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Show S I CANKOT STAND IDLE AS PEOPLES SUFFER WILS01TELLS GLASS I Secretary Told to Make An-other An-other Appeal to Congress for $150,000,000 Fund EXECUTIVE DECLARES HE REGRETS INACTION Moral and Material Chaos to Follow Refusal to Act, His Assertion WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Action by the house ways and means committee on Mr. Glass' request for authority to make the loans is expected in a few days. The secretary and other treasury officials appeared yesterday before the Republican steering com-mittee com-mittee to explain the neces-sity neces-sity for the loan and to dis-cuss dis-cuss the American financial IH situation generally, WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. President Wilson today asked Secretary Glass to make another appeal to congress for authority to loan S150,000,000 to Po-land, Po-land, Austria and Armenia to relieve their. desperate food situation. vM President Wilson's letter to Secrc-tary Secrc-tary Glass reads as follows: "With considerable regret I have noted from the press that congress is delaying the granting of authority for lfl the extension of prompt and generous relief to the stricken population of Europe, the urgency and importance of which in respect to Poland, Austria and Armenia, you have fully explained to the ways and means committee. Must Lend Aid ! It is unthinkable that we should jH withhold from those people who are in such mental and physical distress the assistane which can be rendered by making available on credit a small B proportion of our export surplus of IH food which would alleviate the situa-tion. situa-tion. While I am sure that you must have explained fully to the ways and means committee the appalling situa-tion situa-tion in those parts of Europe where men, women and children are now dying of starvation and the urgent nec-essity nec-essity for prompt assistance I beg of (tH you that you make another appeal to IH congress. 'H Need For Action "I am informed that through the published reports of hearings before the ways and means committee has now beqn furnished with incontrovert-ible incontrovert-ible facts showing the necessity for Immediate affirmative action. This IH prosperous republic ought not to beat jH any part of the responsibility for the moral and material chaos that may re-suit re-suit from an unwillingness on our part to aid those less fortunate than our- JjM selves. We cannot, merely to husband a small -proportion of our surplus-, .permit the happening of this great catastrophe." nn ! |