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Show r THE WEATUER '3 CTiH Shown, cooler today, lusmswiar fair. , rttlrf, cooler. TEMPUUTIEUI ' Max Hon.. M Min, Tues.r 49 Mia. Mon., If a.m. Tra, 1 Suneef Tues. T:1T Rise Wed. I'M PRICE FIVE CENTS SALT -- LAKE . CITY UTAH TUESDAY APRIL 24 1934 EIGPTY-FOURT- YEAR H The Washiiigtcnr Parade By Karl M. Kahn , il. (INS) Newspaper editors with aniart correspondents in Waahtagtos will aet up In big type the headline: Congress in Revolt It la been said sens ; j before that theia 1 1 honeymoon WASHINGTON. April - It "over. , aaid Ing ,tbat j dent i To Greater Women International Neva Servlet Start Correspondent I (Copyright. 1 1ll by Interna tlonal Nears 6ervice) the la bo- now preai-- 1 and Con- -i greaa may not even part Irlenda when the gavels ,in Senate and House bang ad journment. Mr. Roosevelt As Convention HOLDERS IN SILVER PUBLISHED 4- to the dog pound. - going Then ft was willing to he saved Partial List of -- (R-N- Stolen Bonds Returned KANSAS cm. April 24 (AP) Unseeing hands, dealing through between two door i slightly opened vote! rooms, todav had rsatorsd 4225.409 tn allegedly dolen stocks and bonds to the independence, Kas.. state bank. . In strange transaction, shroud'd by secrecy, ths securities were d.llvered to attorneys- - for tbe bank by unidentified negotiators hers bat night. The stocks and bonds were reported stolen bat January tl, when four gunmen entered the bonk. Magged e janitor, seised 410.000 in cash and the collateral --portfolio and fled with three women and two men as hostages. The hostages were released at the edge of tee city. i 774.92. Emily M. Crosby, Chevy Chase. MD.. 150.571.05. J. F. Crosby, Washington, D. , C-- 272.424.25. Martin Wore heater. Carry, 100.022.(0. Mathilda Dawson. Columbus, 125.052.79. O- - LEADERS DROP AIRMAIL BILL April 24 Mar-So- April 24 (AP) at unified regulation of Aa electric power industry, either ijr legislation or by ends, hare been dropped far this year. This was made known today in authoritative quarters. By tha next evasion Af Congress. It was may aisled, ths administration " formulate a program to establish federal control ever power Into interstate commerce, House Accepts 24. "April (AP) House acceptance today of (he compromise with tho Senate op tha sugar c iroi'bili left only similar Senate action aa a prelude to President Roosevelt's signing it Into law, WASHINGTON. . : ' - - ..I To. Rush Action Through I. Fearing a drought nf extremely serious, if not terrifying effects. Gov. Henry U. Blood today sent a telegram to Senator W. 11. King at Washington. D C.. urging special action by the federal government with a view to making water surveys and irrigation projects to bo carried out by tbe unemployed. In his telegram. Governor Blood reported that drought conditions in Utah and the adjacent territory are becoming extremely serious it not terrifying. I have visited southern and eastern Utah and find unho precedented water shortage, Isold. "I sincerely believe congresdrought sional action declaring areas should be Immediately taken. Present System DeGovernor Blood also nrges ths federal government to assist in clared Too Costly, supplying experts in pumping operations from Jakes, storing water Inefficient and boring wells and pumping from them. Cull teary Supply Menaced BOSTON. April 24 (AP) "President Peterson of the Utah In a pamphlet published today, Agricultural collage, believes that tbs National .League of Womif the drought continues - many. may be farmers and ranchers en Voters urged a "reorganiforced from thetr property by failsation of governmental strucure of culinary water, which could ture with coordination of fedto many eases eral .stale and local fiscal aya-- be supplied would which individuals terns." be unable to finance. Ths league la te convention si provl-"ImmVdisU governmental here. on for nsa of tha unemployed may The pamphlet said that If help save Impending disaster. 1 "our tax system of the future ' am calling a meeting of Interested te to he an improvement ever ' informed parties and would ilka the chaotic present, eltiax x , your reaetios to possibility and adand legislators must see the visability of such federal actloo." problem sa a whole." With streams and springs drying . Mtes Katharine A. Frederic attention ap all avsr ths country, Of Boston, secretary of Out of state offtenlte at tha capitol waa league's department of efficdlnetsd mainly toward medma iency to government. Mid to prevailing ths abnormal conditions - ' diocuasing the tax situation: to ths state. "An lodnstrions -- i Governor congressthis- afternoon. Late ional committee recently Blood cacd as emergency meeting counted 423 examples of dupof mesas to consider ways and licate, or conflicting, taxation the drought. Among those meeting between the federal governcalled to tho conference wore repment and the states. These of Salt Lake City and are the outward signs of tha resentatives Commissioner Including county tremendous effort by our govD. Keyser. City Engineer George ernments, from Washington W. D. Beers. J. W. Giliman and E. to the smallest town, to keep A. Jacob of Itah county. Chairman thelF'heads above water amid W. R. Wallace of the state water the flood of responsibilities storage commission. State Engineer that have come upon s T. H. Hnmpherya. Chairman taxes, general and specof tha conciliation committee. ial. have spread like wild fire. W. W. McLaughlin, assistant chief Income taxes on individuals er of division of agricultural entbe corporations are now need by gineering. Professor William Pet12 states as well as the federerson, 8. R DeBoer, federal planal government- ning expert, members of state planning commission, and representatives of other counties. State Mbs AM Although federal help had been asked. Governor Blood stressed the need of the stats acting to help itself to a maximum degree. PossiAMERICAN LEAGUE water supply and ways R- - II. F-- bilities of that on band were develand .Ms xxx xxx x x x of conseixlng discussed, also tbe need of Utah's St. Loote . lOx xxx xxx Interstate confertbe for planning Hildebrand and Pytlak; Hadley ence called by Secretary of the Inand Hemeely. terior H. Lu. I kea for Denver in R.H.E. Jane. Not nishlng to appear in the roie .000 101 xxx Chicago Governor Blood x x g of an alarmist. Detroit . . . .000 009 xxx Hevtng and .Slice; Marberry and stressed the fact that beneficial and unexpected rains might Cochrane, tha situation but that even so no R.H.E. precautions nor p operations werv Boston ...(MM xxx xxx to be neglected, and federal aid 000 xxx xxx waa absolutely necessary, Wash Welch and Ferrell; Stewart and Tha need of moving to cooperate Berg. fully with Becretarly lekes offer to 000 000 On Phlte On Pago 2 Column I) New fork .000 OOl Oxx x x x (Continued Marcum and Hayes; Railing and Dickey. PLAN URGED BY WOMEN t, driving by women, the sense of the Influence of women in the home and in affairs of state, it one of the mod Important and worthwhile Influences in the nation today. City Commistold 300 memsioner Harold B. of bers of the Utah Federation Womens clubs, as they met In the anfirst session of their forty-firnual convention today In tho W On the platform as the convention of the Utah Federation of as Clubs opened today were. hotel. left to right. Mrs. Roberta Campbell Lawson of Tulsa, Okie, first vice president of the General Fed- continued convention Tho eratkm of Women's Onto; Mrs. H. C. Jacobs, second vice president of the state federation; Mayor throughout the day. and further, Lento Marcna, Mrs. Weston Vernon, state federation president, and City Commissioner Harold B. Lee. sessions were scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday. Women are often accused of back-sedriving," said Commissioner Lee." and I frankly nay that I believe that we need more backseat driving, and not less. Tha of women la a fine one, an influence that leads toclvic betterment, as aa Influence that cannot and must not ba disregarded." , ' Greeted By " Mayor Leulo Mareua also greeted Laws thaMayor Asks President assembled women, expressing By Secy. HENRY A. WALLACE the hope that their stay to the city Be Rushed to Aid would be a pleasant ona Tha convention theme, "The mon. I feu both Presbyterians CHAPTER VI Bandit Capture Road Back Home," an allegorical RELIGION AND ITS NEW SIG- and Roman Catholics would say that the Lord had hardened my (By International News Servicel reference to recovery, was express, NIFICANCE heart. And so it is that 1 eventu. 'y President Roosevelt threw the ed in a song of tha same title, a growing boy and young became written especially for tha conven q member of a of his supreme authority tion I found considerable intel- high Episcopalian pansb which, weight by Mrs A. E. Goodspeed, sung new attempt in nation's Into the n by a ladies trio. Mrs. Goodspeed lectual exercise and interest tn fol incidentally, is the most of J- career stem tha bloody in home town. It Is Dillmger today by asking Congress presented Mrs. Roberta Campbell lowing the severely logical Pres fair to tell my vice Ok to, first these things so thst to rush enactment of s series of Lawson, Tulsa, by lenan sermons- - A littls later I make you allowances as I president of the General Federamay e drafted by tbe de- tion bills began to ques- deal with of Women's Clubs, and conthe men who brought on tion ipany of of justice. the Reformation I have read both partment own concern vention guest of honor, with a The president's ths points Catfaolio and Protestant books over the unbridled violence of copy of the lyrics raised by tbe minister in the about these men and cannot help America's most notorious despe to tho song, waich was dedicated course of hit but feel that all of tha biogra- ado. which yesterday took an ad- to Mrs. Lawson. sermon. After a phers are prejudiced witnesses. My ditional toll of two Uvea, was reResponding, Mrs. Lawson said may be equally preju- flected In orders to department of time I felt that testimony "There Is no topic aa dear to the diced I have but, rate, a critical altiat'auy justice agents to "shoot first and hearts of women aa The home. We tude in the given yo- a certain amount or daUiyeli halt afterward." House of God so as to put you on guard as to Reepondlng to a request by Pres-- - (Continued On Page 3 Column I) I ident Roosevelt the House judic- .on tlie Rsbhsih was not proper, The first thing which stands out',arv committee today approved leg-i- n and so I stop- the the lives of the reformers tre-f-of nation to make it a federal offense sixteenth century is their anyone to flee across state lines ped going to church. In col- - mendous earnestness. The onlv to escape apprehension or prosecu- of this scem'uon who people century I Imbibed for crime. lege have a comparable earnestness Almost 1.000 officers of the law the customary to are aa men such Mussolini I Lenin, a dragnet over a wide terd o c tr nes of and Hitter. Religion has a totally spread from the forest lakeland of ritory Henry A. Wallace biases kind of significance to northern Wisconsin, wrere Dllhn-ge- r A fine of 4100 waa economics and the survival of the different imposed tofrom what it bad tn the sixand ba mob escaped alter a day by Federal Judge Tillman D. attest evolution. Also, one of my dav teenth At to that it time century. In battle y, sanguinary Johnson in the first Uquor case college friends Interested me dominated the political and eco- central Minnesota. yesteid to be brought into Utah under tbe reading so ins pamphlets by Ralph Policeman Shot U. S. revenue laws. Judge JohnWaldo Trine, one of which was en- nomic world to an extent beyond present The gang was believed to ha son seldom, if ever. Imposed fines titled. Thoughts Are Things. Like From day comprehension. tha fourteenth or Ped to a in SL In hideout century Paul men all young (or violation of the prohibition partially trained the Popes became inter- Chicago or found sanctuary some- law, which wag repealed December science. I became rather skeptt i onward, for a time. More and more I felt ested in collecting Increasing sums where in the northern wilderness 5. of tram the ecclesiastical money In in Chicago, gunmen speeding the necessity (or believing to a The fine, today wa4 Imposed on God. Immanent as well as trans- Jurisdictions tn the dlfferi t coun- an automobile resembling Dillin-ger'- William Henning, who pleaded Tha Church of Rome beescape car shot down a mo- guilty to the concealment of 20 cendent About tha time I attend- tries. ed a Roman Catholic service and came more and mors a law court torcycle policeman. Chicago au- gallons of liquor in a car near was greatly impressed by the de- with an activity in many i ys thorities launched a thorough Logan on March 7 to defraud the votional attitude of all present I startlingly like that of Washington search for tbe outlaws t'.roughout U. A of the revenue tax. Henning had an instinctive feeling that I today. Job hnntens congregated their territory. changed his plea from not guilty and various kinds of people , NATIONAL were Authorities this following a to guilty in the courtroom also, would ilka to genuflect to there, K. H. F-cross myself, and remote quietly interested to special privileges cold trail wear Park Falls. Wla. morning after Judge Johnson had and other rulers entered today in an effort to locate five dismissed the first count of the k setter after tbe conclusion of Princes Brookljro .000 Oxx xxx Into audeal with armed special men, Diillnger gang suspapal charging the transporta- Boston ...Oil 3xx xx tha mass, la silent adoration. Some thorities. And thus It came te pass pects, who stopped here shortly tion of untaxed liquor. He waa com. Beck, Manna and Lopez; Frank-hooyeans later I studied, rather superin that six- after midnight for gasoline and mitted to the county Jail when the the of and Hogan. early days Aristotebe tbe to sure, ficially. teenth information many of thoe sought lian logic as developed by 8t most century, concerning he failed to pay the fine. V. J. err to become Protestants paved roads egg R.KR Thomas Aquinas, and used by the Rappleye, Indicted with Henning, New fork 200 4xx xxx The men appeared first at the will be tried in Ogden. Jesuits and other neoscholastic were those who were chiefly too Sxx xix Pbll churchmen In support of ths pres- thinking of devising some scheme Orchid Tavern and ordered Peer to get out of paying so much mon- from Robert Sarntng. the bartend-e- . Schumacher and Richards; A ent Roman Catholic position. Ona of the quintet attempted DEAN OF HARVARD Moore, Hansen and Wilson- ey to Rome. At a time when both Unfortunately. I found 'that In- the German people and the Ger to catch the news dispatches on DIES IN MILWAUKEE tellectual studies of this sort tend- man princes were R. H. E. the radio. Ali appear4 nervous. becoming ed to destroy for me the spiritual St. Louis .010 Oxx xxx said. about uneasy money Sarntng baaut- - of the mass. Far some rea which was 24 MILWAUKEE. (AP) Pittsburgh 000 Ixx xxx April being sent to Rome, the They drove to a nearby garago Le Baron KUssett non ths scholastic method of reasBricks. 72. Walker and V. Davis; Mrlne and Auguatinian monk. Luther, who and ordered gasoline end oil from Dean Harvard of oning. as applied to. religious mat, wan birth a preacher and "teacher Elmer Hofferiy. andrfeitman, university the attendant torn has tha same effect on me as at the former president of Radcliffe colSees of Machine University Gen Wittenberg, a closely reasoned Calvin is tic ser Posted In Latin his famous died at home his R. H. E. the of lege. today Ninety-fiv- e Hofferly said the men kept n Theses. spotlight trained in his eyas dur daughter, Lucia Russell Briggs, Cincinnati sxx xxx xxx president of Milwaukee Downer iChirago . xxx xxx xxx Luther waa purely academic in his approach, but the propositions (Cononned On Page 2 Colmun I) college. His death resulted from a I Vance and OFsrrell; Bush and heart aliment. Hartnett. which he stated Indicated that he had a grave i uestlon aa to wbeth er the Roman church had certain powers which it bad bean claim ing from a commercial point of vibw during the preceding two Keyaor suggested a formal hundred yeans. Hi propositions do motion or ordinance banning Ona man was shot In the back not seem to any way exciting lice mee within 330 feet of any contest News begins Starting tomorrow Luther at that time vaa a re and another waa raptured this afor park playground. for all it reader in which it will pay 4)0 each week for monk and not - refor- - ternoon by Detective W. W. GrifIn Mayor Louis Marcus Bald spectable fin connection with the attemptand ba was greatly surprised several weeks for the best menu of a dinner that can be tha practice had bean to infer er, to see the enormous demand from ed ante of a stolen- fox fur piece. prepared for five persons at a total coet of not more than, Ths wounded man escaped in applications te tho public safethe German people for his These one dollar. the park white Griffin was arrestty department and vote only reprinted to the German lingusge on than presented. He Each week tbe contest wilt open on Wednesday, and Luther's Barnestnsai ing a com wanton. Ben Garcia, 23 that Commleeienar of Tomorrow; The fur piece, which waa stolen e wilL elose the followios Tuesday midmuht. - Entries Conviction. almply-eefreln from Knight to after midnight of Tuesdav will be placed in the fCopyright, 1924, Round Table from Mrs. Winifred Monte, of 11(9 bringing op applications for Fourth East street, waa recovered. Press. lnc.r distributed t - United next week's contest. Results will be annminred earh Friday. Itconacs near ,the parka and Griffin had been trailing two Features Syndicate. Inc.) men who were reported trying to . on the woman's page. First prize will be 45 second prize, play grounds and tha commisI 43, and third and fourth prizes, respectively. I each. sen a fur when he saw Gareia and sioner agreed to this eolation. TO STUDY IN ENGLAND Bo far aa tha present LONDON, Ha called-upon April- - 34. (INS) jtbo other man. lo eonerrond, it was InPrincess Frederica, 17 year eld them to halt. Both started to run. -dicated. holders of city conof former Kais- Griffin shot. Tho one man threw randdanghter cessions may not sell beer and er Wilhelm of Germany- - win ba un hte hands veiled and grasped APPEAR OX TODAY'S WOMAN'S PAGE , thetr competitor will be in tbe educated to England, U waa leant' his back. Griffin grabbed Garcia same position. , but the wounded man lied, d y f Baclc-sea- A st New-bou- STATESMANSHIP ACTION and TAKEN at BY ROOSEVELT RELIGION ON s 1 ... v I -- by-pu- mps - ' DILLINGER poverty-stricke- HIDING LIQUOR COSTS BIG FINE I Mnl-ca- hy xxx 1 fairs . xxx ua xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx FLAMES RAZE SPRINGVILLE DISTILLERY By Staff 6orraspondent xxx SPRINGVILLE, xxx Utah. April Tho xxx xxx -- xxx sxx FUGITIVE SHOT BY S.L OFFICER $10 For Your Menus to-da- The-Deser- nug-geet- Utah-com- 1 -- RULES FOR THE CONTEST 1 tsvwsratgsK-iv-- '.r 1 342 000 Springvilie 24 Commer- cial Alcohol plant was destroyed by fire, tha 41.900,999 , Springvifle-Mapleto- n Sugar company factory, to which tha Utah-IdaSugar company Is a heavy stockholder, waa-Iimminent danger.-wnona man, Lynn Knight. 27. of Spring-vill- a. waa probably critically burned. (t noon hers today. A series of explosions to the tower of the plant, from alcohol fumes and drums of alcohol, set tha structure afire. Flames wars still roaring at ths time of this report. 1:20 p.m. and explosions from ths alcohol could bo hoard regularly. As each drum of alcohol exploded, flames were shot forty te fifty feet to the air. The alcohol plant te nituateJ af roar of the sugar factoiy. which baa bean closed. The other building waa to serious danger. Alt fire appartana available, and volunteer firs fighters, were keeping steady sti earns of water flowing on it lo an attempt to aave It.- -, The explosion, which started tha fire, occured before 1J o clock, setting firs to the upper part of tbe building. The other ex plosions started following to succession. and tha Bnurqin-Ffarr- i,. cellar. The structure was aw infer of flames and will be a complete lose, observers said. Thy plant waa owned by the alcohol comp ho d fl-- et f . - them-Bale- anti-crim- Gty Outlaws Beer Sales Near Parks, Playgrounds Without any ordinance or motion, the city pommteriou -today outlawed tbe ml or boor . adjacent to city - parks and play grounds. Tha qaesttoo of tho sale of In boor Liberty perk, tho first application to eoaio up. was settled when tho application was withdrawn white under . sdvteetnent, Today tha matter of grant- tag licenses adjacent to parks r and play gronnda wsa almost before the commission, when Commtaatoner John M. Knight said a application for- -' a license oo Thirteenth Booth.-- n crons tha afreet fromlJberty park, most be disposed of. ' Commissioner Georgs D. w . . UNIFIED TAX ss WASHINGTON. (D-N- Ti WASHINGTON. iS'. Support of Recovery Asked by President n Fred Everetts Beattie. 242.922 92. (Continued V)n Page 2 Column 2) (AP) Leaders today abandoned plans to obtain Immediate House approval of a new, temporary airmail bill. Chairman Mead of the House postoffice committee said Marconi to Give 'Surprise tbe bill which tenders had planned to put through the House this weak LONDON. April 24 (INS) British scientists today speculated bad Included two major objectives permit competitive bidding for W ths nature of the surprise airmail contracts. and create a speRecovery which Gugllelmo famous Italian inventor of the cial commission to-- atndy And detrirelena. has promised to make termine upon a federal aviation " poitey. publle shortly. a T hops to surprise you to year or two. Marconi told the Daily Mall, just as I surprised yon u 1101 with transmission be Atlantic. Power Control Dropped ii7 M " aa : af KvH Metal by -'- Holders Contains president, Or by the chief clerk to the administrative assistant to the administrator of the ham Big Banks and egg code. Any life was better than BY NATHAN ROBERTSON . death. (Associated Press Staff Writer) But those days are gone for WASHINGTON. April 24 (AP) ever. The "forever" that, will Two members of a committee aodura until we art confrontwhich gave a dinner at r local ed with another great national hotel last night for members of . Crisis. Congress InlereMed to ths stiver The United States ia not ont were disclosed today in a af the depression woods. Bat question report to the Senate to havs Interfolks think they are near to silver through their comests enough the clearing that they panies. are shouting: It wont bo long A report from Secy. Morgeathan BOW. to the Senate showed , that the It does not matter that 10.090.eee Continental Can Co., of New fork, men are still out of work; that bolds 200,004.23 ounces and Harcannot obtain credit: that ries Vase. New fork commisand (Continued On Pago f Column T) sion merchants, a fntnra long contract for 25.00k ounces Robert M. Harries, president af the latter concern, and Cart Conway, chairman of the board of Continental Can, wero members of the committee which gave the dinner night to which members of Famed Rock Doomed the Senate sliver bloc and House members were Invited. AMERICAN PORK, April filUst. The containing the first m provament work on the road In group of big silver holders, inAmerican Fork canyon haa reach- cluded the names of many big ed the well known Hanging Rock. banka and corpor-tion- s. but faw The construction af tbs nsw road of significance. mkes it nsesssary to rsmovs tbs William political J. Bryan, Jr, of Lot giant rock that haa Mood as a Angeles. Calif, was Bated a i lent witneea to the many cara-va- ia 100.000 ounces. , . of people la search or scenic Many of ths names on the Ust beauty. The fact that tbs road appeared, however, to be dummies as It aow la at this point makes and Morgan than suggested to the Maaago of vehicles difficult as well Senate it might hare to make Its dangerous. Its removal marks own investigation to And nil the another step taken to provide com facta fort for travelers thst seek the Another familiar name was that scenic beauty of American Fork of Stuyveeant Fish, of New fork canyon. City, who was listed for three long The road when completed will future positions on July 5. July 12. be one of tbe meet modern scenic and May 0, with Hubbard Brothers and Callaway Fish sad Co. Tbe highways in tbe elate. year was not given. Bank Holdings Large Treasury Aide Named Some of the brger bank holdWASHINGTON. April 24 f AP) ings in ounces included: Bank of Manhattan. New fork. Preaidant Roosevelt todav nominated Thomas Jefferson Coottdge II.ei 3.759.24. Chase National Bank. N, T of Massachusetts to bo undersecretary of the treasury. Commercial National Bank and Co. New fork. 1.197.591.44. Would Enlarge Park Trout Fiduciary Trust Co., New fork. WASHINGTON. April 24 (AP) 524,419.21. A 20.000 acre addition to the Guaranty Trust Co, New Tork. trend Teton National park In 4,909.900. hill The list was requested by the Wyoming la proposed in a which Senator Nye ia pre- Senate In an effort to learn wbeth er thera was undue speculation in paring for introduction. The measure would authorize the tbe metal to affect the price. covernment to accept tbe land Some of the brger Individual from John D. Rockefeller. Jr. in' holdings listed In ounces wera: 'e rest a which own large sections in Elvira W. Beaaon. Miami Beach. !hi Jackson Hots country, adja- Fla.. 370.990.04. cent to Gran Teton. Edwin B. Bruch. Chicago. 200. the Senator Sent Wires Greets Delegates T o Annual Sessions It a" IN CRISIS City Commissioner Cot UnderWay 'f r as the country thought it was ASKS AID Affairs at State Federation Meeting 111 long Part in Public GOVERNOR 2 J |