Show Amateur Finds Ball Court Used By Ancient Race Discovery of a prehistoric ball court where I Mayan Y n athletes played their ancient version of the American national sport Is reported by WilHam WilHam William Wil Wil- Ham liam T. T Brougham of ot Marian Ind md who has just returned from explorations lions in Yucatan Mr Broughman who describes himself as a full fledged amateur in archaeology reported the find at Tulane university's department of ot I middle American research on arrival in New Orleans Officials of de department department department de- de said that the discovery af affords at- at fords Cords new proof of their conviction that the ball game was the Mayan national sport Mr Broughman made his dis discovery overy while wandering over ruins ruin of the ancient Mayan city of Kabah wh where re rehe he was able to trace the outline of ot the court well enough to be sure of its identity Ball games played with rubber balls baUs long before Europe heard of rubber were important events in the daliy life of ancient Mexico Early from Spain observed the thega g ga nes with eager interest and told of oti honors heaped on the most skilful of the Indian athletes |