatown for some time and the McCann said would bo continued ezeess in of what far budget they BOISE. April 24. (AP) Slang gituation recently has become tomorrow- - He said also It is prob able an inquest will be held. expected In revenue, they were ex- of the schools la nine counties in tense." ceeding their authority and violat- Idaho will close their terms this. The chief said an attempt would laws ing the providing that budgets week at the end of eight monthsibe made tomorrow to bring togeth Operated hy pressing a bulb, an may he exceeded only for emer instead of the usual nine. John h er representatives of the Hips Slug- haa J invented to ap- - Condie. state superintendent of the Hoo Bings, and the Lut gendes. P'V - Writing the opinion for- - the su- public instruction, powder. announced yes- Fong Kong society to slgn peace preme court. Justice E. M. Holden terday. agreement. pointed out thet the. levy for- the He was to have today for Fair-fielcurrent expense fund of the counto address graduates of tne several other counties expect to ty for 1222 was expected to raise Fairfield high school In Camas close this week, ho said. Including 427,000. but the county officials county tomorrow, and on Friday Adams, Teton, Blaine, Oneida. drew warrants for 440,244. The will visit commencement exerclsoe, Lemhi, Custer and Butt, new board of commissioners, Inifor Bingham county schools tnj The closing was necessitated b refusing the claims, said they Blaekfoot- - Only the county schools .shortage of funds, ho said, indicat-woul- d Main be personally liable if they in Bingham are dosing, he said.ing that some of them hoped to 880 d paid them. In this view they were, the Blaekfoot city schools their terms to the EffWtlv At Osce Prims Tint uaxt g lard nine month school year by both the district and open for another month. As 4M4 lull 11 ,. rt, . preme court All or part of the schools ini season. siiciar, lbs. I tab Meet, t CHEESE, America BOISE.-Apr- 24 il nt i two-thlr- de Es-o- "w , SHAPIROS remaln-jlengtb- south stand-uphel- en su-in- cee 44a Cream, lb. TOMATO Jl'ICE. Dta. k caa asrstte. JELLO, All Varieiica. ykg. FLOLR HaUera Wasateb Hicb Wednesday, Cbes-Davl- - 48 fEYlflu April 25 1b. Shop at Pay'n Takit Safeway Stores Demonstrations on Preparing Foods In Our New Educational $1,41 . J M. Save by Spending Wisely Offered Daily To Our Patrons ...... li Prices Effective In Oar Salt. Lake, Mariya, Midvale, Magm, Bountiful and Bingham Stores. Ataiiia m, lb. Me 2 hb, earn 4e Ihaatif lfrr 6e 2 Ub eta 49e lb. t ka cat ses.l wm J. 2 lb. TIKA FISH El emu . Ctaip Is. TOMATOES. olU" Ifr arV PiMr fllftrd, 18 PEAS. .... earn B. I ALL-ELECTR- lb. KITCHEN Wednesday's Demonstration HEINZ PRODUCTS etn MrffHROOM MOt P APPLE BITTER TOMATO Jl ICE BEEF BROTH M HITE K15G SOAP, I BARB CLOROX- -a turt Mtlca Edwards COMMUNITY MARKET lb. 17 Vi SHtLOEN STEAKS Vi Ib.15 BOILED HAM, Armour Star lb. 17'i STEAKS COOKED CORNED BEEF, Armour Star Vi IK 10 BONELESS BEEF CUBES, for atewing .. IK 10 IK-1SPICED HAM. Armour Star 5 GROUND BEEF 2 lbs. IB IK 19 LABIB CHOPS, Rib or Loin IK ZZVt$ SPRING FRIES. 1 Vt IK v. IK 19 SLICED HALIBUT IK 15 SLICED SALMON IK 25 KIPPERED SALMON .lb. -- VEAL AMD LAMB CHOPS, 4 ...... Corn Flakes Gsrfcsrs Strained Vegetables can ICa . . . pkg.Cs Puffed Wheat . . I 311 IbMldtr Cats, lb, t5c HAMBCRf.EK, Fmab GrwasS. all bcA IK CORKED BEEP, fee. fkg. 1C: i mnsksA Imlcs, lb,..l HEK8 ysug sfewlsg, lb. OILING BEEF, Peaches 2j Rosed ale. No, ITU PORK A TOMATO SACCS to attend these demonstrations Theres No Obligation. FREE Carnation to every woman who enters -Kitchen Wednesday, April 25th - - Stick, lb. THI HIKGER SI MMER SAUAGE, lb. RHIBARB, Famcr Itah, 2 US. ORAAGES, Sweet Rtvela, 2 DOB (.RAPE PRUT, AiImm, ..10 t:rs 1C: Vb You are cordially invited HAM BOLOGMA, mroR Lacs Sszp BEAMS BAKBCIb GRAPEIHTS, eu Dependable IC I V ...f4c 5c itisa stew, lb. Can 15c Meat Dept. Veal Steak Take Hills Bros. Coffee, for example. (We hope yon take a lot of it in your time.) JSSl Veal Roasts It may cost a few cents more a pound. Bnt that's only half the story. And the lesser halt What you get for your money lbs. 2 1., Sliced Dacca recognized as the very finest of coffees. Hills Bros. ijuality has been maintained. lb. 11c Nippy lb. . lb, 13a W. lb.23 25a Sciacd Lncah f.Tsai Bros. Coffee is more economical than STRAWBERRIES SSL, 3 esps 25a 11.3s 2 lb. 5: -- I hvzu J Bright. Joky, Large Size 1 ' A IE ,Wm Ivs Tc:icr.u.tfe--ib- .f LEnCD::;..;;...;..:..fc::d 5: "' 10c Sugar - -- Lilli ivs'Jzr- Uai At Ossa Bttsefl, Sugar Powdered or Brown 3 lbs. 19c Deviled Meat ,'4s. & Grapefruit Shavers Fancy Florida Ke.2csn 11c '2 for 17c Ccmtarch Amaizo 10: 4 fsr IS: Szzsr rendered Krona 2 v Mm. 19 EaBK7?r-- 0: y Litrhlhscs: Csks FIssrSr-tskg- 20: - FANCY FR JITS AND VEGETABLES- - TOMATOES ASPARAGUS Tender .... SPI.1AGH li. 0: 4 lis. li: CA1IAGE sa. ... 3 IbL Se? MEAT DEPT.- - Beef Cubes . 2 lbs. 25' Pot Roast, shoulder cut lb. lOr IK 23r Spring Friers Pork Chops, loin, rib . . . .IK 19" Lamb Chops, shoulder . . IK 19 r,Tetm, bjr the piece j s . . ib. 17r ... raiuoioriu earn CHEESE, fbn 1C3 ADDITIONAL d:zea 12c GRAPEFRUIT . '""ra. ... 5 far 15r Ground Beef 2 lbs. 1 5 Veal Steaks shldr. cuts. lb. 15 Veal Chops, loin rib. IK 19 2 lbs. 15 Boiling Beef Bacon Squares lb. 10 Lard, Rex . . r.v.T, 2 lbs. 1 9 tHKUB, a abxa, cash 10: CRAfXES 4 cups POTATOES i Osze: 15: NTALCUPES . 1C: tie letaki 2 lbs. 15: iEf.:or.s Fresh Truckload Full Cups 2 S2? lenpertal Valley 3 lbs. 1C: STRAWBERRIES MKIUUNG, larga 2p!:cj-13-c 17c 2 hr 2 10: SarCss: -- Pierces, No. 2 4 Can . Tc:!o IC3lb5.5l.C3 Pork & Beans 91 C Sn3rfrin..3Ib.c:sC23 Pz!:!in S::? 3fcars ISs Os 1C: Tcsa Fish Extrs:! ,.. 2 fsr 0: 2 fsr 20s Chrcx lvS. Csrc:d Ecsf K: 2 csss 1 0: Shrinks Faek Perk Kls. Wbll Whole Wheat v mu. .. 25: Crffskrs 10 Bars . Grocery Dept.- - - 27c White King RIH22ARG lb. 5a LEU CADQAGE S-- T: v No.1 esn 3foC:oc Fmils and Vegetables ASPARAG3S rm Shrimp Fancy Gulf Libbys, "bargain counter brands. Order Hills . Bros. Coffee today and look for the Arab tradomarit on die can ;. . At all grocers. ..1K19 TSass Films -- Be. Because of greater strength, greater abundance of rich and delightful flavor. Hills -- lie lb. 1C: Franknrfers i. s. impkih makes die important reading. Remember this: Hills Bros. Coffee has been long Q(6 SOUTH MAII1 CREAK ...15c Bait,' 9c 25c diced, lb. CHEESE, Cmn Jb. U4 JlLtVELJRMC Hi RKER, BARG A1NS ASK FOR A LIST |