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Show NYA Funds For Physical Year FISICAI, YEAR The National Youth (Adminsj tration appropriation for 194-fisical 194-fisical year in Utah will be $112, 050 for college and graduate students stu-dents and $53,040 for the high-school high-school and junior programs, a total of $165,090 for NYA students stu-dents aid to Utah. Students assistance as-sistance varies from $3 to $6 for highscool students to $30 for college col-lege students assigned to fulltime NYA residenc centers. Six months allocation of funds on the Out school NYA Work Program will be $191,520, divided !into $134,064 for part time youth labor (work experience) and $57, 456 for materials, shop equipment supervisory and administrative costs. The 1942 fisical year appropriation approp-riation for NYA in Utah has been reduced by $65,941 over the 1941 : fisical year in line with sharply j decreased Congressional appropriations approp-riations for all non-defense projects. pro-jects. During the fisical year just closed, $156,725 was allotted to college and graduate students by NYA, and $74,306 for the high-school high-school program, or $231,031 for Utah NYA student aid. These funds gave part time employment to 2119 college students, 30 graduates grad-uates students, and 3573 high-school high-school and junior high students. Of necessity a sharp curtailment curtail-ment will bemade in number of NYA assigneees in the highschool and college student aid programs. Assistance will, however, be spread to help as many as possible. pos-sible. All non-defense expenditures of the NYA Outschool program will be sharply cut. As far as possible, possi-ble, projects not receiving funds from the defense appropriations Actually will be giving defense work experience. For example, the completion of defense w-ork experience shop will come under the regular NYA Outschool Program, Pro-gram, as will clerical work for defense agencies. Few non-defense NYA projects will operate in the State of Utah. |