Show Business Groups Told To Organize Forces Business groups which have not ye yet or organized should do so at once for their own protection W. W W. W Schultz o Washington D D. D C. C special C special traveling representative of ot the United States chamber of commerce said Saturday during a brief visit here hereen en route to San Francisco Cod Codes of ethics should be drawn up in order that national organizations lions may be bc advised of conditions that prevail in various localities he pointed out Contrary to some opinions the na national national na- na industrial recovery act do donot does not apply solely to interstate and foreIgn foreign for for- eign elga commerce but butto to intrastate com corn merce as wen well Mr Schultz asserted and regulatory offices will be set setup up in each federal r reserve erve district in the near future Mr Schultz complimented the thc Sali Salt Sal Lake chamber of commerce for its Initiative in organization of trade as as- It is a matter of record in Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington that the thc Salt Lake chi chamber chamberis is one of the first affiliated organizations of the national chamber that has taken steps to promote better bus burl ness conditions through formation of trade trad groups ho he said Mr Schultz conferred with local loca chamber officials following his arrival nr ar ar- ar rival here Friday night and left early Saturday for the Pacific coast t |