Show Brain frain of Average Child of Six Is IsSize IsSize Size of Adults Adult's Scientists Find Growth Croth of Organ Is Not Uniform But Rhythmic in Process By RAY BLACK United Press Staff Correspondent CHICAGO June 24 The 24 The br brain n of almost any child o of 6 is equal to tue ic size of the brain of ot almost any adult dult the thc American Association for lor foric forthe the ic Advancement of Science was told today by Professor T. T WIngate Todd and nd Y T. T Loo of Western Reserve uni- uni If the child had the same accumulations lations o of experience and learning it would be bc as intelligent as the adult dult the scientists found tion ion of ot the brains of 39 children lug ng in age from the newly born infant in- in font ant to 6 years The body requires about 20 years to o reach adult size but the brain only 4 to 6 years the the- scientists re re- re ported At 6 years ears the brain has the ic mental capacity of the adult but that hat capacity has not yet been transformed transformed trans- trans formed into learning A study of the brains of children chil- chil dren ren shows that growth is not uniform uniform uni- uni form orm but rhythmic The parts of the he cerebrum covering vision and hearing earing are practically at the limit ot of f growth at the end of the first year ear The area where memories are stored ored and the area for learning grow vigorously soon after birth and show the he greatest changes by the thc age of 2 2 The area lrea for attention and concentration con- con shows some in n t the e latter part of the first year but jut the most between the ages of 2 and 6 The area for speech grows most at about the age of 2 After a child is 6 growth is slow 1 with a peak at 10 years and nd a gradual final development after fter 16 A comparison of or cranial capa capacities at various ages follows 1 1 year year year- 50 cubic centimeters 2 years 1000 cubic centimeters 4 years 1300 cubic 20 years 1500 cubic cen- cen Professor Wingate said brain tudy is s possible only after af ter death of ot the subject Studies on the brains o of those lose who died of disease is misleading mis mis- leading since the tissue wastes away in n illness SS The brains described in inis his is tests were from children who died suddenly Considerable variation was found in brain size of children o of the same age ge Those with the best bodily health and the greatest apparent advancement advancement ad- ad were found usually to have ave the largest brains Some children children chil- chil dren ren scarcely more than 4 years old had ad brains as large as grownups a |