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Show II CHICAGO GRAIN j ', i CHICAGO. Jan. 28. Indications , that railroad traffic difficulties east of i Chicago had grown worse, tended to-j day to weaken the corn market. I L was said that temporarily no new per-i mits for grain shipments would be is- j f ucd. Lower quotations on hogs had l & a further depressing effect and so. j jSj likewise, did continued downturns in, jSr foreign exchange. The opening, which j F varied from the samo as yesterday's i ; finish to V-c lower, with May 1.35 lo 1 35 and July ?1.32V to 1.32c,j were followed by a slight rally but then by a fresh setback. Oats descended with corn. After' opening unchanged to a shade higher, including May at S3 to So&c, the market mar-ket cased off. Provisions were dull and easier. The chief influence was the weakness of grain and hogs. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, Jan. 2S Open High Low Close Cora Jan. $1,45 145 1.44 V, 1.44 Vi May 1.35 1.35 '1.34- 1.35 July 1.32 Vz 1.32 1.32 1.32 Oats-May Oats-May .S3 .S3V6 ,S2 .S2 July .75 .75 .7514 .75Vt Pork Jan 39.40 30.25 39.25 May 39.25 39.25 3S.S5 3S.S5 Lard-May Lard-May 23.95 24.00 23.45 23.45 July 24.35 24:35 23.S0 23.S0 Ribs-May Ribs-May 20.50 20.50 20.30 20.30 July 20.S7 20.72 20-72 CASH SALES. CHICAGO, Jan. 2S. Corn No. 2 mixed mix-ed not quoted; No, 3 mixed -51.4S; No. 2 yellow not quoted; No. 3 yellow $1.4$Vu'1.49. - - - I Oats No. 2 white SSV6S9c; No. 3 white SSJiSSc. Rye No. 2 ?1.CG. Barley $l.381.52. Timothy seed 510.5014.50. Clover seed $45.00(5)5S.00. Pork nominal. Lard $22.80- Ribs 19. 00(&19. 50. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Jan. 28 Hogs Receipts 19.000; market 10 to 15c lower; bulk $15. 20(0)15. 50; top $15. GO; heavy ?15.00U)15.35; medium ?15.20g15.-45; ?15.20g15.-45; light $15.3515.G0; light weight 14 . 75'?7)15 . 40; heavy packing sows,' smooth, ?14.25tfM4.65; packing sows, rough, S14.00li.25; pigs 13.75(5)14.-75. 13.75(5)14.-75. ' j Cattle Receipts 1000; market! firm; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. 15.10 17.50; medium 11 .50-15.50; com-jmon com-jmon 9.5015.50; light weight, good and choice $13.0001G.25; common and medium $9. 00(g) 3. 00; butcher 'cattle, heifers. G.S513.75: cows G.-7512.50; G.-7512.50; canners and cutters 5.G5 (5'G.75; veal calves ?18.0019.50; I feeder steers 8.00(12.25; stockers l?7.2510.S5. j Sheep Receipts 10,000; market firm; lambs, S4 pounds down, 19.50 (&2J.G0; culls and common 16.00(77) 19 00; ewes, medium, good and 'choice $10.75(0)13.50; culls and common 7.-00(510.50. -OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cuttle Receipts 209; choice heavy steers ?1012; good steers -S;10; fair steers SfifS; choice feeder steers ' ?8x9; choice cows and Jicitors $S((? 9; lair to good cows and hdfers $7 iS; cutters 5(ftG; canners $455; choice feedei- cows 67, fat bull.; 5 li7; l)ologua bulls 45; veal calves $10fjai. Hogs Receipts 949; choice fat hogs 175 to 250 lbs.. $14.0Q14.75; bulk ?14.2514.50; feeders ?9.5010.50. Sheep Receipts none; choice lambs 11.(01G; wethers 9Q11; fat ewes 78, feeder lambs $12)15. Shipments Glen Whitlock, Lexington, Lexing-ton, Nebraska, 2 loads of hogs; Glen j Whitlock, Gothenberg. Nebraska. 1 load hogs; Glen Whitlock, Uenman, Neo,. 1 load of hogs; Glen Whiliock, Shelton, Nob., 1 load hogs; G. Sweet-J en. Collinston, Utah. 1 load hogs; Gal-! lentine, Dodson and Young, Montpe-i lier, Idaho, 1 load cattle; O- A. Anderson, Ander-son, Delta, Utah, 1 load hogs; J. W. Waite, Logan, Utath, 1 car cattle and hogs; D. S. Bingham, Blackfoot, Idaho, 1 load cattle; Peck and Eldredge, Ma-lad, Ma-lad, Idaho, 1 load hogs; R. W. Hill-yard, Hill-yard, Smithfield. Utah. 1 load cattle; A. R. Babcock, Moore, Idaho, 1 load hogs and 1 load cattle and hogs; C. Miller, Tremonton, Utah, 1 load c.Utle; S. S. Peck, Garland, Utah, 1 load cattle. cat-tle. KANSAS 'CITY LIVESTOCK. OMAHA. Neb.. Jan. 2S. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 4500; market 20 to 25c lower; low-er; top 15.00; bulk 14 .75(fj14.90; heavy weight 14 .S015.00; medium weight 14.S515.00; light weight $14.7514.90; light light 14.5014.-75; 14.5014.-75; heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.-7014.S0; $14.-7014.S0; packing sows, rough, 14.-5014.70; 14.-5014.70; pigs $12.5014.50. Cattle Receipts S,800; killing grades steady to fifteen cents lower; stockers and feeders steady; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $15.2517.00; medium me-dium and good 12.0015.25: common com-mon and medium 9.0015.00; butcher butch-er cattle, heifers, 7. 25 13. 25; cows $7.0012.75; canners and cutters 5.-757.00; 5.-757.00; veal calves, light and handy weight, 14.0015.50; reedcr ateers ?8.U014.00; stockcr steers 7.50 11.75. j Sheep Receipts 12,500; market strong to - 25c higher; lambs, 81-pounds 81-pounds down. 19.0020.75; culls and common 15.001S.50; yearling wethers weth-ers $15.0019.50; ewes, modium and choice, 10.5012.25; culls and com-mon com-mon ?8.0010.50. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. .KANSAS CITY., Mo.. Jan. 28. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 10,000; market slow 25 lo 50c lower; bulk 14.8015.00; heavies $14.S515.00; mediums S14.-8015.15; S14.-8015.15; light 14 .7515.15; packing pack-ing sows ?13.7514.50; pigs 13.50 15.75. Cattle ReceipLs 9000; market (Steady to 25c higher; heavy beef ( steers, choice and prime. $15.2516.-1 $15.2516.-1 50 : mediums 11 .2515.25; good 10-i50g)11.25; 10-i50g)11.25; light weigh'l. good and choice. ?11.0016.00; common and medium 8. 25 11.00; butcher cat Lie, heifers, ?7.0013.75; cows ?G.25 12.25; canners and cutters 5.25 7.00; veal-calves 14 .007D1G.75; (ceding (ced-ing steers 8.25-012.50; stockcr steers fi.5010.90. Sheep Receits G000; market 25c higher; lambs 17.7521.00; culls and common $12.5017.50; yearling wethers 15.451S.00; ewes 10.G5 13.00; culls and common 5.2510.-35; 5.2510.-35; breeding ewes S.O014.50; leed-er leed-er lambs 15.2518.25. |