Show Auditor Begins Examining County Officials Officials' Books AMERICAN FALLS FAL Idaho Aud Awl ting LUng the county couty treasurers treasurer's books book was was started this thi week by R. R H. H Leach assisted by Carl Riddle an and Mal Mai Dea- Dea ton all al of ot Pocatello and they are expected expected ex ex- to complete their examination of f the records of ot the office this week week Mrs Jennie Anderson who took over over the he office June 10 asked aked the county couty board for an audit of ot the books bok of the theoffice office offie and ad it was granted Mrs Anderson has retained the service services services ser ser- ser ser- vices vice of Mrs Laura Hartley Hartey deputy under Mrs M. M S. S Stuat Stuart and ad is 1 also alo being beig assisted by Ed W. W Cronkhite Cronkite as a deputy |