Show and WOmen's Clubs ft Tea I George Harris Smith and md ander er Mi Mw Mis- Smith Smiths will willi i at a tea on Wednesday from ill v 6 p.-m. p. p. p m. m at their home on Laurel 17 Federal Heights honoring Mrs JennIngs of Los Angeles who ding seyer several l weeks in Salt Salte e x and aad Mrs Harold E. E Radd lz a from froma a three weeks weeks' Kt t tirL In La Jolla CaL CalI with Mr and andt t E E. E J. J who have spent winter inter there Mrs Eunice Band R. R K e and daughter Betty have havee Jolla to the remain remain- e eto to La spend ol the summer at the Ra et JW- JW nna Eaton t tent nt Daughters of ofen ion on en Veterans will hold a picnic at park at 1 p. p in Dr t. t and Mrs R R. R W. W Robinson of worth Utah and Dr and Mrs of Nephi will return 1 from rom a motor trip to Mutee Mil Mil- tee ee where they attended the vil ical 1 association meeting They attended the tle Century of exposition in Chicago Dr andI and I- I Ware will wll visit j it th the James blee lae Ine and toward sami- sami in fa Murray for a few days and Mrs Robinson will visit the theP P P. P Robinsons and L. L M. M N Salt Lake and will be home home by their small daughter irb r ara ra Jean who has spent two eki U With her grandparents Mr A f Mrs Nottage and Mr and Mrs I bInion Dr r. r and Mrs J. J T. T Worlton Wonton Mrs H H. Sessions and Miss Helen Worl- Worl will leave the latter part of the ek for Chicago where they will end ed the Century of Progress cx- cx and will visit with Mr and andL a. a L Louis Louis' C. C Burgener In EV Evanston ois Mrs MIS Burgener was former- former Miss Patricia Worlton Wonton beather esther Sewing Ving club will meet at erty park Wednesday at 1 p. p m. m a I box luncheon dies idles idles' dies dies' auxiliary to the Veteran Firemen's association will wUl willet et for day all-day quilting Thursday Hi Mrs Solomon Angell Angeli Coats Coats- t avenue p Anna tAnna club will meet Monday I p p. p m. m with Mrs R. R T. T Mit Mitchell h ll av avenue Sphinx x club will meet with Mrs tel d Green 2229 South Main street I at p. p m. m l' l z JS jego go Lily camp No R. R N of vill give the third in the series card parti parties Thursday at 2 p. p m m. Maccabee halL haiL lf The e regular meeting o of Naomi Re- Re I kab lodge lodie No I 1 will be held cu n I at 8 p. p m. m at I. I O. O O. O F. F WL MIL Examination of orti officers rs will ill be Wd c cI I i r Lake stake stake Relief ReUf society Y V. JILL A. A. A c will hold its annual j vi moth- moth r and daughters' daughters j outing at Sal Saltair lr J ia June 29 A program has been arM ar- ar M ed 1 Companions of p Needle dle Art will fiet Met Thursday at p. p m. m no with Irs rs H. H W. W 1430 Stratford L. L The he e Sigma Phi chapter of th thc Del Del- ia society met in the supper room roon the hotel on Saturday ke e a 24 at to honor their past resident ident Mrs C. C P. P Dutton Dr Pearl Nail Nelson presented Mrs Dutton Dutto All the honorary reward of the Past residents Jewel from the thc Nati National society Mrs Mary Good Good- ch gave a talk on the thc meaning lUhe th e Delphian insignia Mrs Elsie gave a resume of the Lite Begins at Forty Musi- Musi were given by Mrs E. E Janney tt I. Mr and Mrs David A. A Affleck and M Miss Mary Mory Affleck left re- re for New York City where whre they Hi W visit Mr and and Mrs Affleck's son don B. B Affleck They will visit in City Washington D. D C. C Phil Phil- lephia Cincinnati and at the Cen Cen- yot of Progress exposition In Chito Chi Chi- to before returning home art art- i Ed Edgar a Young Yo ng leaves eaves Wednes San Sari Francisco where he will wil B accompanied by his daughters lilt M I Harriet Young and Miss Eleaf Elea Elea- f If e Young and Miss MaI Mary ii Harriet Young and Miss sail nil July 1 for a visit in and Mr Young and Miss 1 I noT will go by boat to Los Las An An- I where Miss Eleanor will spend J Visits Portland I I I e- e 1 I I I d I 4 I t f i II 4 Mrs rJ Agnes Anu M. M Ben Bess grand rand Inner hini r s sentinel Neighbors of Woodcraft who le leaves Sunday for Portland Ore are where she abe will attend the grand rand dr circle cir dr- d cle c sessions June JUDe 27 to July 3 |