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Show 1 THE DESERET NEWS MASONS HOD) CITY SALT LAKE us to add the burdea proposed ta OPPOSE BOND ISSUE the bond Issue, TUESDAY 'APRIL' 24 1934 Sarah Ann Pugmire UTAH SOCIETY Dies at St. Charles We express the hope that all patrons of the schools will vote no"' Am Appeal To Granite Taxpayers on this proposal tomorrow. In Jus-tito tha pupils, tha teachers, the Sarah ' And Allred Pugmire, school system and to the taxpayers d of William Lansing daughter -themselves. ton Our of representative though then is slight congest and Sarah Ann Wilkes Allred, Into the But deceived not We must Potentate of citizenscommittee district. ot be the some In Imperial parts died at her homo In Bt. Charles. havs spent several weeks committee feel that tt is sheer belief that the expenditure of this Idaho. Monday. ' . Mystic Shrine Speaks analyzing every phase ot the Gran- the of money is going to prove a means folly tor us to anticipate a growth after a brief 11ite school district bond election in school population when we re- relief tp bur own eltlaens and- taxThe Utah Livestock Production At Banquet tn the district very line this for. payers that trends view the tho to Mrs. P u g -- Credit associstlon. sponsored by Proalong coma question and have reason lowthat very few unskilled mire was bo fit duction Credit corporation of during tha past six years. The More than S0 geottluh Rite unanimous conclusion that wt must er grades are shrinking tn number, workers will be required. . in St. Charles In mom art today attending the vote no on this proposal for the rea-so-q the , .of flees McALr . COJR.XWALL. Dr A.M. R. JbipUf Ml. decrease .being oa - Sept. will LISTER. MARTIN RA8MU88EN. 'Spring reunion ot the Order at the bank room 602 First National we do not need the Im- 1(31, and the upper grades that I860. Maaonlo temple. ERNEST E. NIELSON. J. C. DENreflect this shrinkage. f building. George E. Collar d, daughter The reunion opened with a recep- - provements proposed, nor can Ve shortly We have not neglected our school TON. GEO. W. BRUERTON. GEO. early settlers of reasurer, tion (or eandidatea and a afford them. The reasons for this is resident manager K. B. ED. W. ANDRUS. E. HOWE, Bear buildings for during tha past .ten t which John N. Sebrell, Imperial decision are as follows: charge. WINDER, ED. H. BUTTON. A. C. county and lived In The years we have spent 11.606.016 tot ENSIGN. new potentate of North America's Mjre-- t In the first organisation is open for GEO. B. WILLIAMS, T. all her life place we have a new construction, school sites and TRACT Ale 8hrioe, and who la private bfe apWRIGHT, BID N. CORNnow to b there. Much of business and ready to receive ta city attorney of Norfolk, Va., was heavy debt banging over US nt equipment and it seems for loans from livestock' her time was plications whether we are going WALL. HTRUM BENXION. C. OSa question to the principal apeaker. Arizona tl.2tl.080. Utah men In the and strip present amounting . devo tad to "We will complete our organisamore, money Into brick, and CAR PETERSON. J.T: EREKSON. Degrees from the fourth to the which includes 1200,000 for a re- to put,or Church work. confine ourselves to presMr soon." state the entire eighth. Inclusive, were conferred on volving fund. The ennuat Interest stone tion for was well She Mrs. pugmire facilities and put our available y the candidates following the ban- charges are 266.216 and the annual ent known and beloved for her many Coliard said,at "and will have reprenvonhy Into teacher's salaries aud Chiropractic sentatives throughquet and degrees from the ninth to sinking fund requirement Is key points fine qualities of character and her out the state where Club Holds Meeting helpfulness If wt pass the bond Issue, other costs of operation. livestock growthe eighteenth were conferred today to others. for under the direction of tha James this Indebtedness, will Increase by Tha school superintendent has alers obtain N. applicaUons may William to married was 8ha we a have hinted that may and Lowe chapter. Rose Croix. alone In ready Interest charges 19,600 on loans without coming to tho Salt Pugmire tn the Logan templewere men In charge of the labors were a sinking fond charge of 124.806 short school year, which reflects Members of the National Chiro- Oct. also office. Livestock lako 2, 1889. Five children financial condition. practic Neurocalometer and Henry Simon. Norman Vote. R. L tr year, making a total annual debt clearly our whom sur- may obtain details tor applying tor That will mean that both the Child club met today noon In the offices born to them, all of Mrs. Harris. Dr. Clifford Rudine. Ben-- ! burden of (160.227. Parley loans and for cosing them- by writWilliam Ray. ot Dr, George A. Wilson. Boston vive: Jamln R. Howell, Dr. D. D, Stock- -. Furthermore, according to the and the teacher will suffer. Lamont and Mrs. Stanley ing the Salt Lake offices.man. Charles F.. Barrett, Lincoln auditor's report made on June 20. Furthermore our property values bhilding, to discuss scisntlfie re- Olsen. 11 of St Charles, and Lio- , The association was formed April Arnell, Q. Kelly. Dr. Robert 8. Allison and 1933. we do not have ample sinking are shrinking appreciably and even search problems. 9 and is capitalized for 11.006.000 Pugmire of the Deseret Dr. Orson E. Keaier presided nel funds as required by law. We are now 26 per cent of our taxes are Boyd T. Park. News advertising staff Of Salt with aE.lending capacity of 26,000.-00Dr lecture conducted 6116.046-2- 6 The in by work, abort that respect. " Bergeron, Cornish banker her husband and HAWAIIAN LECTURE SET all this must be raised Te yield to no one In apprecia- William W. Scare, club president Lake, Besides she Is also survived by and livestock grower Is president Ur. George W. Middleton will Ultimately tion for our school system and tor Included discussions en The im- children M. by taxation. S. and Jorgensen of 8slinn Is Ernest one brother. Bishop give an illustrated lecture on HaOn the question of school build- the contribution it la making to onr portance of X Ray Examinations tor and one sister. Mrs. Mary vice president. The ProducUon Crewaii tonight at 7:29 o'clock In the ings. our committee has visited the social uplift, but we do maintain Patients," given by Dr. George F. and dit corporation of Berkley already Ninth ward chapel. 438 Fifth East entire district and find that every that In view of the present situa- Parker, and 'The Simplicity of Michelson both of St. Charles,servhas subscribed 8200,000 of the Funeral 19 grandchildren. street. school child is sheltered even tion It ou!d be sheer madness tor Health," by Dr, Sears. ices 111 bs held Wednesday at 2 capital stock. Officers of the Utah Crop Prop m. at the St. Charles ward chaphave el. followed bv burial in tha ML duction Credit association been opened In room 601 hirst NaCharles cemetery. tional Bank building. Edwin K. Winder of Granger is manager of the crop association and la receiving applications tor loans ,, SPRING MEET cs OFFERS LOANS ON LIVESTOCK All-re- - QUALliy 2lbs.49c Berk-opene- .?? - the Freshly churned and 4 slivered dally. Secretary-t- Lake EGGS Extras .2 do- 39c - 7. t that largo milk wblto egg ara atvayi a delicioua. Thoa X-Ra- 170.-81- Blitter Creamery ' - - SUGAR WASHO ' ounce package- r 'SHIS compare quality, prices; whig is a personal invitation to the millions of American motor car owners who do not own a Nash car and have no present intention of buying one. before he buys. dgsirfimri am afar confer. inrsfsrofs thoppon. oh asrf know, before they cay. Tim y Caspar This is an emphatic claim. Drive a Nash for 1934 and see why we can make it I V h. k Delicious When Mr. and Mrs. William a, and a fueat, returned to their borne, 117 Second East street, about I a.m. they dlsco ered that tha house had been ransacked by burglars who took aeveral hundred of dollars worth Of' clothing and Jewelry. r30hn Ravolls, a house guest from Greece, lost a suitcase containing clothing, a watch, hie passport and other valuable pa S. L. Tire Official's pen. Two apartments at ISO Third Mother Dies on Coast East street were entered by a pass bey buiTlar. U E. Davie reported Airs. A.W. Camp, mother of Lesbox containing old coins snd Insurance papers stolen. Ray H. But lie R. Camp, district auditor ot the ler said he heard the intruder en- Firestone Tir A Rubber Co, st Salt Lake, died at Berkeley. CaL, ter and frightened him away. pass key burglar entered the! following s long illness, according apartments o: Dr. A. Bchrlber. Ilf;0 word received by Mr. Camp her Third East street, stole a wrist (today. Mr. Camp had Just returned watch, 72 cents and several old from visiting bla mother's bedside. OOtna. Mrs. Harold Bower. In th Mrs. Camp and her husband cam same building, reported th theft from London about 16 years age and had zinc resided la Califorof 27 nia. Surviving besides her huhband Sandy Doctors Widow and her eon living In Salt Lake, are children: following Percy Dies in California the Cs- - p of London. England: Sydney and Winifred of Vancouver. B. C.: Mrs. Llxetta Bishop Born. 44. widow of Dr. R. W. Born of Sandy and Agnes, Gladys and Kenneth, ef Funeral services will he Berkeley. died in Oakland Monday noon, acheld tomorrow at Berkeley, cording to Word received by rela tivee here last night Una Bora wae born tn Kenton. Ohio, end came to Utah In 1216, making her hem for a number of; veara ljt Bandy. She moved to CaliStopped fmetmmtlg fornia two yean ago. Surviving ara four sons X. B. Lucky TicksBorn of Alameda. Cal-- ; Ivan F. Aadseyflt Born and John Wald Bom 'of OINTMENT Oakland, and Walter W. Born .of Salt Lake. Clean the skin from Funeral sen-ire-s will he conductpimple and dull- ed In Salt Lake. Walter W. Horn new when due to left Blt lake Monday night to redogged pons Gnat fat after shew turn with the body, after which! legend fee or tun bums. At druggists. f eisl arrazgemzut wHfh mad T I Front Wheels Optional AmbassadorEiffht,l33,Whomibatl3Stl.p.$lS73to91625 AmbaatadorEightfUT WhtlbaIm,i2SHJ'. 91820 to 92053 m Mssantf uramre, ra rac cu of m tram race noa, jjhiuw US ftl.es t a. kfiSsq-- 1 8akiHsChma Whheat fow. trrrtil 8fTliwil si.nl ,1 y BALL AH KT SOUTH MAIN STREET - D-NA- SH iRTKRMonrrAix COM PA NY distribitor IteMng SKIN 4F- - m f T ib.41c m Strawberries 3 cups 25c Largs red berries for shortcakes for breakfast when served with er 2idoz. 39c UTAH ASPARAGUS . Tender green epeere for salads er vegetables. FRESH TOMATOES Fine flavored, ted tomatoes that are . 2 lbs. 9c . lOS. so good. - V for a Refreshing Z. C. M. L PkOM TIFFIN LUNCHEON Spring Lamb Cbopo fresh Green Asparago New Pototoea Rot Battered Roll Coffee. Tea, Milk, Tomato Juice, or Chocolate Ice Cream or Cherry Plo -Wedaeoday tpacfals FIR ALA NODR STEAKS 2 lbs. 39c Round or Swlea Sirloin. oat from oaeten corn fed prime ateer beef. FRES 3 lbs. 29c F S-.,!EE- 17 SHDR. VEAL STEAKS O Me iu. OQr BEEF POT ROAST U ah ateer beet. Eastern com fed prim Milk fed country veal RIB and Loin Veal Chops Delicious and tender, serve with new potatoes and asparagus. Me it lCo 8fr ar w SHDRE?5JSSrEAKS2 lbs. 29c GROUND VEAL lb 1QC For pattlee or veal loaf, ; -- via-lil- CSI1S . . Freeh for cakea, eaady or to aarva daaaerU or aalada. Freight Will be Reduced Effective May 26. tha rate en cherries shipped from Utah and Idqho points will be lowered. Ernest D. Balm, executive secretary of the anCitizens Rate association nounces. As an example of tho reductions. Mr. Balm said the present freight rate on cherries from Balt Lake to SL Paul and Minneapolis la 22.62 per hundred pounds, but after May 26 the rat will be 22.22 per hundred, making a difference of 226 per car. From Balt Lake to New Tork the present rate of 22.42 per hundred pounds will be ent to 22.22. M PECANS or Walnut Pieces S.L HOMES Cherry Zor-ba- Elg Six, US Whlbam, 68 H.P, . . . . . 775foSS5 Advanced Eight, i2T WimOxat, loo H.P. . 1063 to 91143 for fruit cocktails or aalads, lh. can k, Cash, Clothing, Jewelry, Valuable Papers, In Loot Individaolly-Spiun- g 6c 10c TOT,T"15fer85c Dainty MIX FRUITS. HjTHIEVES ENTER department SIX m fall can ono-nlgb- L swag Vie ARO PICKLES Sugar Hons and Sunday at the Seventeenth and Emigration ward, Between 600, and. 1.000 . new was discussed at tha regular meet- American Legion memberships will be np from tho Salt Lake ing ef the executive board of the postpicked when some 60 airplanes from recently formed stats society last sections of the country head night. Seth Plxton was named as- all for Indianapolis making pickups at sistant secretary of tho organiza- all principal cities for the annual tion. Officers of the Highland Park Legion serial roundup. May 1. Th Salt Lake posts package camp are Joseph C. Grant, captain: L W. Johnson, first lieuten- containing membership cards and will be picked np by a ship dues lieuant: Alvin Thompson, second tenant. James A- - Ure, - secretary coming from Portland, Ora, by at and Louis O. Hoagland, treasurer. way of Boise, and stopping Lawrence T. Epperson, state Cheyenne, dmah and Dee Moines en to route Indianthe Legion's president, and Nephl L. Morris and Dr. A. Ladru Jensen of tha execu- apolis headquarters, according to tive board last night discussed a Norman Sims, local post commandThe evening of May 1 pilots, general program of activity for the er. and other legion offieamps. Descendants of pioneers messengers interested In Joining tho organisa- cials will assemble at a banquet tion and organizing camps in their celebrating the annual air roundrespective districts ara urged to up. and tha following day will be communicate with Richard H. spent counting and tabulating the Woottvn. state secretary, at the new memberships, preparatory to national executive committee capltoL or with a member of the tho tensions May 2 and 4. executive board. The aerial roundup last year saw 60.000 new Legionnaires enrolled and a goal of 100.000 naw members has been set' for 1916. The Salt Lake post has already exceeded Ks quota and will no doubt exceed last year's Increase by 20 per cent. Commander Sima said today. Mrs. Kata Okelberry Clinton, 76, widow of Charles V. Clinton and a handcart pioneer of 1862. died yesterday at the home of her son, Charles R. Clinton, 1129 Tale avenue, of natural cause incident to advanced age. Mrs. Clinton waa born In Sweden The Wolf Crack livestock and will be held Aug. and had lived In Utah 71 years. range roundup She waa tha last ot n family of six 6 and 7 at a campsite near the children. Her hnsband died t years head of Wolf creek In the Uinta It Is announced by ago. Surviving besides hsr son are mountains. one daughter. Mrs- Lucille Gross-bec- George EL Holman, member of the arin committee of charge general of Bolt Lake, and flv grandrangements. children. The purpose of tho gathering is Funeral services will . be consecure greater cooperation to ducted Thursday noon at the Jothose Interested tn rangei seph WlUlam Taylor mortuary among will problems Those attending drawing room, with Ernest R. Kim- camp for out Tho com-- ; ball la charge. Friends may call In freoh will mlttee fornlah charge at the mortuary tomorrow from 4 meat for on meal. Cooperating to I p.m, and Thursday prior to and the services. Burial will be In the In the event will be cattle state growers sheep organisations, city cemetery. farm bureau, civic eluba. the U. 8. forest aerrica and biological survey and the state fish and game - yn ), flavor. Splendid Wolf Creek Roundup Opens on August 6 We can show you one with exclusive Twin Ignition power and 10 other Preference Points, priced from $775 up 1 o. b. factory that has caused a lot of people to change to Nash no matter how hap-pil- y they were wedded to their other cars I American ounca bottle, delicious MILK Pioneer, Mrs. Kate O. Clinton, Dies at S. L. Home Maybe you don't like to shop for a car. But if you will adopt a "show me" attitude in your 1934 motor car buying, we believe we can show you that you'll be money ahead and drive a better car. Waick 14 Handcart Nash has something you should see, a car you should chive, before you buy in 1934. ,, g c - k0 fresh. In package thit A good variety of flavors. CATSUP Sons of Pioneers Organize Camp in Hyland Park Ward Legion Roundup By Air to Pick Up Organization of a camp of the Sons of Utah Pioneer In Hyland Salt Lake Names Park ward and the contemplated formation of a camp tomorrow at The parchcntng ogoat It oa Important tadiridual 4a Americas Imsfnsss. He iooka at many products, Put 23c Make a thick gulch soda in any water. KRAFT CHEESE All-red- IV 10 lbs. 5 5c Augor Is tha or atapl which in a tim of bu no lobttitnu noed. - FRESH LAMB STEW . A Milk fed spring lamb. PURE LARD Heme Rendered lb. 25c ..... 2lbs.17c - SMOKED HAM Hock Ib.UVsC Assorted LUNCH MEATS b 25c variety for sandwiches or pUte Serve with A good llni beans touches. WEINERS, Frankfurter Stick Bologna owa Our aaper product. m lbs. Me 9C Fresh j ib. 25c Fresh Sliced Halibut . . . r . . .. A delicious fresh flail with a flue flavor. -- soau ib23c |