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Show finest and little known scenery in -the state is located on this river and the trip is not dangerous. Now comes Harry Aleson, well-known well-known explorer and riverman who is well acquainted with the Colorado, Colo-rado, and says that this spring he will attempt to "sail up the river" against the current from Lees Ferry Fer-ry to Hite, a feat that looks impossible im-possible and never before proposed. pro-posed. Aleson claims that the trip is a natural; that powerful winds travel trav-el up the river gorge strong enough to move a light sail boat up stream. "Should the breeze occasionally fail, "I'll do like any sailor would do wait for a favorable wind," he said. In support of his theory, Aleson pointed out that Lewis and Clark sailed up the Missouri in 1804 in canoes and dugouts fitted with sails. j EXPLORER PLANS I TRIP UP COLORADO RIVER One of the most fascinating river riv-er trips in the world is from Hite in Garfield county down the Colorado Colo-rado to Lees Ferry, Arizona, a distance dis-tance of 162 miles. Some of the |