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Show Date Set For M. I. A. "Townsquare Frolic" Outing outstanding event in the sum-V sum-V activity program for the Stake B I V to e the Town Square Li, 'The date for the big event been set for Wednesday, June "The Town Square" will I city park, tabernacle and whins ofHce grounds, "Sf entire program will be free h the exception of the baseball e A full program for the af-Coon af-Coon and evening has been worked S,y the committee in charge. The Swtive committee, composed of Lnresentatives of the various clubs i organizations in the commun-7 commun-7 will assist the M. I. A. stake Seers in making the event out- ''STprogram of day Ut" toed will be as follows: 1- 00 to 3:00 p. m. Central league baseball game, Nephi vs. American Fork The local team has been nlayin" a splendid brand of ball lis 6eon and has not had the support of the community. It is toped that everyone will attend and help bring back this fine sport to the level that it was in years gone by. ... 2 - 00 p. m. Pet show, miniature parade and decorated bicycle parade. pa-rade. Every child in the community commun-ity is eligible to enter this event and prizes will be given for the best crated bicycles, baby carriages and wagons. Prizes will also be awarded for the most unique pets. 4:30 to 6:00 p. m. Sports. Children's Chil-dren's games, races and stunts will be under the direction of the Stake primary association who will conduct con-duct their weekly activity program at this time. During this same period the adults will be entertained under the direction of Grant Ingersoll, Inger-soll, city recreational leader. Adult sports will consist of a tug-of-war, races and other contests and matches. match-es. 6:00 to 7:00 p. m. Picnic Lunch-. Lunch-. eon on Grounds, Every family in the community is urged to bring quilts and spread their lunch on the grass of the various places provided. If possible free circus lemonade will be served to all who participate j in the picnic. During the time that : the meal is being eaten, wander-t wander-t tag minstrels will pass among the i crowd and entertain at the various : eating places. ! 7:00 to 8:30 p. fn. Program which j will be held at the band stand and ; will include community singing, outdoor dramatics and a stunts pro-j pro-j gram. The band will furnish enter -; talnment at the baseball game, pail pa-il rade and the evening program. 8:30 to 9:30. Campfire, Weinie Boast and Marshmallow Bake. This will be preceeded by a fire light-: light-: tag ceremony and a campfire story t and other entertainment will be arranged. 9:30 p. m. Taps, i Very strong committees have been ; selected to put over the various J events which will assure the success ,' f the occasion. The organization I as originally made will be as fol-j fol-j 1(ws: General chairman, C. A. ;! Grant; vice chairman, Stanley r Peters; vice chairwoman, Mrs. Han- nah Aydelotte; secretary, H. E. Mc- Niell. . Tlie central committee consists of V lhc blowing: M. I. A. stake offi- o. rs H. E. McNiell, representative : now the American Legion; Mrs. wah Monson, American Legion Auxiliary; Mrs. Edna Meredith, P,- ;:' A.; M. L. Baud, Lions club; -, fant Ingersoll, city; May Marsh, ( wke Primary association; Chief L- Pratt, firemen; Leonard I SR? Old Folks committee; K. J. s i Blrd, band. 1; , Jhe varius committees will be as with the first named chair-'": chair-'": Arrangements, H. E. McNiell, J Pett' wen Humphries; I PaTade muttee, M. L. pZ Edna Meredith, Stanley , STt f"" Adams. Mrs. Wil-am Wil-am Rotary Mrs. Myrtle Houston, aS'on MitCh6U' ms- Ad" Z ' Jf- May Greenwood, Mrs. n McDonald, Mrs. Hyrum Larson i i as rdent e Grant ward , Sports committee, Uo L ngerS0U' "HaP" Holmstead, i CaT Mar? Marsh, Mrs. JJJ Myers, Mrs. Merle Stewart, W anTk P1CniC enter" K, j B, and Music committee, iday H' fcy. Mrs. May cmZT commJttee from band; C m ff ng comttee, C. A. Cirlso'n 7?, MeI Cobley. Mrs. Eva fcl Mi Parir; Out- ii Sarmah 4 ' , Harnmond, Mrs. i2nl0tS Norman Wing- "rand- n ' Ml's' Me Sea-M Sea-M Reod6' Chlef IrvinS L. H Mrs w bmson. Hudson Gor- nsonT6! IVerSOtl- Mrs.S-ar- i rge w' Mlss Edith Thornton, ST' WaIkr: , muwee, Leonard Schoell, i I Lewis Steggell Afton Stiener, Ben Moffatt, Bert Christensen, David Strusburg, Lee Beck; Publicity, Eileen Ei-leen Ferguson, Francis Foster, Ray Shelley, Miss Edith Walker. The committees will meet on Wednesday Wed-nesday evening of each week and all are actively at work. It is hoped by the officers in charge that the entire community will catch the spirit of the occasion and cooperate in making this one of the outstanding outstand-ing events of the season, for fun and jollity. The complete program with all final details will be announced an-nounced next week. |