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Show Annual June Conference To Commence Friday er department, 3 p. m., Seventeenth ward; M. Men department, 2 p. m., Seventeenth ward; Explorers-Scouts department, 2 p. m., Ladies gym.; Junior girls, 2 p, m. Genealogical board room; Boy Scouts, 2 p. m, Y. W. M. I. A. board room; Beehive Bee-hive girls department, 2 p. m. Eighteenth Eigh-teenth ward. A general reception with all departments de-partments participating will be held in the Bee-hive house at 4:30 p. m. M. Men-Gleaner banquet, 5 p, m. at the Lion House. Church honor night program, tabernacle, tab-ernacle, 7:30 p, m. SUNDAY General testimony meeting in Assembly As-sembly hall at 8:30 a. m. Y. M. M. I. A. department session at 10 a. m, Barratt hall. Y. W. M. I. A. department session, 10 a, m. Assembly hall. Tabernacle general session at 2 p. m., under the direction of the First presidency. Youth conference and general session, 7:30 p. m. In the tabernacle. Dance Festival The dance festival will be held at Saltair Friday evening with, hundreds hun-dreds of couples demonstrating the M, I. A. dances for the year. A number of couples from Lehi will participate in this feature. o A large number of M- L A. and Primary workers are attending the annual June conference which began be-gan this morning (Friday) in Salt Lake City and which will continue through Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13. The M. I. A. will conduct a summer recreation institute insti-tute on Monday, June 14. General Superintendent George Q. Morris and General President Ruth May Fox will preside over the M. I. A. sessions assisted by their counselors counse-lors and members of the general boards. The Primary associations conference confer-ence sessions will be under the direction di-rection of General Superintendent May Anderson, assisted by her counselors, coun-selors, Isabelle S. Ross and Edith Hunter Lambert. The following meetings are scheduled sched-uled by the Primary association: FRIDAY General session at 10 a. m. in the tabernacle. Discussion of the needs of spiritual teachings as used in the Primary lessons, followed fol-lowed by response from adults and an address by one of the general authorities. Second general session at 2 p. m. in tabernacle. Development of spirituality spir-ituality through dramatization, literature liter-ature and music, dramatizations to be presented mainly by children. Principal address by Elder Stephen L. Richards of the council of the twelve. Special garden party for all visiting visit-ing officers and teachers on the lawn of the Children's hospital commencing com-mencing at 4 p. m. Friday evening the Primary association will participate partici-pate in the annual dance festival at Saltair by invitation of the general boards of the M. I, A. SATURDAY Breakfast at 7:30 a. m. on Roof Garden of Hotel Utah for all Primary Pri-mary stake superintendents. General session at 10 a. m. in tabernacle. tab-ernacle. The main address will be given by Elder Adam S. Bennion, General session at 2 p. m. in tabernacle. taber-nacle. Participating in this program pro-gram will be President Bishop Sylvester Syl-vester Q. Cannon and Oscar A. Kirkham. The main address will be delivered by President J. Reuben Clark. Session at 4 p, m. in Barratt hall for stake superintendents. SUNDAY Testimony meeting at 8 a. m. in Barratt hall for all Primary workers, work-ers, followed by attendance at the tabernacle choir national broadcast at 9:30 in the tabernacle. Feature presentation: "Building for the Future," Fu-ture," at 11 a. m. in the tabernacle. Songs, stories and simple dramatics will be presented at this meeting by 500 children. President Heber J, Grant will speak at this meeting. Sessions of the M. I. A. conference confer-ence for the three days are as follows: fol-lows: FRIDAY, JUNE 11 Opening general sessions, Assembly Assem-bly hall at 9 a. m., under the direction direc-tion of General Superintendent Morris Mor-ris and General President Ruth May Fox. President Grant will be the principal speaker on the program. pro-gram. It will also include two dramatic dra-matic presentations and a discussion discus-sion of the theme. Educational meets in recreation will be held from 2 to 4 p. m. as follows: Music, Lion House; drama, Assembly hall; dancing, Smith Memorial Me-morial building; speech and story, Genealogical board room; literature and travel, fourth floor of the Bishop's Bish-op's building. Departmental conference, 2. p. m. as follows: M. Men and Gleaner conference, Barratt hall. Explorers and Scouts section, Ladles gym of the Dcseret gymnasium; Bee-hive girls, Eighteenth ward chapel, Second Sec-ond avenue and A. street. SATURDAY General session at 9 a. m. in Assembly As-sembly hall. Special discussion of Leadership in the class room and the assembly program. Community Activity committee meeting, 10:30 a. m. In Assembly hall. Educational meets in Teaching Methods, to be held at 10:40 a. m. as follows: Adult-Senior departments, fourth floor of Eishop's building; M. Men-Gleaner Men-Gleaner department, Barratt hall; Junior department, Genealogical board room, Smith Memorial building; build-ing; Explorers, Ladies gym.; Scouts, Y. W. M. M. I, board room; Beehive Bee-hive department, Eighteenth ward, Second avenue and G. street. Departmental sessions as follows: Executive department, 2 p. m. Assembly As-sembly hall; Era department, 2 p. m. general board room; Community Commun-ity Activity department, 2 p. m., Barratt Bar-ratt hall; Adult department, 2 p. m., Hotel Utah; Senior department, 2 p. m., fourth floor Bishop's build-in!?; build-in!?; M. Men-Gleaner department, ' 2 p. m., Seventeenth ward chapel, 141 West First South street; Glean- |