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Show Weaning Dogs Properly It is pretty safe to say that the many thousands of puppies that die or develop rickets or malformed limbs before they are three months old would have grown into healthy dogs had they been properly weaned. No set time can be given as to when to wean puppies. This depends entirely upon the condition of the puppy to be weaned, but it is usually considered sometime between be-tween the ninth and the twelfth week. Many people consider it is all right to abruptly change from a milk diet to a diet composed entirely of solids. This is incorrect and the stomach rebels. The best way is to make the weaning a gradual process, proc-ess, when the puppies are three to five weeks old. This gradual supplementing sup-plementing should be done with any one of the nutritious and palatable milk foods on the market. Then gradually add more and more until at the complete weaning the puppy's stomach will be adjusted to receiving receiv-ing a more solid food. |