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Show ! KlGHT NOW, it's just good judgment to buy rf 3 f ' th the best. That's why motorists are equipping their a f ' ' , cars with the world's first and only tires that are J jii'V' Safti'Sured the new Firestone DeLuxe J VjTf $'$&J "Vl Champion Tires. They are Safti'Sured against J f f w'' t(i&p l blowouts by a new Safety-Lock Gum-Dipped cord J iff J V I body so amazingly strong, so remarkably cool y 1 S 2 &ff i running that excessive internal friction and heat ) S $ " yV ' cannot occur. They are Safti-Sured against ; j ) LLL 'iTi I 1 skidding by the remarkable Gear-Grip tread. And ftf they are Safti-Sured for longer mileage by the & i y LIBERAL J exclusive new Vitamic rubber compound. Q j jf Qyy Q jAf Call on your nearby Firestone dealer or store ' """"I before you start your Labor Day trip. With the -, ' J FOR YOURQCl liberal allowance he will give you for your old X ' j 1 $s.Qn TIRE f tires, you'll be surprised how little it costs to V y ' S. ."'VSv r i equip your car with a complete set of new t ' , TiT" Firestone DeLuxe Champion tires. ' VSiC'jT -- - .. .. . ......... . .... ,ir 11irir .... . - - IT'S NEW! f ri)?t)PfJ IT'S A MONEY-SAVER! ILW&lo There's no need to make e3Tfvt-w an expensive wheel change- I - V'ifh YOUR WOOD WHEEL overof your light farm trucks J y I If SSS;ads" & ;W ' WAGON CHANGED OVER ltrlrZ vVoV TO PNEUMATIC TIRES tough, rugged tires are V " y made of truck tire L, A 4 V FOR AS LITTLE AS materials to exacting jl, truck tire specifications ? 1 l3 passenger tire rims on I I ! J3 I r1 ICHm your Y2- and 1 ton " ' I A . 4 6.orJ-16 III OW'l trucks. What's more, s excisetax extra Vg these tires cost less! J - -, STANDARD iff f ' ..,..... R-ar1-" V ' 1 1 ZJ Z By Equipping Your Steel JyJ1' ' Wheeled Tractor with tV FIRESTONE GROUND GRIP TIRES J 'm& SAYS MR. EXTRA TRACTION!s pTZj Changeover to . s Firestone Ground n - i Grip Tires on 'iE; - Bite- your steel-wheeled f&&rsffi- .... . , r tractor.Yougetthe MWW't3y i f 'v" M EXTRA traction J PlmL . i from Firestone's " -'.jSS1' t ( l'1 continuous traction ,,. f J 4 I bar tread. You get 11-inch h- - O0 , i tire cross section and V- V - ' ' ,' f . flotation from a 9-inch tire ,. (1 FS ', through Firestone's W yT 3' m A ?V A "Wide-Base" rim V X "v fkt program. Here's the -y' iQOt economical way to better, T i more profitable farming. J! A 1 MR, EXTRA TRACTION "'.iw iiT'k4n' M tt. i GETS HIS NAME FROM THE oLlS s- j. . f, J , EXTRA TRACTION BAR LENGTH ; 'f'ipi , ' II ON EVERY FIRESTONE " Vi5jWAJ1 tO V W,,iJ WJL GROUND GRIP TIRE i. V , sXl TJXTT !"""" "' M" """ L ,,t .IJgal m mm amm Mjmmm mmSB BT Listen to the Voice of Firestone with Richard Crooks, Margaret Speaki and the Firestone Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Alfred Wollenstein. Monday evenings, over N. B. C. Red Network t r ; It h Not Too Late Begin this fitii" story to- ' day. There is still lira. |