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Show TEAMS PLAY TIGHT First Half of Hoop Season to be Completed at the j Ogden High I The Commercial league basketball teams will clash again tonight at the high school gymnasium. At the con-elusion con-elusion of tonight's games, the season : will have been half completed. The first game tonight, between i Buchmlller-Kaplan and the Southern i Pacific teams, begins at 7:30. The j second game begins an hour later, bo- twecn the Never Kips and the Stand-: ard quints. Malcolm Watson and ; Clarence Douglas, coaches of Weber! ' normal and Ogden high, will officl- ate. The games tonight should be exciting. excit-ing. The first one is between the 1 league leaders and it will be nip and I tuck as to which is at the head of the list at the end of the game. The other ' game is between the two teams at ! the bottom of the list neither being above the others. The winner tonighi goes into the column thnt doesn't read j "percentage .000." i Winners at tonight's game will mix Ii with the Salt Lake and Logan teams j for state honors. Next week's games: Never Rips vs. Duchmiller-Kaplan and J Ogden Standard ve. Southern Pacific, i Standing of Teamc BUCHillLLER-KAPLAN CO. j G. Fg. Ft. Tp. Douglas, Ig 2 3 0 0 ; West, rg 1' 0 0 0 t Spires, c 1 1 0 2 j Hencry, c ...1 0 0 0 ' Cox, c 1 o 0 0 ,! Shrecvos, If 2 1 0 2 Cray, rf 2 5 1 1 Paine, Ig 1 y o 0 ,,j Bond, rg . 1 y o J Poxey, c ,...2 2 0 ! j Jefferics, If .. ..1 1 0 2 " 1 65 5 111 I NEVER RIPS. ! G. Fg. Ft." TP. ;i -'Chade, rf 2 22 5 -19 ' Lindsay, If y l u n 2S ,1 E. Wilkenson, c ....2 In 0 ' 30 , , Wiggins, rg 2 2 0 -1 ' R. Wilkinson, lg 2 3 '0 0 S .62 5 129 . I OGDEN STANDARD." , G. Fg. Ft. Tp. (ritchlow, If 2 12 0 21 i M'adscn, lf-c 2 10 0 20 Everetts, If :.l J 0 S .Lindsay, c 1 ! -0- S HIuss, c ,1 0 0 0 I Couch. Ig T..2 ' 2 1 5 'Richards, rg .....2 1 0- S Sleelo, Is ......... .".-. ...3' 1 0 2 37 . 1 75 SOUTHERN PACIFIC. ' G. 'Fg. Ft. Tp. Jenson, Ig ., ...I 3 0 ' C White, lg 2 0 0 0 Chilton, rg 2 1 0 2 Leishman, c 1 ' N-2 0 -I Mitchell, If v. 2 0 0 U Swainton, rf ..2 ' 3 ,2 S Andrews, c 1 0 0 ' 0 Burne. If '.). ' S 0. 6 jMulburn, rg 1 0 0 0 ! 12 2 26 |