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Show Public Health Local Health officers reported a total of 98 cases of communicable communic-able diseases for the week ending August 8, 1941 This is 11 cases fewer than were reported for the previous week and 14 cases fewer few-er than were reportd for the corresponding cor-responding week in 1940. Sixteen of the twenty-nine counties in the State reported "no disease." One case of typhoid fever and one case of Rocky Mountain spotted spot-ted fever was reported from. Salt Lake City. Two cases of poliomyelitis (infantile (in-fantile paralysis) were reported: one case from Salt Lake City and one case from Utah County. This makes a total of 8 cases reported for 1941 as compared with 18 cases for the corresponding period in 1940. One case of tularemia was reported re-ported from Price, Utah. The probable source of infection was from sheep ticks. A total of 28 cases of tularemia have been reported re-ported since the first of the year 1941. One case of undulant fever was reported from Salt Lake County, making a total of 6 cases, reported report-ed from various sections of the State, in 1941. A case of contagious jaundice was reported from Tooele County. Other communicable diseases reported were as fillows: chicken-pox chicken-pox 15, influenza 1, measeles 10, mumps 7, pneumonia 3, scarlet fever 1, tuberculosis 2, whooping cough 33, and syphilis 5. |