Show Monument Caravan to Complete Trip Sunday 1 I The five day program of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association association association asso asso- which began Wednesday when officials and other Salt Lakers inter interested ted in the work left for a trip into Wyoming to dedicate monuments and arid markers along thc the old Mormon trail will be brought to a close Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day and the group will return Mon Mon- day Headed by George Albert Smith president t f of f th the utah utah- association SS members and representatives of the Young Mens Men's and Young Ladles Ladles' Mutual Mu Mu- loal Improvement associations of the I L. L D. D S. S church have carried on a forceful program during the week I It will be climaxed Sunday when Fort Bridger State Historical park will be dedicated and a tablet placed on theold Theold the theold old Mormon walL The Utah group will join the Wyoming Historical Landmarks as association and citizens in the thc celebration A monument was unveiled and dedIcated dedicated ded Saturday at Little Sandy creek where Jim Bridger is said to have offered 1000 for the thc first bushel of corn raised in Salt Lake valley after he advised the thc pioneers not to enter the thc valley Mr Smith wilLbe principal speaker Sunda Sunday |