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Show .THE DESERET NEWS LAKE. CITY SALT -- TUESDAY APRIL 24 1931 11 d ' Mata Hari Held Good Prospect7 To Capture Honors in Classic Kentucky Derby . e Two Kids Make Bow As Yanks Dixiana StableHas Outstanding Juvenile of Eg ht Starts and Already id Career Wins Five Out ' Heffner and Rolfe to Make Debut in N. Y.Park CHURCHILL er yon INB April 14 wH try to'i DUUaier out of the first pose headlines bp hitting two or tkrw homo nm at tki Yankee Btsdlua this afternoon. Tbla will mat It more or lea unanimous aa MCWTORK, BiM Bun Jbi the pyaetlealiy everybody chastbi days. ty They aboeld baa two-ye- ar -old record. But Hart was favored and still ia by many because oho completed aa eventful campaign as a Juvenile In very Im- -, preeslva fashion after n grant start aad n bad streak about half way along tho routs. Mata Hari has won at n nOa a distance that few of the two-yeold crop last year traveled. She won is mils race at Latonia In her final start of the year in the Jockey dab stakes, which has been sort of a stepping stone to a derby victory. Reigh Count, Clyde Van Dusen and Twenty Grand won both events. In the Jockey dub stakes where she was a favorite, Mata Hari won In hand tn 1 '20 with ouch good once aa Discovery, Collateral and Badagal chasing her across tho line. It was her fifth win In right starts, three of them souring in her first trips to tho post. the. other two coming at the end. Inj between she was fourth in the Arlington Futurity, eighth In the! Hawthorne Juvenile handicap and! seventh In the Matron stakes at Belmont. Mata aaat Brodor-Ic- k Johnny oat to him long ago. Broderick fetching way a with tough ya Ha walka ap fetcher'ea a ar n the ehla. and you'd be surprised how quickly It taboo the fight oat of them. One of those coppers eat la the middle went ahouid try that some time while Dlllinger le relieving him of his Adam. eouoQoftci wis tin east, watch, keys and lodge emblems. Bat thata off my beat. "Oe co--l cMci BAfeai o Also off Brodericks which Is forCBAOt Rg$rSAfl?W -- mb tunate for Dtllinger.' SefMfovo A sums tfitaone. Bat whet I was going to say - ram oi our ecm mm about Ruth eras that the occasion will be the Yankee opening of the 114 season at home. and. In all probability. Babe's last opening day bow. He is apt to turn ia a special on occasions of this sort and I, for one, will be disappointed . if he does not loft at least one bright new ball up among his liegemen in the right field bleachers They are the sultan of swat's own vassals henchmen by their own .Mato Hari had speed from choosing, there In that square of PATHOUC the start. She won two da sites baseball teams swing TV? IMBLEDON. Bng., April J4 seats and when they v here last spring and after aninto action tbe first week In gather In numbers to see his majesHurly-Burl- y (Ap) America's Davis Cup other vrin la the Arlington Las-al- e ty maul one. be usually mauls one. Hay, it was announced Monday by stakes, gained rating as the hopefuls, if they haven't already Bis nwjeetys boy Friday, Henry the Rt. Rev. Monsignor 3. O. Hunt. old in the counbest two-yeLouie Gehrig, will also be thumping I'bh C. Y. O. Seen advised of it. may as well director. tryAU.AU, Ten. April IJ. (INB) hotel ' room window toward the, learn now that they will "bo P away at whatever pitching . Mr. The Catholic loop Will bo com-;- P Connie Mack can scare ap for hie Paced of two divisions, over and 1 ack Dempsey and the big plains that surrounded this Texas against two important factors in RESUMES WINNING firemen from Philadelphia this city. under IS yearn of age. citiea are "quits.1 for tennis England ternoon. And far better than an The exact challenging finished with and "Im WO months later they were promoting dates will not Taking It easy between quick business In opening Tho first M a apprentice hand at parking that be known until the end of' tbe big cities. I like Texas. honors this season. saying that Mala Hari was potato In the bleachers is Henry week, said Monsignor Hunt who Jumps to Texas oil towns where he Hannah likes it (Dempsey Is mar better and more confident FreJ was tefereelng tied to beautiful Hannah Williams, Perry, ace of tho homo team, Tho Just n s prior flash and not much Lon. expects replies to letter ban. Two New Boy prise fights end former Follies star). Ive got some other ie a new and livelier re-- j' Park City and Magna parishesfrom,, I should say Perry la about 10 wrestling bouta. oil Interests here, and wnen tbe Mata Hari Bnough water has ran through gsrding conflicting date. was at this per cent better than be the Manases heavyweight b attle Is through, time the Harlem to make a couple of Junior league games will be Brown Ally by Peter Hastinga year ago," declared Dan Mauler laid were coming back here to stay. I more oceans since Babe and Lou played either Wednesday or Thursthe s-War down his new- may shuttle back and forth for a Maskell, professional coach Woman, by Man o first had their names chalked on a day, with senior games taking place War. found philoso- while on several little business pro, British Davis Cup forces, aftor locker In the stadium. But there Sundays. on turf brisk the workout Owned by Dixiana stable. velvety phy. will be two youngsters with them The entry of a C. Y. O. team in positions, but after that Im going of Wimbledon. "His backhand is Starts Eight; won five. Unless Max back to the soil, so to speak. this afternoon who will be celebrat- tbe Salt Lake Federation of AmaL sharp-eran- d much' his forehand better, o B a Money won 155.784. knocks To out Write r Column party. ing their coming teur Athletics, as well as In Indehis service vrs doing things u, Prlmo He reveated he U founding a boxTuese are Joe McCarthys Ktl- - pendent play, indicates a broadennever him. I that tanght Carnera. June ing magazine, Fight Stores." with today stone Bids Xtos Heffner and Bed ing of the scope of C. Y. O. activiaccount at any distance over five 14 In New York Jack Kofoed, International Mach Fester News Rolfs ties this Monsignor Hunt Is furlongs. But on her return to to dead Service sports writer. In Heffner's fan name Is Ronald H. managingyear. the was boxing "Did you notice tho way ho and coaching both clubs. Kentucky where sbo did her best dead." eery ill a Heffner and . was bora In a me that with them carry Dempsey past publication, C. T. O. boosts five checkers of spanking racing, ohe again hit a winning said which Is a rousing good more n the. ex-- e column of comment on the game quick, drive hes de- stride. In the Breeders Futurity! avenge ability in Norm h a tn pion. that made him famous. town la Pennsylvania, on February Baird. than Gosh, I couldnt see half she set a new track record for tbe' Bob veloped? Jack O'Brien, Guthrie, - Just a baby, huh? y hurly-burlI of Is the tired st Naturally, I, them. Dempsey Argentos and Phli Fogarty. Futurity course. Sha went the 170 think Ha went to school at the Bal- Jack wUl of metropolitan life night Although he vras playing only feet abort of six furlongs In Angelo Pagnotta. knock him out. But if heBaer and Larry Brennan. timore Polytechnic Institute doesa.t. the Februsince time second theater, clubq 1:00 5 with 124 pounds abaxrd.j Mono early Bill and McCbryatal Cameras Indifferent the Yankee bought him from Bel Wally and following ary, Perry displayed aa amazing winning by two and a half lengths, are available catchers. Vaughan coupled with the strangle-hold timors Thus he and Both have and foreThat's friend." assortment I what His strokes. of an first hose candi- Madison Square Garden holds on am agetting away from, he said. a hand. which he used now and then that la common they started their es.Argentos MATA Rill had a habit ef Infield candidates an Tody New earners aa professional ball players York state boxing will apply trifle bitterly. Through the early with n sort of whip-lik- e action that leading all fbe way In bee winEddie Joyce. tbo chloroform Salazar, Bogden, Cy down there In the land of the to a t ai of the his former Maskell bore ning rarre last year. Sbe bos career, commodity days canght Boh Bksnter. Ralph Smith, Hal Orioles rode tho "blinds on boxcars little resemblance to the flat ability to carry weight sad go a Jim Ferrimond. Ple- ready alllog." John Bondi, ao bonce about and slept In cheap hotels in Chi- medium paced drive he rolled on mile. Xlfty Player nataro. Bob Dugan. Norm Spottis-woo- htsDempsey made A bent tbe only thing ogolraet Heffner.w ho Is aa nifty a Beider feeling or lack of it for cago, San Francisco and New York. last summer. It's far more danLouis Cam Mata Hart'e ehaneea and aerate fa ba poaslbly pans James J. Johnston PresiNow ho around second bass as youd want Walter Bmythe. haa and his on a gerous weapon. eye e tbe line that a filly eoaaot cottage of . la xj captain to clap aa eye os batted AM with year's Cathedral Catholic team, dent John Kilpatrick of tho Gar- somewhere In the suburbs. Ira the Derby, a tent that I need it n lot iq Australia," he said. It's a winner with this new John Q. Cttxni the Orioles last season, making 111 who is now at Notra Dame. Bogden den corporation. aly eat filly Matey Payne eebleb recentlakes Texas Whltneyt RearrA hits la 1(1 games Am I thrilling la also n pitcher of ability. "When things ere all settled, and faster ball adopted by tho Inly died ever eteempllabed. 'Both. Max Baer and yours truly we'll sort of retire from these over- ternational Federation." yon with these figures?) He was also Outfielders arc seas That IS plentiful. yearn age, International drew blanks from those boys. Tbe night sleeper Jumps end become a league foarth ia the e e Among tbo leading candidates an percentage on the with 111 runs and drove la PI. He Jim old of th part ENTRY public,' Tom Caputo, Carey. Ralph fight baa been published. Neither said made 7 doubles, T triples IP home Jerome. Fnnk and Boy Dempsey. Caputo. n runs (The mans positive genius. Marty Davtnl, Fnnk Bondi, Gilbert of ue Is sa tinned, and 1 am through He smiled. And added: "And CHRISTOPHER J. FITZGERALD. ef the Illinois racsuppose he carries nil these McGinn and Julie Marine. Whether with further association there." Jo yon around whats more, I think we're going to la his toad?) . . Dempsey cast n glance out of the Uke it- commission, rates Mata Hari as things ing or Roland be available will King H. Donald Bet If yea think better than Top Flight of Sonny, Heffner is a flossy tag. having a net this year is not known. Whltneye stable. FitzGerald, a vetTo date Hal Ferrimond la the eran of II years In turfdom. believes certain something a "Je as aaia quo. be Is more robust than Top Flight, and a dash of bitters wait until yea "find- - of tho infieldere, bring a and should stand a rigorous camrun a guttering ere ever thio on natural hitter and shortstop. Pounds Robert Ablnl Rolfs paign this year. Mata Harts sirs is Peter Hastings, though Robert's folks Inooom ti a horse that never raced. Her dam the i somewhere wp there t waa War Woman end therein lies Kngland hills doesnt It? bis Interesting angle to Mata Hari's eyes Robert did opened y They breeding. IB Peaaesok. N. H, on Oct. 17, 1MI. It bad been arranged for Wsr and aftor ono quick look around Woman to bo mated with Eplnard quickly skat 'em again. 111 the Imported French horse which Penaeoek. this is XATMXAL LEAGUE Tf HERE was only one match the account of an injury to his took part In an International race chocolate,' be said ho as oo A a decade ago. But Wsr Woman reArena clientele knee but Is now completely recovwrestling be got eat of short pants the folks futed to enter th van that was te ered. Ho Is n resident of this city, sent him ever to Phillips Exeter to stand for It wonld this week and take her to the farm where Epinsrd at this time, having taken employhave bis A' broadened end Ms waa quartered. Bo Wsr Woman was delivhaa been sealed and signed, hair olickod down, it was Just and mated with Peter Hastings instead ered te be opened Friday night It ment aat an animal trainer shot from there to Dart- the 8alt Lake zoo-A- t be- keeper enoounter calls finish for a month. tween Harry George Kent and At ional Boyd, who made his professdebut last weekagalnst ArNewman, n couple of tbo boys who Robert Abial eras ao great help to did not get along so well in last thur Hedin, has been matched the Bedmea along times 11a, against Dave Reynolds The newhe proved mighty handy at " " deck's show. comer lo anxious to matte n allow-in- g s' on the base ball teem In (be Newman Of As referee Dern j the Ira ' stop ao Gettoea at tklasa the Ohio against welterweight spnag. Indeed, his tamethespread battle, Kent took occasion to and If be FARK CITY. Utah. April II At Yankees cent Peel Kritctoll, of does, McCullough will award tbo victory to Dern on a send him In against Del Smiths Field tors' yesterday a numbought n new pair of rsbber heels New . at iouI and rhBoSelpMo. Newman when la him protested after and went Floyd Hanson, brother of the ber of enthusiasts gathered to form ala fisticuffs, Kent pitched onr MIL ABEEICAN LEAGUE Bill, will haVS hie pro--Who do a softball league to play a series of Aloyeie out into Section C, Row 1, fessional yen belong tel- - Kritch out" "coming party, with Sent 1. George performed thin feet Arthur Hedin ask Robert when be had finally twenty game. Four teams were pickcomed and will start playing Thursday tbe him. providing so adroitly, bo loft tbo customer sangbt np with . the petition. . eeentng. April 24, at 4 if pzn. "Phi Sigma Kapipa," replied Rolfs awe stricken. er' -quite the color names Kritch What Magee's that in captains chosen andsee Geeks Retenge , .. Charles for tbo four teams Wanted to knew. Naturally Hr. Newman, after ke Greens; Bob Kimball, Reds; replied Tbo -Wllford Langford. Blubs; Douglas had regained consciousness, begged A Tm a Greek letter man Whites. Georgs Barton was Jones. n toM to for chance even with the get rHell,- said Kritch. "Barrow elected treasurer. me-- yon was a shorts top. bold yoang man from Oregon. Alle tbo schedule for tbe , Following Sure. I play short aed good, tee.' ways willing to oblige an old next eis week. admitted Red. whe was taught at The final matches to determine MoCul-loilg- h Promoter friend Pearce 24 Greens va Beds; Bines Verna R. Frank April Dartmouth never te sell aa Amerlree tbe team positions at the Bonneva Whites-- agreed and no did Mr. Kent ville slab will be held this week, D ASEBALL executives va Greens: May I rd Bines and tbe deni was dosed. - Bo Cissh Istim to va Bed a Protections! Charles according at hew Iwt. Friday night's headliner will be E. Foley. The schedule follows-Welte- - Uce officer searched tor near- Whites Barrow's Tair enough, agreedname 11th Ked Blues; Greene May two for nt of three falls with aa brash beater, "pet your right White. .. PACIFIC MAR LEAGUE Cosgrlff Va Juddy Wilcox ly a week before .they located vaMav so this dotted Bee here, and In Mchalf and hear a time Greens limit. 17th va Norm Reds; Biuse Scbults va Joe Porter, Ralph Frank W r English. Never mind any Greek letto do the referee- Votterll vs. Frank Baldwin. Pearce, star pitcher of tbe vai Whites. Cullough aspects John ters, I slgaed a Greek eetftelder May Hth HI sea vs. Graeme; ing. courageous young man that he Vosse va Jack Anderson, Hal Badg- Philadelphia Nationals, who made oeoo and be eooatr did be get paid ' . Fhllee ea Reds er va Bod Mlllham, Walter Koch vs a is. than be lamped tbe team aad ei May list Beds va Blass; Grecos the mysterious disappearance Adrian Pembroke. Wally Williams - Bear Heavyweight a restanraat. What we want on the dajr before the opening of tho mava Scofield Moborn Cbarlta and ! AND WHITE DRILLS , Yankees is an laflelder, not n fry As a special event Storm Cbrtit-.xva Sam CotterotL r" r jor leagues. He was scheduled to eneea. the oaeemtag Balt - take Hardy A Wednesday workout from 4 to hurl the second game. Tha pitcher, Yew wfll see from thle that Greek toe heavyweight, will take en Ralph a model trainer and quiet, modest IS p m. le scheduled for tbe Red A PARKS BALL PRACTICE Is eN Greek to Mr. Kritctoll. but MeOollia of Pennsylvania, a farmer -be knows a good high hard when he Tho Salt Lake Parks Softball Ms fellow, was found visiting retatlveej'"-to Manager I In favorite reeast the Before hie nIL hold a practice at tho Gsllecher get a gander at Another workout I. tirement temporarily two years will And that a the tale of the two oM field at 5:14 p m. Wednesday night. from LalZ!"2 ti, I p.m, w vhe oport according to Director Ray gays aad thq two yoang seek the dub. . th mime grounds , Forbrg.i eowplo NEW TOKJC-- Petey Hayes, 1211, New York, oetpotnted Johnny Farr. Cleeelead, tier.- U.CHICAGO, Leo Kodak, llli. Chi. 55,364 cage, eat pointed Eddie Shea. 12S. Chicago, ( It) i Davey May, 115. one 1, ll. Ao Additional Charges for Credit .it at MeQanahantf " Give Yourself a "Spprf-in- g Chance!" Self-Assuran-ce 4-- 5, Catholic Ball U. S. Davis Cup Jack Dempsey Tired Leagues Open Of Promoting Game Team Faces Two First of May New Obstacles Plans to "Settle Down in Texas, Away From After Next Bout sun-kiss- ed see " one ar ' and Success Depend Largely Upon Your Personal Appearance 3 I ft a t The Suit Hit of 1934 . . . In TWEED Bous-srvlll- e, wrist-actio- lli- -- re press-agent- see er black-slappi- tit-lis- flat-foote- d, d. Pro-mot- eea-sra- Baer-Carne- ra tax-payi- WELL-RATE- They Found Him D Newman vs. Kent Is Arena Feature Friday Stafidjh& T Park Gty Organizes For Softball Play -- -- Ik gum-shoei- Pell-keo- r - Bonneville Plans Final Team Tests 'f .,VC i Con-Io- n. n r .in 710 zi 411 - L'1 A" . Chi-cag- e, Ken-tac- Wheth- Ilko a filly or not. Mata Hart, owned by tbe Dixiana enable of Charles T. Fisher, tho Detroit body manufacturer, la one of the very highest regarded In winter book for the Kentucky derby. In feet, she was the favorite until very derecently. I spite her spot- J'j baa been ing Jobs past few DOWNS, April 14 (By Tke Associated Frees) NEW HAVEN, Cone. Maxi Bos- - ' enbloom. Ill, world light keaey-weig- bt Champion, end AA Qnlstf) ill. Now Haven, draw, (if), non-titt- le. stopped Georgte Engle, ill, Plymouth, Ind. (7); Eddie Chlnski. Mil. Kankakee, IlL, outpointed Joe 147, Chicago. (4)7 Sammy aad tho offspring to this flapper Carretto, outpointed Ill, ill,Detroit, which threatens that the Rlchman. Bob Crowley, Chicago (4 ) female of tha aperies Is more deadWHEELING, W. Va Baddy ly than tho malo In tho 1114 110, Feirmouot. outpointed Derby. Frankie Wine, Butte. Mont-- tr Becker, 147. Wheeling. Marty enrieh-t4 Mots girik flee I tsetse outpointed Billy Welleby, 141. Aktbo Pxtnoo stable eoffen br ron, o, 14); Frankie Reilly.; IJ(, M. Or fbet sooenot flM Fslrmount, outpointed Jack Iqrsik. represented her vies err to tbe 111. Akron, (I); Lloyd Pine, 114. Ak. In tbe ron. Israels stakes. IUAM to outpointed Yonug Scotty,, HA RreederW Fwtnrtty and HUM New Pa. (6. f Castle, otakeo Latest. be Jerbey dob at Sbo task see fee two rales early Is MIAMI, Fla Bobby gylvdster, Miami, outpointed Herb Trowbridge, erase tea aad 1 ISO fee flnNk. . West Palm Beech (g). law feask In tke Arlington tow-ALBANY. N. Y Benny Erlich, on event woo by sra I!"i. Albany, knocked out Kllgle ites For Mar. Me New York (1). Vaequrs, BY WILL HITT (Central Proas Sports Editor) BT BOX. CORUH : d McCLANAHAN 27 & 29 WEST BROADWAY -- |