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Show a SUE KNOWS.., Cakes are EASIER to bake; biscuits are SO lishl and hot rolls are ALWAYS Rood when Clabber Girl is used... Vou pay less but use do more. nr-jTrf. ,,,, Vnph $M?0 r ANY FAMILY GROUP ti i. -v,Mr-n (mnrr'u'd or unmar-Aces unmar-Aces 1 to 73. Parents, A Mr-a imam IedicaTexamination bv mail snvos n.eitl a c rcmiUI1J notice entire family. m ' - " MAIL COITPON W&eff&i!8- insiwciion. Send no money I AJdress "Hsu7. 1 y " Largest and Best Located Hotel 100 0 ROOMS 1000 BATHS A $4.0 0 ONE PERSON $6.00 TWO PERSONS '.''. HOTEl M'ypf UNION SQUARE M III' W" iTtliil MANACtMENT '''' 'T y' DANE"l0ND0N nr' 1 Copt 1941 bni- ' .- . - 1 YOU'D FIND CMELS ' fm cmELS j ( MILDER. AND THERES yf TASrE so GRANP 1 LESS NICOTINE IN cool AND FULL ) f V THE SMOKE J A-, ' 1 OF FLAVOR V . , f' ', I : ' , " - , - : .-'", s , "I C i ' i : 4 TKE SMOKE CF SLOWER -BURNING CAMELS CONTAJNS 28 LESS IICOTIIIE than the average of the 4 other cr?!- largest-selling brands tested less than any of them according CivjffW to independent scientific tests ; of the smoke itself! USy il f, rA ! |