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Show Active Trading w. Salt Lake Exchange (By J. A. Hogle & Comany) The trading this morning in mining slocks on the Salt Lake Exchange continued con-tinued very active with prices strong throughout the-market, excepting Eureka Eu-reka Lily and Emma Silver, the former for-mer opening at 34 cents and soiling off to 30M:. while the latter opened strong at 1G ccn.ts but sold off to 14 before the close, it closing with IIV2 cents bid and 15 cents asked. Tintlc Standard continued to climb Avith great strength, it changing hands as high as 7.05 and closed strong with 7.00 bid. New Quincy was very strong, it changing hands as high as 1 11 cents. Eureka Bullion brought 29 land 29 M: cent3. Sells went at 11 and 1 11 Vs cents. Norlh SLandard 3old from 1 12 to 13 cents and Woodlawn brought 1 22 cent s. ' - MINING STOCK PRICES. I Alia Con 15 .1G I Albion 15 .14'j American Con 05 . 05 vl Alia Tunnel 12 .J2V Big Hill '. 10 .10 Big Cottonwood OO'i .01 " Bullion 07Ji .08 ! Black Metals 13 .1-1 Columbus Rexall 57 j .59 Crown Point 071 .08 Colorado Con OSVij .09V Central Eureka 01 & .03 Cardiff 1.50 j 1.70 Dragon Con 12Vfe ,Dnly 2.30 3.00 East Crown Point 05 j .05 VI: East Tin. Coal 07 .07& East Tin. Con. HV6 -15 Eureka Mines HV21 -15 Eureka Lily 31 j .32 Eureka Bullion .. ... .29 .29M: Emma Silver .. .l-Pfc -3 5 Empire Mines 10 .lift Gold Chain .09 Gr.rnd Central 43 .50 Howell 07V6 .OS Irmi Blossom 35 .37 Iron King 41 & .42Vj jJudgc Mining 5.25 5.50 I Kennebec 21 .2V2 Keystone 1-00 1.07Vj I Leonora 0G .07 !Lehl Tintic 22 .21 M:iy Day 0GV6 -07 Miller Hill 01' 02 Mammoth 45 1.00 Moscow 10 .12i ! Michigan-Utah 07 North Stan 12 ..12 New Quincy .11 1 Ohio Copper . . .15 jOpohongo .02 .03V; I Original Bannack .. . .00 .01 I PluUis ' -'52 .55 iPnnce Con 06 .97 iProvo 05 h. .0G 'Rico Argentino 01 Vt -03 I Rico Wellington 09 'Sells .11 iSil- King Coal'n 2.45 2.50 !Sil. King Con 2.00 2.05 Sioux Con.. .-i.vntfcfl5yt - .0G :Soulh Hccla ;. '. "3.27 1.35 South Standard . .6 .27 j Silver Shield i. ,.52 .54 Ta.- Baby .QIV1' -0G iTiniic Central . .04 Tintic Standard . ... 7.00 7.10 Utah Cons 03 Uncle Sam ..03 .04 Victor .08 Wllbert '.05 OS 'West Toledo '.OS Id .10 I Walker 4,80 4.40 'Woodlawn ' .22 .23 Yankee 10 .11 Zuma 39 & .40 Beaver Copper 02 . .02 iNai Id river 1.00 1.07 1 OPENING GALES. ' Alta Con lOOOftflSVsO. i" Albion 2000(0)1-1 c. j American Con. Copper l000lyi c ; 1 3000 & 5c. I Alia Tunnel 100011 .c; 6000 1 12c. Big Hill 100010c. Bullion GOOOViC Beaver Copper 2000 2c. Cedar Talisman 3000(jplc. Columbus Rexall 155035Sc; G00(0' 57c. Crown Point 250f7Vc. East Tintic Coal. 1000t7c. Euroka Mines 500fi'15c. East Crown Point loOOS)5Vi c. Emma Silver lS.50016c; 1000 15M-C; G50015c: ISOOifpMc; 7500Q) lie. Eureka Lily 50034e: 50C0)33c; 100 tf32c; G0031c; 1000ft30c East Tinlic Con. 100015c. I Eureka Bullion 1000(29c; 500 29 Vic; 50 30c. Iron Blossom 400 35c. Judge Mining 200'ti5.25. Kennebec 1000 T;' 25c. Lehi Tintic 4 23c; 500)23c. 1 May Day 1500 7o. Michigan-Utah I000)7?ic. New Quincy 1000)10c; 4000"llc; 1000101Jc. North Sttandard 500)12c; G000) 12c; 50013c. Prince Con. 1009Sc; 50097c. Sells 500llc; 1000llc. Silver King Coal. 200)2.45. South Hecla 2001.30. Silver Shield 100)54c. Tar Baby 1000(?J)4c; 17004 c. Tintic Standard 3000)?7.00. 100 7.05. Zumn 100 10c. Woodlawu 600)22c. INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Bid Ask Araal. Sugar 1G.25$ 1G.75 Pref erred 107.00 JOS. 00 Cement Securities ... 119.00 121.00 Con. Wagon 120.00 J22.00 Utah-Idaho Sugar 10.15 10.30 Lion Coal G5.00 75.00 Lion Bonds 91.00 Mutual Creamery J1.00 Utah Construction 200.00 First Nat., Ogden 325.00 . Ogden Petroleum .10 Ogden Pck. & Prov 75.00 Plus interest. BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, Jan. 2S. Bar.Hilver $1.35. Mexican dollars $1.03. BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO, Jan. 2S. Butter lower; creamery 5059c. Eggi; lower; receipts 5325 cases; firsts 5S59c; ordinary firsts 50jo5j; at mark, cases included, 555Sc. ( Poultry alive higher; springs 32c; ! fowls 3Gc. j 1 POTATOES. j CHICAGO, Jan. 2S. Potatoes weak; ' arrivals 33 cars; northern whites $4.-: 504.55 cwt, in carloads; western ru-rals ru-rals $4.60 carlots; russets, jobbing. $5.75. LIBERTY BONDS. j NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Prices of Lib-! crty bonds at 2:55 p. in. today were: 3s 9S.90; first 4s 91.58; second is 90. GO; first 44s 91.90; second 4yts .91.06; third 4s 93. IS; fourth 44s 91.18: Victory 3v4s 98,24; Victorv, ls 9S.2G. - 00 |