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Show THE DESERET NEWS LAKE CITY SALT TUESDAY 17 APRIL 24 1934 .Mem From Your Own Home Town UTAH UTAH if f , 3 stjtxudrqj. ROADNEEDSET Broadcast Asked TAXDpD6ERSForeeastsJroUMrPortable'Radi(B,CATTLESHOWjI)ecfsioifOn AT , 22 MILLION Of Pioneer Day TO BE EXP0SEDyew pjrc Fighting Plans Evolved -State Board - Engineer -Answers Demand For' Gas Tax Diversion Disputecf Roads Rests On U; S. Ogden Program Ogden to Pnblidi All Who Are Delinquent OGDEN, April 24. Ogden's plan for n Pioneer Day celebration la attracting statewide attention Jt wag shown on Monday la a letter received by Mayor Harman W. Peery from a Provo resident seeking to ronClha city. sound equipment for broadcasting speeches sad other events of the day. Mayor Peery communicated this feet to Thomas Feeny. gen- - . eral chairman of arrangements. Mr. Fenny la working on a plan to appoint a number of committees to handle various features of the proposed celebration. InWater Portable radio OGDEN, April equipment la to be used quite extensively in the national forests of southern Idaho this year, according to Assistant Regional Forester N. C. Woods, who says Ks use Is strorgly advocated hy the department ef agriculture in Washington. Dr save time sad timber th fighting forest fires. Radio equipment, Mr. Woods says has been used to some extent In the forests and qlso in C C camps, but the use will be augmented Ihta year. Six or eight sets are to be be placed in the Salmon forest; two sets are to be placed in the Lemhi forest and tw in the Sawtooth forest to supplement telephone and telegraph service. Rangers, lookout men and road 24. Dues CALLED Committee ' Will La) Black, "White Day crews In remote places will use the tiwtrumenta- ;- Recently representatives for the forest regions met at Vancouver, Wash., for practical Instruction In the use of radio equip, roent, including a newly developed mans of information transmission The greatest difficulty 4n the use of the radio has been founr In sources of electricity, teclsdlny 4attorio 7 C Sanford, of the forest management division, who baa returned from a conference in Portland, to form code for the -- year, stated that a code was practically reached The lumbermen agreed to establish A uniform allotment plan for cutting timber. Another meeting will be held In the near future in Denver to take up the code question in a district embracing Colorado and nearby sections. ttTaLTwF" Plans 4 ii. New Ordinance On Milk Wins Favor Be Surveyed OGDEN, April 14. mu r 111.444,111 14 4tr-n- nt BRIGHAM CITY POSTMASTER CHOICE MADE 4 ' tetter-agree- Morgan Decides Separate Petition On Forest Project LAST MINUTE pe-a- REMINDERS -- if to THREE TOWNS BRIGHAM CITY WILL VOTE ON FIXES DETAILS POWER PLANT OF DAIRY DAY -' It fcLi i OGDEN, April 24 Assurance was OGQENV April 24. Final arrange-ment- v given at a, meeting Monday afterTha Hiti'i ted-OGDEN. April 24 Feeling certain will require uwllh 'for tfaesneetf Black - and noon between the state highway IkaLinan? property owner, who White day in Plain City an May U. commission and Ogden city officials Control H UBiphw th oiled paying their water bills are In a Board Agrees is expected to be made at a meeting that a survey would be road standard sone, 1C C. Wright, made of position to do so, but are taking m an gl near o( tha state highway Plain City Wednesday, April 25. two routes over which there has condieconomic cbil ef present ft ut commlsaloa said bar when his atAccept Provisions pm. In the town hall of all been a Jieated controversy recenttions ms an excuse, City Commit committees of the dairy cattle show ly. K. C Knight, tention eras called to the claim of somer Fred E. Wiittaurr says that state engineer On Conditions County Agent A. L. Christiansen said that before the application of he will publish the names of deMayor Harman W. Peary that the announces that the Weber county federal funds . major work of state highway buildeater users and the length is tnade both linquent baseball league manage rv umpires, the state le new mostly comof the Hot Springs ing la and periods. Nys- Cerser-Uta-b scorers and other officials will meet the that there la no longer Commissioner Williams said that road and tha route plete Qgden 14. Conditional an. need (or the extensive road approThursday eveningttt his office to the would be thoroughlythrough the of water bills will investigated OGDEN. Krdural building to make plans rot and formally ul- ceptuco of tb. propoa.d rw priations at the past. and that seriously handicap maintenance of surveyed O,. the opening of the season Saturday. timately the decision as to where the deo pulfc ordinance Mayor Peery Is seeking to hare pump this summer and be Intends deatxoad to cor April zi. the gasoline tax proceeds dlrerted to take every possible means for road will gw will be made by the rect conditloDi under attack, wau Monthly mating of Webef county government officials after the data even cities and towns of the state collection of the bills, and ' among farm bureau director will be held has been furnished them made thla morning by tha Ogdea and claims be has recelred the supthreaten that water will be cut off Thursday in the Federal building. from premises where nonpayment is The was port of State Representative Walter Fluid called Mllkehed meeting Control by Mayor board. In 4 The Weber county hog control com- Harman ft. P. Groaenbach of long standing Beery when he was ad- letter to the city commlealon algned county who mittee is to meet In the Federal vised that the has promised to cooperate to the ut-- . The commissioners voted to approstate highway ofbuilding Thursday morning t deter- ficials would be in ogden on Monday by Ernest It tklna. president, ana most la a morement to bring a bill priate $25 for Ogden's annual dues mine allotments to be made !n the There baa been much discussion of George 1L iliile, in the State Municipal league. They before the legislature calling for eecrelary. Mr. Christiansen said It county. a arrest the distribution of funds for $25 reward relative ta the tvs roada Ogpotted The to the provision! evident that readjustment on allot- late den city opposes the and conviction of vandals, who ComEstimated Par I', . Comer of the ordinance and reaueated byte ments will be and necessary it that on broke three Williams missioner route The state engineer, who wee here Christofferson ' said, the that traffic ground Picked will considerable time to go would be diverted from the be straightened out and on Monday, told the county commistrees in Lester park and damaged city and the matter oer require all of the 209 accounts. In time to put it Into two other trees. sion and members of the state road Mayor Beery is championing the adopted To Succeed Committee MeetA new white rubber cost for pre- Vernon, Clover, Si. John Joint cause of Ogden to have the road ation not later than Map 1. opr, commission that $22,600,64(1, esticome into the city west of Washingsentation to Fire Chief Rial C Moore mate had bsea mads a few weeks The commission bad aet forth tbat has been purchased, the commissionCall Bond Elec-- . ton avenue. Scheduled For Holgt the control board aball Collect and ago. In response to an Inquiry from ing ers Chairman W. J. Parker of the transmit to the city tilt per monih the federal government. reported. state commission said. "It seems to for milk inspection provided for im Preston (5, Peterson of tha state tioii May 27 May 2 TO we are on the wrong end ef the ordinance. Tbe road commission said that we must aball license the steer. We have got him by the and not permit milkcur remember on top of thst. that we WASHINGTON, D. C. April 24 dealers who fail never really catch up with the de- The fight over the Brigham City tall rather than the head. The mat- to livo up to tbo conditions of the ter is not yet in the engineering code and shall revoke liceo re, and mand for road davelopment. At soon postmastership a lively political isVERNON, April 24. Mayor Ray BRIGHAM CITY. April 24 An ex-- j wtli be, what can be done about permit, of dealers ho violate It. aa a road reaches one standard, the sue in that town for several months RPehraon of the town of Onaquu options) program for Dalrr "Dr OGDEN. Aprfl 24 A separate end with, the appointment oi i traffle Increase la bo vapid, e road will will property rights or whether the road in take place soys that polling alello Cbnstolfersen as acting postthe livestock exhibit is being titton for he Inelusion of certain would he of higher standard is mdtrated. Vernon voting SL and Johu and the surveyed Cloer. Abe Murdock predict' master. Rep. atage, no one knows what the cost New The present revenue from elecPlanned with bond in tb.UUx B.Utl, the districts, April 27, the Superintendent of will be worth the cost state's gasoline lav - ubout $! (0.-00- 0 ed Metoday. of tion the for at committee purpose a raising completed a joint ( will succeed W. L. Holst, fUer;U government by 8ome of you a year of wM-- 'i S1.M0.000 In Republics), funds for an electne lighting sys- meeting May I. have gentlemen who is being removed It Morgan commissioners. Sunday School Chosen" rjuniv walked over the ground but there is tem there. eqnlr-d for ordinary time t. no federal from the job for "obnoxious politiTODAY. APRIL 34 The program as outlined at pvef was decided at e meeting held for either Treasurer Pharls Haynes and , tumor . betterments cal activity. appropriation County apGUNNISON, Chrlatoffersen Ben in Lomond ward West at BEAVER. the April 24. Lorain JliiL day for t May i0, night pro.. Hot) the Nye Corner or the Ogden City Brigham City has been asked to check on the regwork Without federal aid. there- pointment as acting postmaster Is I A who hss served in the Gunnison pres. dent of the Mor-t- e route. 9; C. C. Gar honor night at chapel. istered voters Ust to ascertain is asio follows: Assembling cattle. fore. It would be 10 years before the expected to be formal) v announced EPH11AIM. 1 to SanLions who cm South club am; judging cattle, No Stand Takas represented Evening, word Sunday school for the pest whether all registered voters are could even reach by the postoffice department within' lt4oilroad systemsurface pete IL L A honor day at Snow col- - taxpayers. According to law reg- 12 30 p m.. luncheon, 12 99 to 11 339 Morgan count) commissioners at th Mayor Peery said be understood IS years was released Sunday eve standards. m lew days. He wa formally rc - ijeKe, gravel pm 2 band concert and parade, meeting sa ! that it was auggeated that thw-y- e s routewho not voters Corner istered have The federal aid estem. Hr. Wrixht cmmrnded had paid for the post by Congress 30 DISTRICT 7 their 1939 taxes will not be able to to stunts, that the 'China Town scenic see been surveyed and that the state ning at the 8unday school confer granite-scho- ol eald. Is about I per cent construct-ravele- d man Murdock. 3 30 p m 20 t t 7 contents, vote. bond tc boxing school a.m. to pm, castroad commission hatT averted they urf acetandardr contest the post aifftce department b LOGAN. n the national p m rbAlvTiro Morgan would support that road. Mr. Par. fi9 and 7 .99 p.ro.t Cache Thea ballot in this election, be de- milking tendent of the Federal AM Increased announced that it will hold an ex- take Sunday test, 5 p m.; tree barn dance for all county officials ho toiest, M. I. A. contests at Logan cided bondfngquestTdtrwnr said, desire the ker answered that the state commis- hia cottnselora ward on Friday. ballot Jacob Foote schools; by From the $46 o ao emergency amination for fhe Brigham Cite job Senior m. $ and La at p ball. of the scenic section, Nlbley drama, preservation a high; not had sion taken definite stand Uriel Pickett also were released. J, All cattle, to be exhibited, must and to grant for federal lilxhsrav construe and Mr. Murdock has announced 430, dance, gym, $ 90; other events, rewhich erosion is on either route but that the etate B. Metcalf was sustained to succeed prevent tloa last year Utah's share was that if Chriatoiferaen passes this So, Ltin from ov.rxr.llnx he will be recommendengineers were survejing the Nye's him. Mr, Metcttf has not aa vet ,5SKn..E uxaen. eboot $4.29.00 For a number of examination, MAGNA I pm., Magna Ladies cnxmMr oi uommere. nai Corner route The work, he said. "elected bis assistants. for permanent appointment years the regular federal aid grant edMr. Ralph VJ tn Mrs the a Democratic for hears 'J1 was far from finished (led group study petition of Is Chrlstoffersen chairman a from which Utah obwas 175 ho BardsJe, D D Beck. Richard Gled at once or one oi clU,l0n -c ot !d-nvrof M-James H. Wolfe of Salt Lake, at , . folluwin Gard. ; the OgdsfilhllL awit bride Christensen, stake tained $850 We. For two years the the Box Elder Democratic county chairmen; r Iop or Women dubf acchamber an commerce committee of and has been board and a number members attended. chairman of the dairy caUlerDvVc,f of A grant Was raised to $175.000 009 of tive worker In the hrog 24 LOGAN, April MT. PLEASANT. burning Ogdens watershed. Qf business mn attended the Evening, South Democratic parof Honey villa: J. J. which Utah share about 91.399 09 ty. Mr. Murdock said threatened a committee, of game and recrea- inm and urged the now ward M. LA plays at South ward. straw stack which He I nard. Deweyville, Guernsey cattle. preservation construction of Mr Wright said that he estimate Joof on MET MEET BlMXESS the ts areas. The PATSON. chicken coop tional Xebo property stake as gams warden. Aa postbeing the Ogden cay route. At the conpetition Evening, Clifford Hansen Mantua. Holstein by which the $3? fl 96 had been serving he will receive $2000 per honor night, at Nebo stake tabr seph P. Malmberg, forced the coun- cattle division. M. V. Rohwer, Brig- acted upon by the forestry service clusion of the meeting the group BRIGHAM CITY, April Jl. 2 reaeed were formulated by classlfs master to the make D. fire m nacle. leas C cuts. ty the usual economy department Washington, went over the proposed route ham. It. F. U. No L Jersey cattle; Ing the roads into three grades, the year, PROVO $.15 p.m., Utah stake M. mile run to Clarkston Monday morn- Park Mumm, Attending the meeting Monday through the city and after an in- entjr local bualneas men meeting South Tremonton; Important one can-rina hard A. play at College ball. Ward M. ing in addition to Mr. Geary was spection of the route favored here tn a apeclal lunch non mnetinr division. chairman Junior night by Og- heard Gua faced navement 40 feet wide, thestir The fire was extinguished with L A. meetings cancelled for event. Hi. den Tbe testing should be completed J. W. Stokes of the regional forest no further discussion was Wright f Ogden dia. tamed iat-- ' flosses with 00 foot sec ft p.m Ute V. F. W. to hear Dr. but a small loss, not covered by in this week. office who was called In for con- had. City Th road hew. euaa --PnraonalltiT from a buainesa the third class reads of fee of tha Cham- ever, reiterated commissioners, and members sultation Hugh M. Woodward of B. Y. U. at syren ce. . ' that both,, aland th state highway svstem. consistFoHmring tbe addreaa Prove armory- ber of Commerce fewest fir protecmen, ould would be surveyed androot, tha musical was given, nan ing of oil surfacing wives Invited. wide. tion committee composed of R. M. data compiled and Allied Veterans Ask there would be C Bowen, program Finals Stake Benson chairman of thT merRICHMOND C. on E. C. Olson. Deadline Ah 4. Black, R. chairman; Hoggaov TOOELE. April of John discussion when chants committee presided and N. time for plenty B. Kmpey. W. E. Euppaa and Secy. tbat wan dona. essay contest day's lers. recently appointed planning White Federal Use E. C. Simonaen was toastmaster Service Scheduled For SANDY.Tonight 9:99 FashJ. p.m FJeldsted. Campus new of the eetup engineer for the KERA for Tooof county, under di- ions' show, at Jordan high. ParOGDEN, April 24. The executive RICHMOND, April 24. Final M. rection of B. G. Sweet county chair- ents, public invited. X contest In the Benson stake were committee of the Allied Veterans , man. left Tooele Monday for TOMORROW. APRIL 28 scheduled at tha North Cacba high Council of Weber county, is urging Nev., where he has accepttn a program of reEvening, junior school here tonight with contests in TOOELE, April 24. Joseph Eng- ed a position there with a mining WEST JORDAN. drama, dance, public speaking and employment through the use of naplay at school. land. owner and proprietor ef the company. He having resigned his high tional in facilities. B. A. C retold atory. Contesta CEDAR CITY. Girls drama, day, on Main market north England here. It is reported by C 8: Carroll, Public Invited. public speaking and retold story will street, was taken to Salt Lake Sun- petition According to word given out from 7 pm., Annuat 7 pm . wile the dance coodirector for the council, Whether or dance at at publicity OGDEN, April 24 start festival, 10 a at for p.BL day, ruptured ap- the county FERA headquarters Public Invited. lest will be in the gymnasium at 16 that a recent meeting of the coun- not the board of trustees of tbe pendix. The operation was per- Monday afternoon there are several college. 7 p.m MAGNA. cil, composed of members of the Dee Memorial hospital will accept P. T. A. meeting, pm. formed by Dr. J. A Phipps, former Applications on file for the posi a go great is the Interest In to Amerlan Legion, Veterans of For- Ogden City's offer to pay $4 Cyprus high. physician here. Mr. England la at tion left vacant by Mr. Ahters. LOGAN. Aggie cleanup day. Mar-- drama that north and south divisions eign War?. Disabled American Vet- month toward tbo maintenance of the Holy Cross hospital at Salt and War name American to this were erans, on condition Gras, Spanish winners, that evening. the hospital clinic, required Lake City. His condition wea reOGDEN. ft p m , Central iunlor being done at contests at Bmlthfleld Veterans, the group went on record the hospital pay Ogden City $5 a ported fairly good at the hospital Ogden Chamber Will and Cove last night high, Msgnr. D. H Hunt, speeder. Winning recommending the use of tha re- month water rental, will bs disat noon today. swarm awards here have not been announc- employment. terries by business and cussed at Ute next meeting of the Hear Store Proprietor day.7:99 pm, Mt. Ogden stake if ed Only the two winning playa professional men and private em- hospital trustees on May 4, accordBox Elder Creek Flow will be in the competition at the ployes for requesting help in their ing to Manager J. Howard Jenkins. Ogden Rotarlans elect. OGDEN. April 24. A meeting for MAXTI Helen North Cache auditorium ronight. Christensen. occupations - Eojxoma Urn Jh .hospital bM Ogden chamber of commerce will - Hugh Falls -- Below --Normal the marry today. been endeavoring to have Ogden be held April 99 at noon In The Ho- Jensen, S TREMOXTON. Comed, pm, Ben Lomond, according to plans ward City furnish water free of charge tel BRIGHAM CITY, April 24 Bo made chapel, by Weber cast. on the grounds that the hospital by the chamber directors MonWELLS VILLE. Contest Elder creek, according to C M. plays, handles msny cases in its clink; afternoon, J. G. Penney will be ft 15 m opera house. 14 1 second day ChrlstcnMn. measures P which rightly belong to an emergthe speaker. at present, against 21 second Theguest went on record as VERNAL. Lions elect. directors ency hospital. Ogden City, however, tort when normal. RICHMOND, opens. Plain to Cleanup Dairy City support has no emergency hospital FILLMORE. It Is stated that Box Eldar creek favoring Evening, Honor day. show Mav 11. They also decided to It has been pointed out that the la con.id.red on. f the reliable ask First to halL ward to sit commissioners the City concity hospital Is saving Ogden mountain streams of Utah, after with them MAYFIELD. directors st the Evening; Pageant weekly siderable expense and tn consideradropping to a certain level. It main-tai- n meeting each Monday at noon for of the Nations. the fact this of hospital U ention RICHFIELD. that flow throughout the 79. Sevier MIA consultation on matters pertaining to free water and a contn-- i of Parents CITY ACCEPTS BID titl'd contests, tabernacle. to community betterment. Majority button to the etlnic. When the mar--t came before th city commisON NEW PIPELINE Remain Firm in sion on Monday, the commission deChildren Given Serum elded to appropriate $59 a month; IN OGDEN CANYON toward the hospital clinic, if the PIPERS FfLLKP WOWIWl Opposition would pay Its delinquent Against Three Diseases 24. The worst hospital OGDEN, April bill of $599 end make monthly water 1.999 feet of pipeline BEAVER. April 94 The Beaver of $59 for water furnished carrying payments LOGAN. April 24. Strike of Col- water to Ogden City through Ogden by Ogden City. county school board, tha FERA. and wilt be repaired with 1,999 tha local physician, are lege ward residents against the dos- canyon, new to vaccinate all school children and steel pipe of the school in that section and feet of those entering school next Septem- ing This was assured this morning Wheat Control Board New Shoes Added For tho of the children to Wells-vill- a ber against small pox and innocu-- movingwas partially broken Monday when the city commission accepted FIRST TIME T03I0RR0W against diphtheria and typhoid In uppveetotieu ef the large west ef huetoeea we have re hen It was to the board a bid for $2,400 submitted by the Will Meet Tomorrow Parents may be called upon to of education reported eelved la th pest, we ait giving away this week ta enr aid two families sent Hardesty Manufacturing company of pay a small fee. This work will be- tbcfr children that this low price! Hondreds at swsteaitra along with the new mm, aheeleiely FREE, e tar nf 14. school Salt Lake, the lowest of four bids. to Weltsville to LOGAN, Director, April gin $hls week. The pipe Is to be delivered by tha wh.at production admin ported Bag, else STsM to each psteag wft control the bus provided by the board. Scarlet fever has again been re- onHow of 4, whn Immediate Installation latrution for Cacho nod Rich coun-tie- a pairs! Table after table! children were included June to the local physician ported as or who many 2 p.m, were was not will be authorised It was said. at the families will mact Wednesday broken out Values in Beaver. that defy comparison -having The great majority of announced 11.00 Mens and Ladies $1.75 Mens Firestone according to announcm.nt of Coun92 children in the last bond election, tbe d.strlct ty Agent K. U Wrlgley. of the the parents with Non-rn- n anything Salt Lake Work improvepromised $0Q for The group will consider plana for Rayon the district remaind firm In their was AQ Provo Post to Hear would ments if the vote carried but that getting the farm account books In- -' children assertion their 1 that done 3G before! D. Shoes Garments S. I not go to Wellsvilla to school un- promise, like all others, has not been to tha hands of th. contracting tha the board promised to rebuild kept. Ray Adams of S. L. less $2.00 Mens Good Grade (armors sod will also bat,books ax- $1.00 Old Style the College ward school this sumand workings of tha Pretest lee Per Cent Dress and Work Q- APROVO, April 24. Ray Adams, mer. We 199 per cent against mov- plained. are PcslSivsIj Fb L. D. S. Garments DirecworkLake to Salt I ten prominent Peel assistant Owsns. Legion W. W. Clarifies 30G to sny other town. Pants er and conuectcd with tbe veterans' Edward Olsen president ot the ing the schoolshowed adminstats William tor Peterson, & The disposition parents $1.50 Ladies asso- to placement eervlce. will speak at a College ward $3.50 Mens Fancy Dress Every through sending tbe istrator. will b. there. meeting of Poet Post No. 19, Amer- ciation. on Monday, Issued w state- children to another school for three QSpring Straw Oxfords and ican Legion, at the Provo artnorv ment clarifying the position ot hia riRCHASK OttEHED would board if weeks tbe promise ft Thursday at p m. says Dr. M. W. association on the matter. He says. to fix up the College ward school Hats Work Cl QQ Tha purchaaa OGDEX. Merrill, post commander. was W even were school ward "Tbe to go away of backstop,Aprilfor tennis courts in Mr. Adams will speak on the new buHt. byCollege WsaMaa whit of this district in for another yearwilling $L50 Childrens Fancy Shoes people not if did the board and Monroa parka, at a com p of work An 1904 (IS was completely equipped consider itself financially able to Lester Jt tbs were authorised by city 1,46. CQ o( $1.00 Mens Fancy Dress Slippers and Invitation is extsnded to all and modern throughout for that go .ahead this, summer. .Tiua the commission this morning, on accept--' In Pfl-Col190$. the 'school together board refused to do, Uhl. Oxfords ors Shirts, all fast ance of a bid from J. G. Teuscber with a cash aurplos In the local "Five years ago. our people asked of Ogden. Two other bids were 03U $&59 Ladies treasury, was turned . oTer to. tha tfhat submitted. be At the condemned building Students of 3 States Cache county school district' organour wishes were disreSport Oxfords, SO Oft $2.00 Mens Fine Spring ised at that time. This wa much that time We ACEXCY SET do feel the net that many other d. strict garded. 4s Make Y. Honor Roll different fromwere White, Tin, Grey building any more dangerous to BRIGIIAM CITY. April fL Tha assumed by the our where debts now was five It children than - PROVO, April 24. Eight towns In central district on consolidation.' Owens brothers of Logan announced Fast $L35 Ladies-Fanc- y "Since 1909 this district baa re- years ago. the states of Utah, Nevada and New here today tbat they base Ukan 19c Girls4 Fancy Anklets for Is of 'fWa new a in the think this way tha local Ford agency. Ofceived are 'over bonon fight Mexico, the nothing represented ' . Cache in new stoves small all for shades every er roll for the winter quarter at improvement except community ficers of tbs now organisation are Dresses our soon aa board As the I get county. E, the Owens, they challenge president, . B. Owens, I. Brigham Young university. Regisbuilding. iwli and sixes trar Johq E. Hayes announced to show any Improvements, even scalp, they will go after the rest vies president; F. B. Owens, $5.00 Ladies' of the small work. or cement sehoota During honor the at the students Ladies Fancy Spring Mooday graveling sac meeting of the faculty. OFFICIAL Slippers, values Harrison J. Merrill of Proved won 4Q Dresses 1 the boner In the graduate division.1 LOGAX. April 14. R. E. Bern t son CM to $3.00 In 8. Bunsenior the ' secretary-treasurcollege, Bertsll of tbe Cteb 10c Crochet ' Childrens Fancy Roman ker, Elisabeth Conover, Esmond E. College, returned State Agricultural Snell, of Prove: Henry - Finch of weak-on- d from four Colton thla to Logan Sandals and QSpanish Fork; George A White months of otndy In New York, IlliBeaver; Mauri ne Jones, Las Vegas, took Ha $L50 Louies Fancy Silk Oxfords special nois and Michigan. X w Mexico, are the honor students. end Founders day wilt be obOGDEX, April 14. A Neon ut Columbia, tha University ot and Cotton Dress Mens Fine White linen served at fhe same time. A ball work Tbo who lead the Junior college W" sign, five fast square Is t, of and Illinois the University In Iba school gymnasium will gil Wedge Callente. Nev.. . be erected on the roof of Weber hia a bee ace Erls' A. Caps. be the concluding feature. school at James P. Martin. Provo; Maurice county senior blgb Jubnaon has been acting secretary been and Mice Alice avanuo baa Jackson Hall Lebk Ivlft Hansen, $1.00 to Bantaquln; Values Washington $1.00 Childrens . Fancy delected aa valadictartan t this Eleventh street with aa aPP7 and. Ed it h Scprup. Galina. WRITER VISIT Mens Corduroy Panls II . yaar'a graduation class at WeFast Color Dresses May 4, at ber county blgb school. It Is an- of tbo LOGAX. Instructor Solon p m.. on tha lawn In front and in the Logan A$ Styles Meet BeaverDe Jormcr .school. Tbo alga wilt be lighted IU4I Blaylock ' Selection was mads high school, returned to Logan U and dedicated on that occasion. and sizes Sizes on tha hwala of orholarsbip. Mtao - Team From St. George week for a visit which will probThe, outside progrem wilt alee Jackson averaged belter than A . ably extend through the summer. Include a posture parade and the Mr. JBarberjwholnangurated - BEAVER. April Y4 The Bearer for four years of high reboot daaelng by members of the phyMiss Leftlce Orton, n - very and first Journalism class at the nigh debettnw town snog St Georg, and sical educe tion department . , , close second was named aa halu- been public!!, director has school, Hurricane on tbs stale debating n-umbers by Iba school band for the pure food and drug adminisA muetcal program and one - j - latorlum. gha and Mlaa Jack sow question thla morning at Cedar City. tration in Washington. He recemlyacf play will be presented In tbe ; will represent the graduating Tbs winners of tbln group wlH Honored commencement became serlousjv III end la hi Leelasa at school auditorium. the wlnulnr team at th. Mil SOUTH WEST TEMPLE 10$ ea to be held Wednesday, May It, ran to recuperate. He le noted of tbs 'srd district In Beaver April tT, to guestg will t Downstairs Center of BargsIn Shoe Section . In !'1 tba school auditorium. This free lance writer with several abort ' Torm.r j determine whirh learn wifi enter the board of cdncsMon r 44lb HI6III FILLED PHOWrTLV stories and a full length book to his contest, sponsored b, Tb, Desboard members. All patrons of j graduating class will number J state New 1 credit. ut Balt Lake City. eret the school are invited to attend approximately ltd. - rfW , maln-tenan- Mon-en- par . Firemen Make Run of 20 Miles J?,1"1 I . S. Planning Expert Accepts Mine Post t Tooele Proprietor Operated Upon poi-nt- t Winne-mucc- ' ic Hospital Calls Meet on Water a. di -- Two Families Break School Strike Permit Children To Go In Buses tet Pv3niLE -. EMIT $1 - 7Q. ha" M f liW " ' pur-po- ss Hsfcms! Fancy C- Parent-Teach- Heavy 30 vili h2s it ir $1.00 secretary-t- reasurer. M 9 ...... ....1....03C ters Ulchl-...-Iuri- sre;-Vir- 149c -- priata-progra- 44 Htera -- Ij m miti NEON SIGN TO BE PLACED OF ROOF OF HIGH SCHOOL - C- 70-Swea- !. set-u- Fancy Iftii $1 .......... Fancy to m SsFabFfed! er da-h- J m a (. -- L3o n. r. t 2 ' I x i |