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Show To Present Operetta To climax their summer activities, activ-ities, the children of the Sugar House Ward Primary will pres-sent pres-sent the operetta, "Hansel and Gretel," Wednesday, August 27 at 8 p. m. It will be presented in the Ward Amusement Hall under the direction of Mrs. Leah Bond, and Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, accompanist. ac-companist. Preparation of the operetta has been a summer project. All stage properties, scenery, and most of the costumes have been made by the children under the supervision supervis-ion of their teachers. To give more children a chance to participate, different boys and girls are taking the roles in each of three acts. The cast includes: Carolyn Wood, Loraine Plowgian and Beverly Dallimare as the three Gretels. The three Hansels are Tommy Llwellyn, Richard Storrs, and Robert Page, Maralyn Storrs is the mother and Donald Faw-ies, Faw-ies, the father. The witch is played play-ed by Diane Dallimare. The Sand children are Joy Jarman and Jimmie Bond. The Dawn JCarren Joseph, Alberta Joseph, Maralyn Plowgian, Helen Milled, iNaoma. Noorda, and Doris Miller. Ronald Miller takes the part of a peasant boy. Girls from Home maker group are portraying the angels The peasant children and the gingerbread children are played: by children from the kindergarten kindergar-ten the oldest group, the Trail builders, inclusive. All Primary children are participating. m |