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Show LISTEN TO . . . BAUKHAGE The Nat'l Farm & Home Hour 10.30 each mcrnmg, Monday through Friday KUTA, Salt Lake at 570 KC and other NBC Blue Network Stations I t- X if U - s M ' fp, K - I tt - $ HOTEL BOISE, IDAHO Largest and finest hotel in Idaho. Two hundred beautifully beauti-fully appointed rooms. Only fireproof hotel in Boise. Located Lo-cated in heart of civic, governmental gov-ernmental and business district. dis-trict. EXCELLENT FOOD MODERATE RATES MANAGEMENT OF VIRGIL O. MC GEB SALT LAKE HOTELS Nice quiet rooms at $1.50 Well Furnished, close to everything1. Coffee Shop. Garage. NEW GRAND HOTEL, 4th Snulh and Main. HOTELS . When in RENO. NEVADA stop at the HOTEL GOLDEN Reno's largest and most popular hotel. PHOTO FINISHING Films Dev. & Printed 25c per roll. Mail to "Wasatch Studios, Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City. GIRL WANTED . "Country Girl for cooking and housework. References required. Box 1, Salt Lake . City, Utah MALE HELP WANTED ZVIEN, regardless of your present occupation or class of work, are you interested in sharing the profits of construction work and a good job ? Character and small investment required. Very attractive proposition prop-osition to a limited number. Write Construction) Con-struction) P. O. Box 15.r)5, Salt Lake City. OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, tiles, typewriters, adding men's, safes, bk-cases. S. L. DESK EX.. 35 W. Broadway. Salt Lake WATER SOFTENERS Hardest Water made soft as melted snow WITH A RAINIER WATER SOFTENER. 303 State, Clincer Supply Co.. S. L. C, Ut. DEALER FRANCHISES AVAILABLE CHEM'CAL ANALYSIS "Wheat tested for protein $1.00. Chemical analysis of Feeds, Fertilizers and Soils. PETERSON LABORATORIES 3955 So. S:ate. St. Salt Lake City. Utah ' TRUSSES FITTED Belts, Elastic Stockings, Crutches and Braces, Extension Shoes, Arch Supports, etc. Fit-Well Artificial Limb Co., 135 W. 3rd So.. Salt Lake BABY CHICKS Denver Hatched Blood Tested Chicks jf Leghorns $6.50 AA S7.45 AAA J 53.25; Heavies 7 15 AA S7.86 VSr AAA S?'25' A" Drepaid- For Sexed 1 Chicks write COLORADO HATCHERY Denver, Colorado WNU Week No. 4133 SALT LAKE r i Westminster College I SALT LAKE CITY J I" SCHOLARSHIP Character Education I CURRICULA Junior College General education X Pre-Law, Medic, Engineering Secretarial Science (2 yr.) " I" Pre-Nursing (2 yr.) A HIGH SCHOOL Last two years 9 c College Preparatory o 1 DORMITORIES DINING HALL I " The fun and art of living " I . together. ECONOMY OF EXPENSE Work Aid 1 FOR INFORMATION write to 4 President Robert D. Steele, D.D., 3 c Westminster College, o Salt Lake City, Utah. BB()-H!Eff.(WX ()-aT3.(-MBB(;.? V II . . . on Saturday night began E. (" z3 in early pioneer days as a V " 3 I frontier version of the ancient, t V'(W2?!?M 5 Old World jigs and reels. rr Wfj (I I 3 J KING EDWARD Cigars became 7', P4 1 the nation-wide favorite when the t" i- 3 t 1 a American public realized that this vl 1 ) big, mild, fine cigar was America's cr ' -rrfff'f'lH-k a I grcatcstsmoking bargain. Givcyour' rr7ffTf3 i lllli'flltyv a King ""jflp HAPPY RURAL HOME! NOW you can enjoy low-cost gas cooking, water heating and refrigeration refrig-eration the same clean and convenient con-venient service enjoyed by homes connected with the city gas mains. GOLDENE is manufactured by the WASATCH OIL REFINING CO. A safe liquid gas delivered to your premises in steel cylinders, ready for immediate use. For full details, contact ROCKY MOUNTAIN GAS CO. 1234 Beck St., Salt I'J.c City Dial 3-6674 H pill MW P?V- 'i S-'Zs Soil lakes I (.','.. 5 .".,' Newest f ; i -i !;i Prices Range from S100 lo S4.00 Single . f h ;-yr 200 rooms-radios for eviry room " jr.. - : ' 200 tile eatiis r Moiem ' ..S--. All West Fxp3;are Rcoms Air-Conditioned i Congo t ' hew $50 009 -rrrr' ert"e t ' v cofltt $HO? "' .;.-..,-. V S' 1 in iirr i-Trt-ii i 1 id mmr |