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Show As Z93G3, 15 cents, you receive accural cutting guide, yardages, and directions. Simple cross quilting is effective. Fot this pattern send your order to: AUNT MARTHA Box 166-W Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name Address mJy yEDDING RING TILE the V V very name of this patchwork quilt is intriguing. Thirty-two pieces of varied prints and plain colors make up its 18-inch blocks; 30 blocks and a three-inch border are required for 96 by 114 size. mmtm? . - ;- .. "... . - . ;:' -d'." t;'"" '" ;' ' ; ' v - i . ' . ' . ??r - i- ' j J Delicious way to get ill , ''y ; j. v jf , . Skimp any vitamin, and your health ; j jf "I j-i-- L: : tIS--:;: :r!-:--T--r:E-:-: - El 1 is bound to suffer. So make sure of vita- ji'MJ'- Ki-i mtn (You need it daily, since your 1 A V':bi body cannoc store it.) j. It's hard to get enough without v .' ;. ":. ; : abundant citrus fruits. But easy with .yz:$ oranges excellent, natural source! j :Eji: K!iiih:N:! M 0NH! E-N 1 J ; Eight ounces of the fresh juice sup- :":h::'-:;"::;!H:: 8 ' -.'l plies all you need each day to encourage ' y. radiant health! l '. $ It also helps you with vitamins A, V-::::"'i:;::;:;:fe";: j, . ;"' '. Bi and G; calcium and other minerals. X?;;-x:: , ' '"i So enjoy a BIG glass each morning . ; i Use trademarked Sunkist Oranges, the --'yy1 M ' rf , ; j finest from 14,000 cooperating grow- j i ers in California and Arizona. Best for t ' -. Juice and Every use! $ -v -A .yy-yyy-M:.y . l. , j r ..' :' J Copr. 1941, California Fruit Growers Exchange :;v ' f' , .1 j f , flcdda Hopper' Ilollvwood : y , I CBS, 6 15 PM, h D.S T Man., IFad., FrL ' ' . , I (j'u In SALt LAKE CITY '-Mb THE ---""MWIISE ! i MOTEL , . . . ; fj ChoiceofthcDiscriminatingTravclcr :: - , '-' " 403 ROOMS 400 BATHS ;: j Rates: $2.00 to $4.00 : j ' Our $200,000.00 remodeling and refurnishing program has ! made available the finest hotel accommodations in the j ; West AT OUR SAME POPULAR PRICES. CAFETERIA i'Z.VZ DINING ROOM BUFFET DINE DANCE a 2 7"a Beautiful WRS-J- H;Z:r-imzQR room : J. HOLMAN WATERSand W. ROSS SUTTON ? EVERY SATURDAY EVENING . i ' rf i i 4 I - ( v 1 UiLiJ V J ' ', . V. .? , ' You can depend on the special Bales mer- chants oi our town announce in coiuinng ot this paper. They mean money SLwin- to our readers. It always pays to patronize j merchants v.'ho advertise. They are not afraid of their merchandise or their prices. |