Show Hay and Grain Cause I Spectacular Blaze A large wooden barn filled with hay and grain at 60 North Third West street was burning at 2 p. p m. m Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day with four companies of firemen attempting to extinguish the blaze Cause of the fire had not been determined determined de de- de Saturday afternoon but it was thought possible a grass fire south of the barn may have spread and Ignited the building The barn is 15 owned by Bailey Sons sons ha hay and grain dealers The building was valued at approximate approximate- ly iy y and the thc ha hay stored there was said to be worth about the same amount Dense clouds of smoke spread over an area a block in extent hampering firemen in their efforts to extinguish the blaze blare The first alarm was turned In at p. p m. m by neighbors A few minutes min mEn utes after aler firemen arrived Fire Chief Walter S. S Knight called ments |